# 85% of all the characters in the message must be letters or spaces50. The decrypted text is then passed to freqAnalysis.englishFreqMatchScore() to see how closely the frequency of the letters in decryptedText matches the letter frequency of regular English. The possibleKey value decrypts the ciphertext by calling vigenereCipher.decryptMessage() on line 170. 56. def getUsefulFactors(num): --snip-- 61. if num < 2: 62. return [] # Numbers less than 2 have no useful factors. The first line of this example shows an empty dictionary called spam. For example, foo['a new key'] = 'a string'. A couple of books teach beginners how to hack ciphers. NUM_MOST_FREQ_LETTERS = 4 # Attempt this many letters per subkey. We’ll explore how to use default arguments and calculate percentages in the following sections. “Privacy is an inherent human right, and a requirement for maintaining the human condition with dignity and respect.”—Bruce Schneier, cryptographer, 2006. Using this information, we’ll form strings from the ciphertext of the letters that have been encrypted by the same subkey. (No programming experience required!). Finally, the split() method on line 27 splits the string into individual words and stores them in a variable named possibleWords. But as they say, no real codes were broken in the making of this book. As you learned in Chapter 5, constants are variables whose values should never be changed after they’re set. Open a new file editor window by selecting File▸New File. LETTERS_AND_SPACE = UPPERLETTERS + UPPERLETTERS.lower() + ' \t\n'12.13. ... What is interesting is the way that some of the surrounding tools are explained, in particular the use of a dictionary to detect when a code has been broken. This suggests that the key used for this ciphertext is 13 letters long. In this tutorial, you will write a simple Python script that tries to crack a zip file's password using dictionary attack.. We will be using Python's built-in zipfile module, and the third-party tqdm library for quickly printing progress bars: Line 55 combines these values into an expression using the and operator: 55. return wordsMatch and lettersMatch. However, passing end='' ➋ or end='XYZ' ➌ replaces the usual newline character, so subsequent print() calls are not displayed on a new line. Keep in mind that dictionary files and dictionary values are completely different concepts that just happen to have similar names. 11. Note that, as with lists, variables don’t store dictionary values; instead, they store references to dictionaries. You can see that 42 divided by 0 results in a ZeroDivisionError and a message explaining what went wrong. Then when we enter eggs, it returns the only value stored in this list, which is 'hovercraft'. # Use i + 1 so the first letter is not called the "0th" letter:181. print('Possible letters for letter %s of the key: ' % (i + 1), end='')182. for freqScore in allFreqScores[i]:183. print('%s ' % freqScore[0], end='')184. print() # Print a newline. 20. if hackedMessage != None: 21. print('Copying hacked message to clipboard:') 22. print(hackedMessage) 23. pyperclip.copy(hackedMessage) 24. else: 25. print('Failed to hack encryption.') Instead, the second most likely or third most likely letter might be the right subkey letter. As you can imagine, this can be a big problem, but there is a work-around. Proceed to next step. After creating an empty list named eggs, we can enter eggs.append ('hovercraft') to add the string value 'hovercraft' to this list. Line 47’s def statement has three parameters, with default arguments of 20 and 85 provided for wordPercentage and letterPercentage, respectively. Brute- forcing key length...')245. for keyLength in range(1, MAX_KEY_LENGTH + 1):246. We can’t just pass itertools.product() a list of the potential subkey letters, because the function creates combinations of the same values and each of the subkeys will probably have different potential letters. The seqFactors parameter on line 81 takes a dictionary value created using the kasiskiExamination() function, which I’ll explain shortly. # Check with user to see if the decrypted key has been found:28. print()29. print('Possible encryption break:')30. print('Key ' + str(word) + ': ' + decryptedText[:100])31. print()32. print('Enter D for done, or just press Enter to continue breaking:')33. response = input('> ')34.35. if response.upper().startswith('D'):36. return decryptedText37.38. What for loop code would print the values in the following spam dictionary? The default arguments define what percent of the message string needs to be made up of real English words for isEnglish() to determine that message is an English string and what percent of the message needs to be made up of letters or spaces instead of numbers or punctuation marks. # By default, 20% of the words must exist in the dictionary file, and49. (Recall that the >= comparison operator evaluates expressions to a Boolean value.) If SILENT_MODE were set to True, the code in the if statement’s block would be skipped. After sorting the tuples in freqScores in reverse order, line 176 appends a list containing only the first three tuples, or the tuples with the three highest English frequency match scores, to allFreqScores. 50. # Found a repeated sequence: 47. if seq not in seqSpacings: 48. seqSpacings[seq] = [] # Initialize blank list. If the string in message is made up of integers, such as '12345', the call to removeNonLetters() would return a blank string, which split() would be called on to return an empty list. It’s always written without quotes and with a capital N. For example, say you had a variable named quizAnswer, which holds a user’s answer to a true-false pop quiz question. Python 3 program for dictionary attacks on password hashes Written by Dan Boxall, aka "apex123". However, there is one trick that makes the Vigenère cipher mathematically impossible to break, no matter how powerful your computer or how clever your hacking program is. For example, if the key was ROSEBUD with a length of 7, there would be 267, or 8,031,810,176, possible keys. However, lines 29 and 30 specifically check for this case and return 0.0 if the list is empty. For example, if we pass the 'PPQCAXQV...' example string as message, the findRepeatSequenceSpacings() function would return {'VRA': [8, 24, 32], 'AZU': [48], 'YBN': [8]}. - Code (and hack!) To find the ratio of English words to total words, we divide the number of matches we found by the total number of possibleWords. The detectEnglish.py program we’ll write in this chapter won’t run by itself. 60. The ciphertext is passed to the hackVigenere() function, which either returns the decrypted string if the hack is successful or the None value if the hack fails. You can download the dictionary file we’ll use for this book (which has more than 45,000 words) from https://www.nostarch.com/crackingcodes/. You can download this from 9. Lines 130 to 134 store the separate list of factors in allLikelyKeyLengths. Although we won’t use them in this program, let’s review some other functions that convert values into other data types. Line 52 calls removeNonLetters(message) to get a string of just the letter and space characters in message. The findRepeatSequencesSpacings() function accomplishes the first step of the Kasiski examination by locating all the repeated sequences of letters in the message string and counting the spacings between the sequences: 28. def findRepeatSequencesSpacings(message): --snip-- 33. Now that we have possible lengths of the Vigenère key, we can use this information to decrypt the message one subkey at a time. The next step is to repeat this process for the other three strings to find their most likely subkeys. Most likely, getEnglishCount() will return a float value between 0.0 and 1.0. If a certain number of the substrings are English words, we’ll identify that text as English. Today we will see a basic program which is basically a hint to brute force attack to crack passwords. If the hacking program fails to hack the ciphertext, try increasing this value and running the program again. If possibleWords is empty, it means the total number of words in possibleWords is 0. # Compile a list of seqLen-letter sequences found in the message: 37. seqSpacings = {} # Keys are sequences; values are lists of int spacings. This is why we don’t give detectEnglish.py a main() function. Brute- forcing key length...')245. for keyLength in range(1, MAX_KEY_LENGTH + 1):246. # sequence and the original sequence: 52. seqSpacings[seq].append(i - seqStart). You’ll also be able to use this module in the interactive shell to check whether an individual string is in English, as shown here: >>> import detectEnglish>>> detectEnglish.isEnglish('Is this sentence English text?')True. # (not punctuation or numbers).51. wordsMatch = getEnglishCount(message) * 100 >= wordPercentage52. Next, you’ll learn about the split() string method, which we’ll use to split our dictionary file into substrings. Then we would want to go to the next index, which is 1, and slice three characters to get the substring 'PQC'. '.split(), 'helloXXXworldXXXhowXXXareXXyou? The seqSpacings dictionary is returned from findRepeatSequencesSpacings() on line 53: Now that you’ve seen how the program performs the first step of the Kasiski examination by finding repeated sequences in the ciphertext and counting the number of letters between them, let’s look at how the program conducts the next step of the Kasiski examination. The tuples produced by itertools.product() each represent one key where the position in the tuple corresponds to the first index we access in allFreqScores, and the integers in the tuple represent the second index we access in allFreqScores. The key of factorCounts will be the factor, and the values associated with the keys will be the counts of those factors. The for loop on line 39 slices message into every possible substring of length seqLen. To calculate the percentage of English words in this string, you divide the number of English words by the total number of words and multiply the result by 100. Conversely, if you pass a set value to list(), it would return a list value version of the set. The len() function shows you the number of items in a list or the number of characters in a string. Because these values are tuples, we would need to access the first value in the tuple to get just the possible letter without its frequency match score value. # factorsByCount has a value like [(3, 497), (2, 487), ...].103. factorsByCount.append( (factor, factorCounts[factor]) ). (See “Getting Factors of Spacings” on page 283 for the reason why.) This is returned from the function findRepeatSequencesSpacings() as a dictionary with the sequence strings as its keys and a list with the spacings as integers as its values. The dictionaryFile.read() method call reads the entire file and returns it as one large string value. Previously, we used the transposition file cipher to encrypt and decrypt entire files, but we haven’t tried writing a brute-force program to hack the cipher yet. If successful, the program prints the hacked message to the screen and copies it to the clipboard. To see why, look at the message THEDOGANDTHECAT in Table 20-1 and try to encrypt it with the nine-letter key ABCDEFGHI and the three-letter key XYZ. The last part of the string, 'areXXyou? 29. if possibleWords == []:30. return 0.0 # No words at all, so return 0.0. Line 51 calculates the percentage of recognized English words in message by passing message to getEnglishCount(), which does the division and returns a float between 0.0 and 1.0: 51. wordsMatch = getEnglishCount(message) * 100 >= wordPercentage. spam = {'eggs': 'bacon'}print('bacon' in spam). # of these tuples so we can sort them: 97. factorsByCount = [] 98. for factor in factorCounts: 99. If ciphertext[i] is uppercase, the uppercase form of decryptedText[i] is appended to origCase. Starting with chapter 2, Python is used. 84. In other words, we need to brute-force 50 possible keys. In this case, line 62 returns the empty list because num would have had no useful factors if it were less than 2. Our isEnglish() function will consider a string English if at least 20 percent of the words exist in the dictionary file and 85 percent of the characters in the string are letters or spaces. # Vigenere Cipher Dictionary Hacker 2. # allFreqScores is a list of mostLikelyKeyLength number of lists.159. For the second step of getMostCommonFactors(), we need to sort the values in the factorCounts dictionary by their count. (A percentage is a number between 0 and 100 that shows how much of something is proportional to the total number of those things.) To try to address these problems, let’s look at a longer example in which we don’t know what the key is. # import detectEnglish 6.
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