', Some 10,000 hectares of land in Kutch is used for date palm cultivation. Vrundavan Nursery - Offering Tissue Culture Date Palm Plant, खजूर के पेड़, डेट पाम ट्री at Rs 3500/piece in Jamnagar, Gujarat. It is not just the farmers that have been benefited from the initiative even the end consumers are now getting dates much cheaper. As Kutch slowly began to turn into a hub for horticulture, it resulted in the markets being flooded with the products, which eventually drove down the prices, forcing the farmers to sell their crops at a very low price and it became unsustainable.Â. Two of my friends also joined in. One of the biggest challenges the farmers face is to the dates before they get damaged. Because of the droughts and falling water table, they had to innovate and that is how date palm cultivation began in Kutch," Praharsh Patel, a researcher with International Water Management Institute said. We invite you to visit our Nursery and Laboratory for more information and guidance. Get best price and read about company. Once they were graded, naturally the prices went up and seeing this more and more farmers are now reaching out to us," he added. GANDHINAGAR: Gujarat government is in the process of setting up a centre of excellence for post-harvest treatment of dates that would revolutionize the date palm cultivation in the state. Your Name. Date palm, known as “Kalpavriksh of Kutchh”, is an important fruit tree of arid and semi arid regions of the State (like Kutchh), due to its high tolerance to environmental stresses. Date Palm Farmers In Gujarat Have Come Together To Improve Their Lives And Product Quality, Play Cricket Quiz & Earn Upto 50,000 Coins Daily. h�b```�V�af`��0p|`�I\~�I�Q�&�8��u`a����3j!J]"6�Y -ۡ,�S��(�.>�3�Iq�3�I�|jV"�1]3�,V �%��A*:�Xd�2Δ��;�P9� F��"b�r�gxa�e�|��qPQ�����=�Z3�I��@C@A��� ����iF �0 �=� The date palm trees can tolerate cold winters, but with no frost and light rain. Productivity of Onion and Potato is highest in the country where productivity of Banana, pomegranate and sapota is 2nd highest in country. Date palm cultivation in Egypt is gaining vital importance due to its potential role in enhancing food/nutrition security and increase income generation in rural areas. That time , I came in contact with Atul Ltd, their Floras department is producing and supplying tissue culture date palm saplings. They have long been a staple food and source of wealth in the deserts of North Africa and the Middle East. Date palms can take 4 to 8 years after planting before they will bear fruit, and start producing viable yields for commercial harvest between 7 and 10 years. Several reasons including climate, water, cost of production, and market access have restricted it to a few regions across Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala, with Gujarat being the top producer. It is trying to increase the production of neera in the state by planting date palm trees, training of tapers. The IIT Kanpur graduate along with his friends Mukti Patel and Kapil Limbani founded Team Prayaas which is now working to develop a pilot marketing project for farmers of the region.Â, "After some convincing, the farmers came on board with the idea. Subscribe to Indiatimes and get handpicked updates based on your interests! The commercial cultivation of date palm (mainly seedling origin) in India occurs in the western border, especially in the Kutchh district of Gujarat with about 18286 ha. Get contact details and address| ID: 9870671291 We had to also teach them based on the processing in the fields itself. The trees are generally grown from shoots and the trees begin bearing fruit within 4 to 8 years. • The Kutch-Gujarat region produces the highest quantities of Date Palm fruits in India and has about 2 Million Date Palm trees. Several reasons including climate, water, cost of production, and market access have restricted it to a few regions across Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Kerala, with Gujarat being the top producer. With a view of datepalm cultivation adopting a tissue culture technology of this crop in Gujarat … Date palm, tree of the palm family (Arecaceae) cultivated for its sweet edible fruits. It was the middlemen and wholesalers that made the money. date palm farm and Centre Of Excellence for date palm in area of 98 ha. Wedding ceremonies aren’t complete without the customary offering of dates to guests. Date farming is in its nascent stage in south Gujarat at present. ... Sapota Cultivation Project Report (Chiku), Farming Guide. “In Maharashtra date cultivation doesn’t even come under horticulture and hence there is no subsidy. Tag: date palm cultivation in gujarat. Very soon, farmers would start getting lucrative returns on their date produce. "Kutch is an entire rain and groundwater-dependent region. He stressed upon the importance of dryland and tem- Pollination takes place at 95 degrees (35 C.) and fruits need dry, hot temperatures with warm nights. ��y�3��LP��ǀa MP@�{�Ch[x���(荆��7����A�l`mS��c6X�upRE�dC�e������}�_���/���[ZX�D_�]Z���e��#v��١�fGw����ݓ��τ��E�ih#��>}��.�G�� '��O��k��v�؁,�@~ sL?�Lp�Z;���R�,��j�wR%.X�߂���r�b��]�� ����n���W� ���� More training programmes need to be incorporated so that the farmers can be aware of ... Gujarat is located on the west coast of India with longest sea coast of 1600 km of the Arabian Sea. Home Tags Date palm cultivation in gujarat. India is the largest importer of dates in the world and for centuries it has had a place in the dining tables of Indian, especially during the festival season. Abstract. Patel who was doing on a research project there noticed this and with the help of a couple of friends, got the farmers onboard for a pilot project which helped the farmers to get their produce prices which they could have the only dreamed of. 05 Dec 2014. with a production of 171522 MT of Even in Gujarat, it has been restricted to the Kutch region, which has weather conditions suitable to grow it. Generally 4 to 5 male date palm plants are sufficient to pollinate 100 date palm female plants. In India, it is cultivated in 12493 hectares area in Kachchh district of Gujarat with a production of 85351tones per annum of doka stage fruits. endstream endobj 371 0 obj <>stream The initial step was to train the farmers to grade the dates based on their quality. Though the Kutch region in Gujarat, Punjab and Rajasthan are two major date-growing states, with Gujarat alone home to 2 million date palm trees, … But it only has a limited market scope. 394 0 obj <>stream The date palm trees can be planted anytime. GANDHINAGAR: Gujarat government is in the process of setting up a centre of excellence for post-harvest treatment of dates that would revolutionize the date palm cultivation in the state. Mature date palms can produce 150–300 lb (70–140 kg) of dates per harvest season. We dream of a Vidarbha that grows dates throughout its area. Date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) is one of the oldest fruit crops grown in the arid regions of the Arabian Peninsula, North Africa, and the Middle East.The most probable area of origin of the date palm was in or near what is now the country of Iraq, but date cultivation spread to many countries starting in ancient times. That is how we thought about value addition. Yield of Dates:- The date fruit yield depends on the variety grown and farm practices and other factors including soil and climate. "On average the farmers used to get around Rs 5-6 for a kilo of dates. Barhi dates being produced in Gujarat’s Kutch Gorasiya Farm prominent. endstream endobj 368 0 obj <>/Metadata 62 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 365 0 R/StructTreeRoot 83 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 369 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 370 0 obj <>stream at Sagra- Bhojaka, Jaisalmer and Govt. It is situated between 20°1’& 24°7’ North Latitude and We urge the Maharashtra government to give subsidy to these farmers like Rajasthan and Gujarat government. Our famous Desert Dates brand and Indus Valley brand were published on Freshplaza.com. it is also called as palm wine in india. • KCS is importing globally popular Tissue Culture Date Palm of Barhee and other fresh fruit varieties. Date palms require arid and semi-arid conditions in places with long, hot summers and little to no rainfall for growth. Generally 4 to 5 male date palm plants are sufficient to pollinate 100 date palm female plants. Date palm, tree of the palm family (Arecaceae) cultivated for its sweet edible fruits. GROW DATE PALM WITH US We multiply elite Kutch-Gujarat Varieties of Date Palm in our State Of Art Tissue Culture Laboratory. Hence, this study presents a detailed procedure to calculate water and land balances that assess the suitability for date palm cultivation in three districts of the West Bank. Get contact details and address| ID: 14163360073 Our barhi dates article was published in one of the china's biggest on-line fruit magazine. in Date palm as cultivation cost is about Rs. in especially in Kutch, Gujarat. We urge the Maharashtra government to give subsidy to these farmers like Rajasthan and Gujarat government. The Gujarat Neera and Tadpadarth Gramodyog Sangh established in 1991 has been trying to uplift the living standard of the tapers engaged in the production of Neera. Best Time For Dates Cultivation. 381 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<40AD4469A0CDE741807188220D6F9C7B><5C49720EBCF57D42B024DF8F4D31AD75>]/Index[367 28]/Info 366 0 R/Length 86/Prev 836274/Root 368 0 R/Size 395/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream State enjoys monopoly in processing of Isabgul. The average world wide application of N:P:K in date palm orchards. Dates grow large, up to 120 feet (36 m.) and can live for 100 years. Iran is major producer and exporter of dates. Unlike the imported dry dates, the dates produced in Kutch are raw and has a lesser shelf-life. Subscribe to Get Posts in E-Mail. During the meeting, five publications on date palm were released by Krishna Kumar (DPRS, SDAU), who also deliv-ered the inaugural address. There are no rivers and it is one of the aridest regions in India. established Govt. Here we were . A snowball sampling scheme (Goodman 1961; Dossa et al. 05 Dec 2014. “In Maharashtra date cultivation doesn’t even come under horticulture and hence there is no subsidy. Mechanized date palm farm, khara, Bikaner in area of 38 ha. All the farmers live with lots of self-respect and financial help. endstream endobj startxref And there are already many dates orchards established in Andhra Pradesh, Gujarat, … Starting a Goat Farming Business For Beginners. I searched entire India for the best source in Date Palm. They do not all ripen at the same time so several harvests are required. %%EOF 2015) was employed whereby in each settlement the first interviewed HH growing date palm, selected by a local guide, was requested to provide names and addresses of three other HHs in his locality that cultivated date palm.From these three names, one was randomly selected for the next interview. • KCS has identified the best elite cultivars from which Tissue Culture Date Palm plants are produced. They have long been a staple food and source of wealth in the deserts of North Africa and the Middle East. 3.00 lakh / ha. In India, currently many people are showing interest in commercial date farming. In addition, date palm cultivation generates considerable opportunities for rural employment, provides a major source of income for farmers and ensures livelihood and food security of the rural areas . Graziano da Silva told those attending the Khalifa Award that the consumption of dates has increased in Europe and the United States. Read about company. 367 0 obj <> endobj Dates have a long shelf life and may be eaten fresh or dried. Key result:- Area under date Palm cultivation is increasing every year and has reached up to 906 ha. Pollination takes place at 95 degrees (35 C.) and fruits need dry, hot temperatures with warm nights. In 2018, India imported dates worth $248.88 million from 40 countries around the world, with Pakistan, Iraq, United Arab Emirates, Iran, and Oman being the top exporters. Currently, we have developed around 15-16 high-nutritious recipes based on dates and we are also researching on its medicinal values. Date Palm Cultivation and Processing Detailed Project Reports, Project Reports, Feasibility Study Report and Business Plan Helps to Take Comprehensive look at most Important Fact of Business. Phoenix dactylifera, commonly known as date or date palm, is a flowering plant species in the palm family, Arecaceae, cultivated for its edible sweet fruit.Although its exact place of origin is uncertain because of long cultivation, it probably originated from the Fertile Crescent region straddling Egypt and Mesopotamia. We are also experimenting on the possibility of drying these dates," Patel said.Â. Date palm growing requires temperatures above 20 degrees Fahrenheit (-6 C.) to survive. So it has to be sold immediately before it gets rotten. In India, oil palm is being cultivated in 13 states by covering about 3,15,000 hectares by 2017-18 under irrigated conditions. %PDF-1.5 %���� Over several decades, the dates, commonly known as Kutchi kharek, have become an integral part of this landscape and culinary culture. Date cultivation is mainly concentrated in Arabic countries, Israel and Africa. But all the farmers used to get was on an average Rs 5-6 per kilo. A low relative humidity, absence of rain and hot temperatures with warm nights is required during flowering and fruit setting. Get latest info on Date Palm Trees, suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, traders, wholesale suppliers with Date Palm Trees prices for buying. Their production facilities are located in UK & have a big nursery of 25 acres in Jodhpur, Rajastan. "These dates are consumed raw, just like fruits. You can . Dates have a long shelf life and may be eaten fresh or dried. After tasting success with dates, Patel said now they are working to replicate the same with pomegranate and mangoes, which are also grown abundantly in the region. We support your plantation during the initial growth and advice you for right fertilizer, pesticides and complete crop management. Gujarat state is 1st in the production of Cumin, Fennel and Date palm, 2nd in production of Banana, Papaya and lime. Date palm is one of important crop of fruit crop of the world, while in India; its major area of production is present in the area adjoining western boundaries of the country.
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