Will buy more in the Future !!! Fast forward 3 years or so, I change my fish setup. It is also important to note Zebra Nerite Snails successfully raised in captivity have much shorter life spans. It is a highly popular snail for aquatic tanks because of its pretty colors and ability to clean up algae. Shrimp, Crayfish, Crabs, Snail Resources, Snails are awesome! S. Enright, Columbus, OH. 7. They are efficient cleaners and will leave the glass and substrate very clean. Sincerely, Diet [edit | edit source] This snail is a great algae eater. They are a community player and an excellent addition to any aquarium. They are pretty widespread in the Philippines and Indonesia. As with other species of Nerite snails, Zebra Nerite Snails are near impossible to breed in freshwater. When placing the snails in the tank, they have to be placed right side up or they will die. The life cycle of any animal is the period involving the succession of one generation to the next through reproduction. 1 to 2 years if not. The black and white strips occur due to the snail’s diet. Zebra Nerite Snails, however, are on the larger end of the size range and need supplemental food. Zebra Nerite Snails are the most popular species of freshwater Nerite snail in the aquarium hobby. Egg hatching. It can be easily housed in a home aquarium with multiple hideouts. Gestation period. Reach sexual maturity. Egg dropping. Most Nerites can sustain themselves so long as they have enough algae and bio-film to eat. Point is, these seem hardy snails that take a lot of beating. Sexing: Separate sexes, not hermaphroditic Minimum tank size: 40 l / 11 gallons with 10 l / 2.5 gallons per snail Temperature: 21 to 26 °C (70-79 °F) during summer and 16 to 20 °C (61-68 °F) in winter. I got a Zebra Nerite snail four days ago. Just got my snails today. Different nerite snails will grow to different sizes, but on average, they’re about 0.5 – 1 inch. I don't know the answer to your question, but wondered if I had zebra snail eggs on my driftwood as I have a lot of white spots on my driftwood too. The age of sexual maturity is variable from 6 weeks to 5 years, depending on species of snail. The coloring may vary – it can be black, dark brown, dark green, olive etc. The minute they were put back in the tank they sprung to life. To breed and have viable offspring, these snails need to be in slightly salty water. Nitrates should be as close to 0ppm as possible. Lifespan. COPYRIGHT (C) 2015 AQUARIUMINFO.ORG ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - PRIVACY POLICY | CONTACT, A GUIDE TO ZEBRA NERITE SNAILS CARING & BREEDING, Setting up the Aquarium - Basic FOWLR setup. The largest are zebra and tiger snails – their size is about 2.5 cm. They are fairly easy to find and can be picked up and placed back into the aquarium. Zebra Nerite Snails can be kept with other non aggressive shrimp, fish and snail species. Well, on Sunday I checked and saw a strip of his shell had come off his left side. Zebra Thorn/Horn Nerite Snails (Clithon corona/diadema) have shells with a beautiful black and yellow spiral pattern and a gleaming, glossy finish. They are not able to turn themselves around if they are on their backs. Feeding and diet. Copyright 2020 Elite Inverts Store. Zebra Nerite Snails for at least a year growing to a maximum size of 1". Zebra top shells are herbivores and scrape algae from the rock with a specialised rasping tongue called a radula. The Zebra Loach is a smaller loach that can reach from 3 - 4 inches (7.8 - 10 cm), though often a bit smaller in the aquarium.. Their life span is generally about 5 - 8 years, though they been reported to live for 15 or more years. This is generally seen as a bonus as these snails will not overpopulate your tank. All prices are in USD The majority of goldfish are not properly cared for and as a result, live only a few years. The process was very easy and efficient. A well-balanced Freshwater Snail diet consists of: 1. Temperatures must be tropical. While other Turbo species have simple top- or turban-shaped shells, the Zebra Striped boasts a stunning dark black shell striped in elegant waves of tan. Zebra nerites are eaceful, small and efficient, and are an excellent choice for algae control in a broad range of tanks. Be sure to place your snails into the tank in an upright position. Generally will not touch plants and will eat most types of algae. Life Span: 1.5-2 years Size: 1-2” Diet: Herbivore Habitat: Aquatic/tidal . Maximum size: 2.5 cm / 1 inch in diameter Life span: 1 to 3 years if kept cold for some weeks during winter. #2. Zebra Nerite Snails can simply be fed commercial flake and pellet food. Shells looked good. They adjusted to our tanks easily.. Sometimes their shells have stripes, spots, stains and the shells themselves may have kind of horns. They are extremely popular and can be found at most LFS. Zebra Nerite Snails prefer harder water as it aids in shell development. They are a community player and an excellent addition to any aquarium. Matt, I purchased 6 Rams Horn snails, 5 Olive and 4 Zebra Nerite snails from Elite Inverts and was completely satisfied with the transaction. Priority shipping came in 3 days, pretty good considering the holiday shipping rush is upon us. The optimum aquarium temperature for Zebra Nerite Snails is around 70°F - 80°F (21°C-27°C). Finally, do not flush them down the toilet or set them lose in the wild. Zebra Nerite Snails are sensitive to ammonia spikes and copper additives. Horned Nerite Snails have a short captive life of approximately one year. ), Used priority mail via USPS. 2 months ago. This is aided by the fact that there are so many different color variations, and this snail overall is hardier.. A native of the Asian Coast, the Zebra Striped Turbo Snail is easy to locate in crevices and holes of the reefs. They can be identified by their distinct black and gold stripes running from a point at it's shells tail. It is happiest in tropical waters and temperatures. 3. It is a highly popular snail for aquatic tanks because of its pretty colors and ability to … Zebra Nerite Snails consume debris contributing to lower nitrates but are sensitive to high nitrate levels. Zebra Snails live on intertidal rocky shores. For this reason it is wise to slowly re-purchase snails throughout the year as Horned Nerite Snails cannot reproduce in freshwater. Repro… It is happiest in tropical waters and temperatures. I also have a zebra nerite snail now for over 4 years now. The main reason that people add these snails to their tank is because they’re one of the best algae eaters around. ... – Zebra Loach. Assassin Snail by Johannes Tausch. In fact, nerite snails are widely believed to be the single best snail in the aquarium hobby for obliterating algae off of glass, rocks, live plants, driftwood, and other types of decoration… The Zebra Striped Turbo Snail, Turbo sp., is an algae-eating snail that features a top-shaped winding shell. Limestone chips placed in the filter can be used to harden water. Sitemap | Elite Inverts kept me well informed and packaged the snails very well to ensure their safe delivery. You may even try tiny bits of blanched cucumber slices or zucchini slices as a supplement.Unable to breed in their freshwater tanks, the Zebra Nerite Snail will most likely not propagate. The Zebra Striped Turbo Snail is a beautiful algae removing powerhouse. Keep any cooper items away from the snails. Even so, the lifespan of a wild zebra snail can vary, ranging from a few weeks to two years. I have not had any problems.They are doing fine. Salinity should be raised to 1.007 and confirmed using a salinity refractometer. These snails are gentle and spend most of their time looking for algae to eat (both in the wild and in captivity). The Zebra snail is found in south-eastern Australia from Townsville in Queensland to Geraldton in Western Australia. Came from the river Amazon where it inhabits all along the river. I ordered the zebra nerite snails. Raising young in freshwater is impossible and raising them in brackish water is very difficult. Shop all fish goldfish, betta & more online Nerite Snail Care | Planted Aquarium Snails We will discuss a type of snail that won't reproduce and over-populate your freshwater aquarium! Arrived in two days. They can also be kept in unheated aquariums and ponds at much lower temperatures. Algae wafers will supplement their food sources very well. Scientific Name : Turbo fluctuosa Common Names : Top Shell, Turban Snail Care Level : Easy, good for the saltwater aquarium beginner Life span : 1 - 2 years, sometimes slightly longer lived Size : Up to 2 inches (5 cm) pH : 8 - 8.4 Temperature : 72°F - 80°F (22°C - 27°C) Specific Gravity : 1.020 - 1.024 Origin / Habitat : Mexico Temperament / Behavior : Very peaceful Their size may vary depending on the kind, but is average size is about 2 cm. They were moving around within 10 minutes. SevenSeaSupply 6 Nerite Snails Combo Pack - 2 Tiger Nerite Snails, 2 Zebra Nerite Snails, 2 Horned Nerite Snails - Live Snails 3.9 out of 5 stars 44 $33.99 $ 33 . 4. I intend to make future purchases from this company and highly recommend them to any potential buyers. Successful breeding can happen in species only aquariums. He seemed to have a few white chips on the back of his shell (I didn't see until I had gotten him home from LPS). PetSmart Mixed Nerite Snail at PetSmart. 5. It’s impossible to describe their coloring clearly since there quite a lot of species. note: not all loaches are snail eaters. Unfortunately it is not uncommon for Tracked Nerite Snails to escape the aquarium. Distribution. Snails are happy and doing Great !! Very pretty snail. They are very susceptible to the toxicity of copper. This loach has a yellowish green … Completely docile, these little snails will become escape artists if they don’t like their surroundings or perhaps just want to explore other neighborhoods. In some cases Nerites die a week or two after being included in a container, with others from the same batch living around 2 years or more. They work hard to clean algae off of glass, plants, and decorations, they eat hair algae, and they keep your substrate clean and the correct color. Mating process. When it falls from the sides of the tank, it will dry out and die in time. Zebra Nerite Snails require pH between about 7 and 8. The average lifespan of a nerite snail is 1-2 years, but on occasion one will live longer. Click the button below to add the Zebra Nerite Snail - (qty 4) to your wish list. They cannot cling onto leaves in the tank because weight and gravity will displace them. Amie123. For this reason it is wise to stock no more than one snail for every 5 gallons of aquarium water. They do survive out of the water for quite some time so try to put them back into the tank first before you dispose of them. Spixi Snail care sheet. 7 is at the lower end of the spectrum and upon keeping Zebra Nerite Snails the pH should not drop below this value. Came with batting-style insulation and a heatpack which was completely used up by the time I opened the box. I add a group of Zebra Danios. This makes them favorable when compared to other snail species that can overpopulate in the aquarium. PH Range: 7-8.5Temperature Range: 65-84FHardness Range: 5-15DkhLife Span: 1.5-2 yearsSize: 1-2”Diet: HerbivoreHabitat: Aquatic/tidal. They are not fussy eaters. Temperature should be raised to 79°F (27°C) and substrate should be replaced with calcium rich chips. Zebra Nerite Snails will consume debris and surface algae from the glass and substrate surface. However, should not be kept with aggressive fish that may attack it such as Loaches or Pufferfish. It may still be alive and happy to be back where it belongs. Zebra Nerite Snails can grow to a sizeable 1" but are often bought and sold much smaller than this. No big deal, I thought it'd grow back. source: amazon.com The Nerite Snail life expectancy has to do with one year, offer or take. Other fish that live longer include loaches, such as the clown loach and weather loach , which often live 10 to 15 years. … Like other members of the Turbinidae family, the Zebra Striped Turbo Snail has a voracious appetite for algae. However in large numbers they will require extra food. A peaceful snail, will not bother tank inhabitants. Their origin seems to be in Southeast Asia. Many of these snails have adapted to live in freshwater so make perfect tankmates for your freshwater aquarium; they should live for 1-2 years and grow up to an inch. There have been a few breeders who actually were successful with getting eggs to hatch but the young hatchlings did not survive very long. Nerite Snails are a hardy species and they are adaptable to a range of water conditions. Hello! Physical Description, Size, & Lifespan. Tank Habitat Their versatility in the wild ensures that zebra nerite snails can live in just about any captive environment, so long as they are treated properly and all their needs are met. This can vary a bit based on a number of factors (including genetics), but most specimens end up … The zebra loach is renowned for its stripes that even cover the fins. They are not native species of the U.S. and it would be highly irresponsible to cause an upset in this ecosystem. We promise to never spam you, and just use your email address to identify you as a valid customer. Lifespan A typical Zebra Loach lifespan is around 10-15 years when given great care. While they aren’t exactly picky when it comes to their scavenging, this is what they’ve become known for in the aquarist community. The Zebra Snail is a herbivore, scraping algae off rocks with its raspy tongue or radula. Nerite Snail care is pretty easy and straightforward. Since they are tropical creatures, half of the globe can be ruled out as the original habitat. Best of any of the vendors we have tried. This snail loves to be in clean water. Zebra Nerite Snails won't reproduce in freshwater. Once they climb out of the tank, they are able to survive for some time but they need water to keep them from drying out eventually. Yours is lucky to have lived this long, and with a bit more luck she could live even longer, seeing as she is still active and happy! They arrived in good condition with all four surviving. Born and develop. Do not medicate the tank as the medicine has copper in it. Zebra nerite snail and other kinds have rather short lifespan – about a year. answer. 2 Zebra Nerite Snails 2 Red Spotted Snails 2 Horned Snails Nerite Snails are one of the best algae eating tank cleaners around, and can be a great addition to a freshwater aquarium. Nerite snails (Neritina natalensis) are quickly becoming one of the favorite snails in the aquarium community.. In brief, the snail life cycle has the following steps: 1. In a pH less than 7 they may be somewhat compromised experiencing shell problems but will do well above pH 7. A lid on the tank will keep the snails inside the tank rather than outside. 2. They'll be fine for right now since nothing else is in my planted tank. Life Span: Approx. Relative water hardness for Zebra Nerite Snails should be in the range of 6-12dH. The assassin snail (Clea helena) is a freshwater snail belonging to the Buccinidae family.The term “whelk” is given to a few snail species from a variety of families, but the Buccinidae family contains the “true whelks”; a carnivorous group of snails. Thank You (Highs for the midwest were all near or sub-freezing during shipping. Typically feeds off algae and excessive food or debris in aquarium. The filter should be turned off during feeding to allow the food to float to the substrate where it is easily accessible for the Zebra Nerite Snails. Find a partner to mate. Sometimes they will consume boiled vegetables. Horned Nerite Snails can simply be fed commercial flake and pellet food. 1 year . Life span: 1-3 years: Color Form: Species-Dependent (huge variety of colors and patterns) Feeding. At certain times of the year the algae they eat contains a substance that causes colouration in the shell. As its name suggests its shell is dark black with intermittent tan stripes. The Nerites, of which the TriColor Horned Nerite Snail … If you find one outside the tank, put it back into the water and observe it. Zebra Nerite Snails can be kept with other non aggressive shrimp, fish and snail species. We will definitely order again. Zebra Nerite Snails will only reproduce in brackish salty water. There are many popular types of Nerite Snails available in pet stores today including: Zebra Nerite Snail, Tiger Nerite Snail, Olive Nerite Snail, Black Racer Nerite Snail And Horned Nerite Snail. Snails might, however, thrive alongside your fish in an aquarium with the right conditions. Can be supplemented with algae discs. Nerite snails are extremely popular for their unique patterns and colors, as well as their practical benefits. The Zebra Nerite Snail seems to have come from the Philippines or from Indonesia in general. Zebra Nerite Snails will consume debris and surface algae from the glass and substrate surface. Here is one of my Zebra Nerites grazing away on the tank glass. I would have liked an option to buy fewer since I have a small nano tank. Song:Eternal Bloom-An Endless Sporadic. Zebra Nerite Snails are known as a species of 'tidal snail'. 6. Some time later the snails spread to Hawaii, South-West Asia and even Florida. This has an adult size of more than ten inches and a lifespan of above ten years. 99 Zebra Nerite Snails are known as a species of 'tidal snail'. I also have two zebra nerites, but I know they need brackish water to reproduce, and aside from residual salt … The Zebra Nerite Snail seems to have come from the Philippines or from Indonesia in general. Nerite snails came quickly, were well packaged and arrived in good condition. Website Terms & Conditions | Zebra Nerite Snails are excellent at consuming algae and organics. Zebra Nerite Snails rarely exceed 1" in size and are often found much smaller, around 1/3-1/2". These lovely little snails are great for adding some shine and sophistication to your aquarium, but they also serve some very useful purposes. 2. I'm very pleased with my order and will use Elite Inverts for future orders. The name comes from the ability of the snail to live out of the water for prolonged periods of time. It is encouraged to keep a daily eye on Tracked Nerite Snails. It displays a wonderful attitude of serenity to the observer. They are perhaps the best example of how poor habitat and care shortens the lifespan of aquarium fish. The average nerite snail lifespan is somewhere between one and two years. Zebra Nerite Snails sometimes need supplemental food if there is low organic matter and algae in the aquarium. The breeding process of snails has some unique features when compared to other land animals. In addition to the types of Nerite Snails listed above, there are sometimes snails in pet stores offered as: Brown Zebra Snails, Tracked Nerite Snails, Ruby Nerite Snails, Zebra Snails, Plain Zebra Snails, Marble Nerite Snails, and others. Slowly re-purchase Snails throughout the year the algae they eat contains a substance causes... Snail in the tank rather than outside a heatpack which was completely used up the. This value: 7-8.5Temperature range: 5-15DkhLife Span: 1.5-2 yearsSize: ”! Most LFS to two years properly cared for and as a result live... Above ten years to escape the aquarium beautiful black and yellow spiral pattern and a gleaming, finish... Of algae compromised experiencing shell problems but will do well above pH 7 it would be irresponsible! Snail for every 5 gallons of aquarium water put it back into the aquarium highly recommend them to any.! Up by the time i opened the box upon us put it back into the aquarium you, and snail. 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