Topic sentence: Each new paragraph should begin with a sentence designed to specify the contents of the paragraph and to keep the momentum of the essay moving. • They have a clear and direct connection with the main ideas. But the surviving material is extremely uneven; vital events in these centuries are treated with a slightness in striking contrast to the relatively detailed evidence for the preceding period - evidence, however, which is far from being contemporary. They do not represent the opinions of Without sufficient external and independent evidence wherewith to interpret in the light of history the internal features of the intricate narratives, any reconstruction would naturally be hazardous, and all attempts must invariably be considered in the light of the biblical evidence itself, the date of the Israelite exodus, and the external conditions. There was evidence of her reluctance to discuss some element of the accident. “The available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or valid.” This means that evidence is material which can be used to support an argument, claim, belief, or proposition. Supporting detailsprovide the information that supports the topic sentence. His petition to the king for a trial by his peers on this indictment was refused, and an attempt to prosecute the publishers of the false evidence in the king's bench was unsuccessful. He was trying to find incriminating evidence on Yancey. Understanding the topic, the gist, or the larger conceptual framework of a textbook chapter, an article, a paragraph, a sentence or a passage is a sophisticated reading task.Being able to draw conclusions, evaluate, and critically interpret articles or chapters is important for overall comprehension in college reading. All the evidence points to an accident. I need concrete evidence before I'm a believer and I don't see that on the horizon. 11 Reasons You Should Drink A Tbsp Of Apple Cider Vinegar Every Day. Supporting sentence pada paragraf di atas mendeskripsikan topik, berbagai manfaat kesehatan dari cuka apel. It is important to observe that in resting the fame of Pheidias upon the sculptures of the Parthenon we proceed with little evidence. The tradition that he was descended from Dr Rowland Taylor, Cranmer's chaplain, who suffered martyrdom under Mary, is grounded on the untrustworthy evidence of a certain Lady Wray, said to have been a granddaughter of Jeremy Taylor. Evidence of this is to be found in the altitudes of the stations on the Buenos Aires and Pacific railway running a little north of west across the pampas to Mendoza. It is clear from the evidence of the early Western liturgies that, for at least six centuries, the primitive conception of the nature of the Christian sacrifice remained. - With the immense expansion of the evidence, due to the Cretan excavations, a question has arisen how far the Aegean civilization, whose total duration covers at least three thousand years, can be regarded as one and continuous. Yet we have L'Herminier's evidence that Cuvier gave him every assistance. We got to leave room for important things like evidence. There is evidence, moreover, that the script and with it the indigenous language did not die out during this period, and that therefore the days of Hellenic settlement at Cnossus were not yet. 188. That he displayed considerable classical knowledge, was a good linguist, a ready and versatile writer of verse, and above all that he possessed an astounding memory, seems certain, not only from the evidence of men of his own time, but from the fact that even Joseph Scaliger (Prima Scaligerana, p. 58, 1669) speaks of his attainments with the highest praise. These laws, he added, exist in regard to all parts that offer characters fit for the methodical arrangement of birds, but it is in regard to the anterior palatal bone that they unquestionably offer the most evidence. 3 From Tema in north Arabia, also, there is monumental evidence of the 5th century B.C. The chief sources from which the story of the Cid is to be gathered are, first, the Latin chronicle discovered by Risco in the convent of San Isidro at Leon, proved by internal evidence to have been written before 1258; the Cronica General, composed by Alphonso X. Put your most important reasons first. Supporting evidence can be a summary, paraphrased or a direct quote. Baby Claire was often in evidence in our work place, sleeping on mother's arm or in her file cabinet remodeled crib, or supping on Martha's breast. supporting evidence in a sentence | Sentence examples by Cambridge Dictionary. Now, in 1794, there is evidence that Lamarck held doctrines which present a striking contrast to those which are to be found in the Philosophic zoologique, as the following passages show: " 685. But there is positive evidence that much of the north and east of Asia has been land since the Palaeozoic era, and it has been conclusively proved that the peninsula of India has never been beneath the sea since the Carboniferous period at least. We have no direct evidence as to the institutions of the Seleucid court in the 3rd century. Cuka apel (ACV) tidak dimasak, organik, tidak disaring, dan tidak dipasteuriasi memiliki banyak manfaat kesehatan yang mengesankan. In fact, so far as the direct evidence of our senses tells us, matter appears to be indefinitely divisible. Often it appears at (or near) the beginning of a paragraph, introducing the main idea and suggesting the direction that the paragraph will take. Stronger use of evidenceToday, Americans are too self-centered. Certain evidence which supports this view will be referred to later. This goal may seem hard to achieve. Other evidence allows us to link together the Kenites, Calebites and Danites in a tradition of some movement into Palestine, evidently quite distinct from the great invasion of Israelite tribes which predominates in the existing records. For instance, supportive sentences in a section improve, explain, and develop the central claim in the passage. This goal may seem hard to achieve. The true inwardness of this movement, its extent and its history, can hardly be recovered at present, but it is noteworthy that the evidence generally involves the Levites, an ecclesiastical body which underwent an extremely intricate development. In particular, supporting sentences should contain facts, examples, and details that relate to the topic sentence. Mesin yang melengkapi mobil anda membuat perbedaan yang besar terhadap tipe transmisi yang harus dipilih. There is evidence that Ungava, like the rest of Labrador, has risen several hundred feet since the Ice Age, marine beaches being found up to 700 ft. Its striated plumage also favours this view, as an evidence of permanent immaturity or generalization of form, since striped feathers are so often the earliest clothing of many of these birds, which only get rid of them at their first moult. An outburst of Jewish religious feeling is dated in the second year of Darius (520), but whether Judah was making a bold bid for independence or had received special favour for abstaining from the above revolts, external evidence alone can decide. They claim there's not enough evidence it's him. As your students become comfortable with using evidence to back up their answers, add more sentence stems or sentence starters for your students to choose from. In spite of all the evidence, Yancey still came out as a responsible adult. 8vo, 1867), strove to remedy, and to some extent did remedy, the grosser errors of the first, but enough still remain to make few statements in the work trustworthy unless corroborated by other evidence. After deciding which primary support points you will use as your topic sentences, you must add details to clarify and demonstrate each of those points. There is no evidence to show that they were in any way connected with any of the plots of the Commonwealth or Restoration periods. 54), Apocolocyntosis (" pumpkinification"), is evidence that, as early as Seneca's lifetime, apotheosis was in use for the recognition of a departed emperor as a god. Supporting sentence (atau body sentence) adalah kalimat yang mendukung atau mengembangkan ide yang diekspresikan oleh suatu topic sentence suatu paragraf. In some cases this may prove to be true, but in most evidence to that effect is wanting. 9. The internal evidence at present available comprises (i) Structures. His constructive theory comes at the end, and seems to argue thus: Since (i) there is no discoverable reason why we 3 Mansel's theism (or natural theology), and the revelation he believes in, seem both of them pure matters of assertion on his part, without evidence, or even in the teeth of the evidence as he conceives it. The archaeological evidence outside Crete points to the actual existence of Minoan plantations as far afield on one side as Sicily and on the other as the coast of Canaan. appears to be no evidence that it was a borough before this time. It could also be a sentence with multiple blanks for students to fill in. While furnishing - almost unconsciously, however - additional evidence for overthrowing that classification, there is, nevertheless, no attempt made to construct a better one; and the elaborate tables of dimensions, both absolute and proportional, suggestive as is the whole tendency of the author's observations, seem not to lead to any very practical result, though the systematist's need to look beneath the integument, even in parts that are so comparatively little hidden as birds' feet, is once more made beyond all question apparent. Which topic sentence best introduces the supporting evidence in this passage? What do you think some prosecuting attorney would say with this evidence? An essential component of constructing our research narratives is providing supporting evidence and examples. Professor Suess, to whom the above description is due, finds that the Mediterranean forms no exception to the rule in affording no evidence of elevation or depression within historic times; but it is noteworthy that its present basin is remarkable in Europe for its volcanic and seismic activity. There is evidence that the request was prompted by the king, and his consent was given as a matter of course. Providing Evidence Quick Check 3 of 5Items Item 3 Which is the best evidence to support the sentence? O The length of human intestines is better suited to digest food derived from plants than to digest meat. Just like a paper has a thesis statement followed by a body of supportive evidence, paragraphs have a topic or key sentence followed by several sentences of support or explanation.
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