Abiotic or non-living factors include sunlight, temperature,moisture, wind or water currents, soil type, and nutrient availability. When people polluted into the ocean, animals think it is food and they decide to eat it. Biotic factors are all the living things that effect the environment or ecosystem. There are many Abiotic Factors in the surface ecosystem such as ,the temperature, water movement, salinity, light, pressure and many more. There have been efforts to clean up the trash from the beaches and ocean to keep them clean but the trash still returns. Some of the mammals that live in the ocean are whales, seals, sea lions, dolphins, sharks, porpoises and walruses. There are many abiotic factors in the Pacific Ocean that influence an underwater organism's life. Saline oceans cover about 71% of the Earth’s surface and hold 97% of the planet’s water. You may not think about it, but ice is a major abiotic factor in the Arctic Ocean. ice. The coastal zone - the area of the ocean that is near land - has a number of factors that contribute to the continued survival of the delicate ecosystems within. The trash is a very harmful abiotic factor … In a marine ecosystem, abiotic factors would include salinity and ocean currents. Abiotic and biotic factors work together to create a unique ecosystem. An abiotic factor is a non-living part of an ecosystem that shapes its environment. It also has the attribute of depth, which affects the amount of sunlight that sea life receives. Abiotic Factors The significant abiotic factors of the Pacific Ocean are density, movement, nutrient availability, rainfall, salinity, sunlight, and temperature. Sunlight provides energy for many organisms. Biotic or living factors include plants, animals, fungi, algae, and bacteria. The ocean hosts some unique abiotic factors. Abiotic Factors are nonliving factors in an organisms habitat that interact with it. The oceans are home to around 230,000 species of organisms. Sunlight: The amount of sunlight organisms living in the Pacific Ocean is a crucial factor in their survival.Plants above ground use sunlight as the source of energy for photosynthesis.Producers underwater also need sunlight to carry out photosynthesis, and be the base of the food chain underwater. Notably, the ocean contains salt. Temperature The temperature changes as the water column goes deeper. Abiotic factors are the non-living things that affect an ecosystem. Learn more about abiotic factors with this curated resource collection. Abiotic Factors in the Ocean. And all of these factors affect the different organisms living in the ocean surface. Trash pollutes the beaches and ocean, which in the long run can kill the animals that live in the polluted habitats. The ocean can be miles deep, so this is important because the organisms that live in deeper waters have to find other ways to survive. The saltiness of the ocean is important for the animals living there. It is also very important to organisms that go through photosynthesis. Icebergs/Ice -These abiotic factos can pose obstruction to swimming in the Arctic Ocean, but can become a safe haven for prey trying to escape the grasp of a water-bound predator, like the orca, and allow other organisms like polar bears to hunt and a place to live The abiotic factors in the ocean factor into the coastal environment. *Salinity Salinity is the salt level and it is an important abiotic factor because it helps organisms make their shells and decreases the freezing point of the water so it doesn't freeze. Some examples of biotic features in the Atlantic Ocean are... ~Manatee ~Humpback Whale ~Sea Lion ~Atlantic Ghost Crab ~Catfish ~Starfish ~Algae ~Grey Atlantic Seal ~Green Sea Turtle ~Penguin ~Sand Dollars ~Shrimp ~Flounder ~Seaweed/Seagrass ~Stingray ~Coral Reefs In a terrestrial ecosystem, examples might include temperature, light, and water. The salinity of water is a measurement of the total ammount of dissolved salt in water, the global ocean average is … One of the major abiotic factors to any biome is the sun. Abiotic Factors - Unfortunately, there are too many abiotic factors in the ocean biome, that animals eat.Abiotic factors in the ocean are, cans, plastic, nets, oils, metal, etc.
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