(ed.2) 391. Habit: Herb Perennial herbs; stems herbaceous, prostrate, rooting at the nodes, pilose with short trichomes to glabrate. 307. 1988; Antony, Syst. 270. 175. Some medicinal properties have been reported from E. alsinoides and E. nummularius. Volvulopsis nummularius (L.) Roberty : Common names: Frequency: Status: Native: Description: Prostrate perennial with pubescent stems rooting at the nodes.Leaf lamina 5-20 mm, circular; apex obtuse; base cordate or truncate; petiole grooved above.Flowers solitary, axillary. Seeds brown to black. Agasthyamala 470. Palghat Dist. Customise filters (scroll to see full list) Taxon. Example: tree, shrubs, herbs. Capsule 3-4 mm across, globose. ), associated mostly to vertebrates. Scientific name Scientific name (unprocessed) Subspecies Species Genus Family Order Class Phylum Kingdom Identified to rank Name match metric Lifeform Common name (processed) Species subgroups Species interaction Scientific name (unprocessed) Subspecies Species Evolvulus nummularius is a widely used ethnomedicinal plant of North-East India. May be referred to as or include habit, defined as the characteristic mode of growth or occurrence associated to its environment, particularly for plants. Ovary 2-celled, styles 2 branched with 2 branches. Related Links. Flower(s) 1 or 2 per leaf axil. Synonyms: Convolvulus nummularius L. Evolvulus dichondroides Oliv. Can include ecosystem services. Hierarchy contributed by the species page author,
Accessed through GBIF data portal, GBIF Backbone Taxonomy, Default IBP taxonomic classification, based on Catalogue of Life. 1997; Sasidh., Fl. Common name. | Flowers white; herb sprawling. 2009; Ratheesh Narayanan, Fl. Names of Evolvulus Nummularius in various languages of the world are also given. Dr. Chandra Barooah & Iftikher Ahmed (2014) Assam Science Technology and Environment Council. Interpreting Wetland Status. Leaf lamina 5-20 mm, circular; apex obtuse; base cordate or truncate; petiole grooved above. Fl. & Mathew, Fl. 2 : 391 (1762); Bak.& Rendle in F.T.A. Forest plantations and degraded moist deciduous forests, also in the plains. Distribution notes: Exotic. 2016), while Evolvulus glomeratus Nees & Martius subsp. Kerala: All districts India: Assam, Odisha; Tropical America, Madagascar, Nepal, Native of Tropical America; naturalised in Africa and Indo-Malesia, State - Kerala, District/s: All Districts, | Evolvulus nummularius (L.) L.) that are used in Asian herbal medicine (Auddy et al. Calyx lobes 5, free, 2-3.5 mm long, ovate-lanceolate, acute, ciliate on margins. Common. Springer, New York, NY.RIS Flowers 1-2, in leaf-axils; pedicels slender 2-5 mm long. May also be referred to include anatomy. 2005; Sunil & Sivadasan, Fl. Found along the roadsides, wastelands and grass turfs from plains to 500m. Food. 260. Evolvulus nummularius (L.) L., a member of the Convolvulaceae, is native to Mexico and South America but nowadays grows around the world in many tropical and subtropical regions. 2003; Chen 2007; Khare 2007; Ayyanar and Ignacimuthu 2011; Naikawadi et al. Convolvulus nummularius L. Evolvulus dichondroides Oliv. and Tribulus . Source Large … Dwarf Morning-glory. Discover Life's page about the biology, natural history, ecology, identification and distribution of Evolvulus nummularius - Agracejo rastrero -- Discover Life et al., Bull. The angiosperms diversity was studied in Doaba region of Punjab, India. File:Evolvulus nummularius (L.) L. - Flickr - Alex Popovkin, Bahia, Brazil (7).jpg From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository Jump to navigation Jump to search Shenduruny WLS 216. Notes: Forest plantations & degraded moist deciduous forests, also in the plains, Miscellaneus: notes attached to the taxon information. Parambikulam WLS 206. KB; Other Data . Evolvulus reniformis Salzm. Sepals 2.5-3 mm, ciliate. Perennial herb with broad alternate leaves to about 1 cm long. 299. General description of the sites where the species is found (ecosystem, forest, environment or microhabitat). 471. 4 (2) : 68 (1905); F.W.T.A. Habit: A small, prostrate herb, upto 20cm. There are about 100 species. Evolvulus nummularius $ Previous name used in the website: Synonyms: Family name: CONVOLVULACEAE: English name: Roundleaf bindweed: Local name: Sudu vishnukranthi: Tamil name: Sanskrit name: Conservation status: Description: Perennial herbs; stems herbaceous, prostrate, rooting at the nodes, pilose with short trichomes to glabrate. 1997; Sivar. Slender prostrate perennial herbs. Slender prostrate perennial herbs. Comprising its size, shape, texture and orientation. Wayanad Dist. Evolvulus nummularius. Covers ranges, e.g., a global range, or a narrower one; may be biogeographical, political or other (e.g., managed areas like conservencies); endemism; native or exotic. 242. Pathanamthitta 338. Thiruvanthapuram 313. 307. Leaves 4-15 mm long, short-petiolate, rounded … Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0. Bot. Evolvulus glomeratus Nees & Mart. The pollen in both species is totally fertile and viable for 9-10 hours. micrantha (tribe Dichondreae) subgroup, and a subgroup with Evolvulus alsinoides, E. nummularius, Seddera arabica, S. latifolia and Cressa cr etica (tribe Cresseae ). A total of 464 species belo... Dr. N Sasidharan (Dr. B P Pal Fellow), Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, G. Renu, Sanjana Julias Thilakar, D. Narasimhan, Centre for Floristic Research, Department of Botany, Madras Christian College, Tambaram. Sepals persistent, oblong-ovate to oblong, 3–4 × 2–3 mm, outer 2 sepals slightly longer than inner sepals, pilose abaxially, margin ciliate. Evolvulus nummularius (L.) L., Sp. 1990; Vajr., Fl. Malappuram Dist. grandifolia Hoehne Evolvulus reniformis Salzm. Stud. 1982; Mohanan, Fl. Volvulopsis nummularia (L.) Roberty, Candollea 14: 28. Enumerates geographic entities where the taxon lives. Descriptions. According to Catálogo de Plantas y Líquenes de Colombia ... Evolvulus nummularius f. pedunculatus Ooststr. 1989; Babu, Fl. Cite this entry as: Khare C. (2007) Evolvulus nummularius Linn..In: Khare C. (eds) Indian Medicinal Plants. Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Evolvulus Nummularius. Evolvulus nummularius: Convolvulus nummularius, Volvulopsis nummularium : Convolvulaceae : Roundleaf Bindweed Species with description in Flora of Pakistan: Evolvulus alsinoides (Linn.) Flower colour; life form. Table 6. Flowers solitary, axillary. 467. Calicut 188. Photos about Evolvulus. Honey bees forage on the flowers. Flowers usually solitary in leaf axil, petals fused and lobed, white. Stamens sub-exserted. 557. Describes the general appearance of the taxon; e.g body plan, shape and color of external features, typical postures. Linn. Indigenous Information: A good soil binder. Also includes information referring to territorial extension of the individual or group in terms of its activities (feeding, mating, etc. Best supported on Google Chrome, Firefox 3.0+, Internet Explorer 8.0+, Safari 4.0+, Opera 10+. In axillary, solitary or paired; white. The authors have found that Evolvulus alsinoides and E. nummularius grow and flower throughout the year, if the soil is wet. Nilambur 444. 2002; Anil Kumar et al., Fl. is a worldwide ornamen-tal plant (Staples 2010). A conical capsule. Pl. Evolvulus is a genus of flowering plants in the Convolvulaceae, the morning glory family. & Sivar., Fl. Leaf and stem anatomical characters basically coincide with the descriptions of other Convolvulaceae species previously studied by Metcalfe and Chalk . Convolvulus nummularius L., Sp. Seasonal migration and reproduction are usually treated separately. 1984; Ansari, Fl. Wetland Status. Types of threat reducing populations of various pl ant . Evolvulus nummularius. It includes published material or suggestions from the author or others. 1952. … ID - 34111. – Brazilian dwarf morning-glory : Species: Evolvulus grisebachii Peter – Grisebach's dwarf morning-glory : Species: Evolvulus nummularius (L.) L. – agracejo rastrero : Species: Evolvulus nuttallianus Schult. Leaves 5-15 x 4-10 mm, broadly ovate to orbicular, base subcordate, apex obtuse to emarginate, glabrous or sparsely hairy below; petiole to 5 mm long. Pl. Leaves 5-15 x 4-10 mm, broadly ovate to orbicular, base subcordate, apex obtuse to emarginate, glabrous or sparsely hairy below; petiole to 5 mm long. Aguinaldito de sabana in language. Its main goal is summarize the most relevant or attractive characteristics of this taxon to the general public. Nomenclature and Classification > Taxon Record Name > Scientific Name. 1996; Sasidh., Fl. Kottayam Dist. Cannanore Dist. Download this Small Round Leaves Of Ground Cover Creeping Plant Roundleaf Bindweed Isolated On White Background Clipping Path Included photo now. Surv. List of various diseases cured by Evolvulus Nummularius. Technology partner Strand Life Sciences, Flowering class: Dicot I, the copyright holder of this work, hereby publish it under the following license: This … Native of new world tropics, naturalized in India and Nepal. Kasaragod Div. Evolvulus reniformis Salzm. This study provides for the first time comprehensive micro-morphological information for three Evolvulus taxa. Fruit a capsule, brownish globular to 3 mm wide. This plant has no children Legal Status. Quilon Dist. Stud. Volvulopsis nummularius (L.) Roberty : Common names: Frequency: Status: Native: Description: Prostrate perennial with pubescent stems rooting at the nodes. Describes biorhythms - those states or conditions characterised by regular repetition in time, whether on the scale of seconds, hours, days, or seasons. Date: 9 December 2018 (according to Exif data) Source: Own work: Author: Renjusplace: Licensing . Flowers 1-2, in leaf-axils; pedicels slender 2-5 mm long. Tamil Nadu: Cuddalore, Kancheepuram, Kanniyakumari, Thiruvallur, Tiruvannamalai, Viluppuram, Known or potential benefits of the species for humans, at a direct economic level, as instruments of education, prospecting, eco-tourism, etc. Flowering throughout the year. Distinguishing features. Alappuzha Dist. More Accounts and Images; Integrated Taxonomic Information System (CONU8) Integrated Taxonomic Information System (EVNU2) Related Websites; Texas A&M: Vascular Plant Image Gallery (EVNU2) Wildlife. Flowers on pedicels 2-6 mm long; corolla white, broadly campanulate, 5-7 mm wide. ex Choisy Evolvulus repens D.Parodi Evolvulus veronicaeifolius Kunth Evolvulus veronicifolius Kunth Evolvulus yunnanensis S.H.Huang Volvulopsis nummularia (L.) Roberty Homonyms Evolvulus nummularius L. Common names Agracejo rastrero in language. Evolvulus nummularius (d) displayed undulate anticlinal boundaries with flat to concave periclinal cell wall. Pl. Nair, Fl. Symbol Key - EVNU2. Click on an item to view that photo: Evolvulus gnaphalioides Moric. EVOLVULUS nummularius (L.) L. [family CONVOLVULACEAE], Sp. arifolius, Euphorbia thymifolia, Evolvulus alsinoides, Leucas aspera, L. cephalotus, Vernonia sp. 1990; M. Mohanan & Henry, Fl. How Evolvulus Nummularius is effective for various diseases is listed in repertory format. Photo credit: Alex Popovkin, Bahia, Brazil. 1753. Fruits capsular, globose, 3-4 mm in diameter, reflexed; seeds brown to black, subglobose. grandiflorus (Parodi) Ooststr. A textual diagnostic description of the species that is not necessarily structured. View more pictures about Evolvulus pilosus, Evolvulus sericeus, Evolvulus alsinoides, Evolvulus latifolius, and Evolvulus nummularius. And search more of iStock's library of royalty-free stock images that features Alternative Medicine photos available for quick and easy download. Pl., ed. Leaves 4-15 mm long, short-petiolate, rounded to emarginated apically, rounded to subcordate basally, glabrous or somewhat pubescent beneath. Thrissur For. However, benefits to ecosystems not specific to humans are best treated under Risk statement (what happens when the organism is removed). Fruiting throughout the year. 1762; Sivar. Flowering and fruiting: Throughout the year. Inflorescences solitary or paired flowers in the leaf axils. Evolvulus nummularius (L.) L. – agracejo rastrero Subordinate Taxa. (4) A clus- 1970; Manilal & Sivar., Fl. A general description, with any kind of information about the taxon. Common Name - agracejo rastrero. Evolvulus nummularius var. ex Choisy; Evolvulus veronicifolius Kunth; Evolvulus yunnanensis S.H.Huang; Volvulopsis nummularius (L.) Roberty; Has 10 Synonyms. However, it is not a legal authority for statutory or regulatory purposes. Most all are native to the Americas. 1994; Sasidh. Includes realm (e.g Terrestrial etc) and climatic information (e.g Boreal); also includes requirements and tolerances; horizontal and vertical (altitudinal) distribution. Does not include altitudinal distribution, which is covered under Habitat. 2002; Mohanan & Sivad., Fl. & V.J. Life cycles are treated in the field for Life Cycle. (Hint :- add multiple references separated by a line break (hit Enter)), Additional floral elements to the Ranthambhore Tiger Reserve, Rajasthan, India, Angiosperm diversity in Doaba region of Punjab, India, https://indiabiodiversity.org/biodiv/species/show/229742. Corolla white, 6-8 mm across, rotate. They are known generally as dwarf morning glories. Evolvulus nummularius (L.) L., 1762 (Equisetopsida, Solanales) Evolvulus glomeratus Nees & Mart., 1823 In any event, the source must be explicitly quoted. Evolvulus alsin oides, used as a bitter tonic, (ii) Exogoni um purge , yields the drug ‘jalap’ used as a purgative, (iii) Ipomoea violacea , of which seeds contain d-lysergic acid amide and are Disclaimer: ITIS taxonomy is based on the latest scientific consensus available, and is provided as a general reference source for interested parties. It could also cover phenomena such as "plant flowering" or "chewing rates". Description: English: Evolvulus nummularius, Roundleaf Bindweed.. From Kalamassery. 2009. India 12: 279. Family - Convolvulaceae. 1985; Ramach. 2 : 210 (1931); van Ooststr. Discussion. Check for more information on the species: African Plants Database: Names, synonymy and distribution: Global Plant Initiative Powered by the open source Biodiversity Informatics Platform.
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