Different organizations have different operations, responsibilities as well as services that they provide. … Throughout the years, the importance of employee have increasingly emphasized in organizations. Without customers you will have no need for employees. How to Nurture Loyal Employees and Drive More Sales 1. Specifically, organizing physical assets, human resources, knowledge management, and technology are key elements to organize. For many people, though, this is an empty platitude. Employees are a company's greatest asset - they're your competitive advantage. According to Tech Target, Microsoft is one of the world’s most competitive and leading producers of computer software (Rouse, 2007). “For most of them, it can be summed up by one of four things: They love what they do (their JOB), they love the Disney brand (their ORGANIZATION), they love their manager (their BOSS), or they love the people they work with (their SQUAD).” –Pete Blank “We think it’s important for employees to have fun… it drives employee engagement.” Employees who have been pushed to the point where they no longer care, will not go the extra mile. All machines are run by the human. The perception of value in an organization, brand or product, merits customer adoption while supplementing organizational goals that could, in the long term, determine financial sustainability and success of a company. The growth of satisfaction is to be reflected in the increase of productivity, improvement of the products’ quality or rendered services and higher number of innovations. One of the top reasons employees leave a company is the lack of development opportunities. Organizations are relying on managers to get the people, Question : “Human Resource (employees) is the most important asset of an organization.” “Human Resource (Employees) Is the Most Important Asset of an Organization. Many of us in business have heard the popular aphorism, “People are your greatest asset.” Some of us may even believe it. They have the answers on how to improve customer service and your products. While there is some meaningful recognition behind employees being referred to as “our greatest asset”, the bottom line is most assets on a balance sheet depreciate … Voith is the global company supplying hydro electrical equipments throughout the, Human Resource Is the Most Important Asset of an Organization, Nowadays many organizations like to emphasize on gaining a competitive advantage in the market. The assets which can be felt, seen and touched are called tangible assets. These components consist of value, major shareholders, employees, revenue, board of directors, advisors, and subsidiaries, course, I learned a great deal about Human Resources Development (HRD). If employees are your greatest assets, they do. Employees are your most valuable asset. This allows creativity and innovation in the workplace which is necessary to succeed in today's volatile marketplace. Your employees -- and by extension, your job applicants -- are much more important than your customers. #Management #HumanResources #Leadership #Business, This website uses cookies to improve service and provide tailored ads. The Gallup … Perhaps it's telling when you read articles and books about protecting business assets—and never do they mention employees! The business environment has continually, in the past and present, shaped the way in which countries are governed, how companies strategize and the way economies shift. Believers are more creative, committed, collegial and productive than unmotivated employees. Microsoft’s organization has seven components of their structure. You want to attract and retain the best; provide them with encouragement, stimulus, and make them feel that they are an integral part of the company's mission. Yet many companies treat their employees poorly. Throughout the years, the importance of employee have increasingly emphasized in organizations. According to research conducted by Gallup, disengaged employees cost companies $450-to-$550 billion in lost productivity each year as a result of poor performance and high absenteeism. Additionally, developing staff is one of the most effective motivator for retaining them. And if the heart stops beating...What will happen? “75-80% of our greatest assets walk out the door every single night, and we want to make sure they come back. This well-intentioned phrase was in fact carrying a buried and profoundly disrespectful message, implying conventional capital asset thinking, treating the people in the organization as an asset to be computed along with any other number in a ROI calculation. Your people ARE your most important asset! The following mentioned are few organization quotes that specifically identify with the demonstration of sorting out things, while others are more intelligent, interesting, and … According to Mayo(2000) focuses on a definition of human capital and defines it as: “ a capability, knowledge, skill, experience, and networking with the ability to achieve results and the potential for growth; individual motivation in the form of aspirations, ambition, drives, work motivations and, corporations across the world. It is certainly correct, but it cultivates a deep ambiguity regarding the value of people. Employees are a company's greatest asset - they're your competitive advantage. Corporate leaders often proclaim that their employees are their most valuable asset. And sometimes what you may need the most is a little break, so you can refocus your efforts, and get back on track. Its the people that make things happen. The idea that human resources, employees across all levels of an organization, as the most important asset, examples to support your answer.
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