Amos 3:6, KJV : "Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? All evil is of the nature of punitive, righteous retribution. Methinks, I have spoken enough for the confirmation of this truth; and may proceed, II. Have we sought to understand God’s dealing with us in the difficulties, the disappointments, the losses, the sorrows, the afflictions, the bereavements of life? The disunion of the land. But while we admit human agency and human guilt in many of the calamities which we suffer, we ought, at the same time, to acknowledge the hand of God in them all. God does send natural evil or calamity; and why? How should we act when God sends such evils? Glory, may mean either brightness, splendour, or goodness, loveliness of character. ; Fausset, A. R.; Brown, David. https: Amos 3:12 The meaning of the Hebrew for this phrase is uncertain. Be much engaged in prayer. And second and subordinate causes are so contemplated and insisted on, as to indicate an exclusion from the mind of the great originating cause of all being, and the supreme uncontrolled Director of all events! The evil spoken of in the text is not criminal evil, but the punishment that follows the commission of sin and all the inconveniences which accompany it. And the Lord hath not done it?] The names “Jacob” and “Israel” are often interchanged throughout the Old Testament, referring sometimes to the individual patriarch and sometimes to the nation. God is the proper object of it, whence he is called fear in the abstract, Psalms 76:11, and those that come on his errand should be received with reverence, yea, "with fear and trembling," as was Titus, 2 Corinthians 7:15, and before him Samuel, by those elders of Bethlehem, 1 Samuel 16:4, as suspecting it was the purpose of some judgment that brought him thither. 2012. Stand in awe, and sin not, lest a worse thing befall you. Is there no truth then in the phrase, “a judgment of God”? It is almost too strange to think that the spirit of the inquisitors who condemned Galileo has not yet died out. There cannot be unrighteousness with God. Even God’s prophets, who were sent to correct these false notions, were despised. 26: “Evil, which is sin, the Lord hath not done; evil, which is punishment for sin, the Lord bringeth.” The Providence of God governing and controlling all things, man doth ill which he wills, so as to suffer ill which he wills not. London may not be more wicked in proportion than Paris, or Vienna, or Berlin, or Rome, or New York, or Melbourne. 4. With what feelings God’s dealings with nations should be regarded. The well-instructed Christian will refer all events to the overruling providence of God. Lamentations 3:38. and the LORD hath not done it? Used a total of eight times in the book, these words play a special role in the way Amos … "Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible". is there evil; for the prophet intends to express a continually-recurring fact. https: Sometimes to punish, sometimes to reward. II. "Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible - Unabridged". Amos 3:12 Or Israelites be rescued, / those who sit in Samaria / on the edge of their beds / and in … The defection of the ten tribes from Rehoboam may well be considered as originating in the tyranny of that weak monarch, and in his following the infatuated counsels of the young men, rather than the judicious counsels of the old. BibliographyClarke, Adam. People ascribe their sufferings to fortune, accident, any cause, rather than the displeasure of God. There were then great provocations against God. Such are the diseases and poverty and wretchedness brought on by intemperance or idleness. Hebrew. Of calamities in the community the text speaks. https: Here it is that the Spirit of God comes in as our instructor. Men are ready to attribute such evil to any cause whatever but to the true cause--sin in the heart of man, and God putting His hand on that sin to punish it, or reform those who are the subjects of it. ], 2. Each judgment is connected with its proper cause, and is the result of a violation of a particular law, or set of laws. And so it ever is. There is a tendency in man to two opposite extremes, atheism and superstition. They are capable of joint operations, as--. ].” Peradventure there is some sin which God designs to correct; some corruption to mortify; some grace to improve; or, at all events, some important lesson which he intends to teach us more perfectly. “Evil,” as punishment for sins, “done” by God. Nations are morally responsible as such. Why are such calamities sent? There is an atheism which denies the existence of a God altogether. NET Bible, Tyndale commentary). BibliographyTrapp, John. Augustine, c. Adim. There is not a portion of the land which is not suffering from these sins--the neglect of the education of the people and Sabbath-breaking. A.). ; Fausset, A. R.; Brown, David. Done it — Either immediately by his own hand, or by the hands of those he employs. In all these cases the punishment is the natural effect and consequence of the sin. 6:14) and from divisive and disobedient Christians (Rom. Although God doth it not but only as it is bonum iustitim, good in order to his glory. When this doth not happen, and sins are great and daring, God sometimes breaks through all the course of nature and disturbs the order of the world to make His power and His justice known, to vindicate the honour of His providence, and cast vengeance upon the sinner. ]:” and it will be found, at last, that “no one thing has ever failed, of all that he, in his eternal counsels, has ordained [Note: Joshua 21:45. We should desire to be “made perfect through our sufferings,” even as the Lord Jesus Christ himself was [Note: Hebrews 2:10. What then does this prove, but that madness possesses the minds of men? The fact that all evil comes from the Lord. The only rational meaning of the word is that we are in ignorance of the cause or causes of the event. BibliographyExell, Joseph S. "Commentary on "Amos 3:6". The extended want of employment where employment was abundantly enjoyed. The man of lusts sins against his own body. Lesson--. Nothing should be of any importance to us in comparison of this: nor should any pain be deprecated, which may be sent to “purge away our iniquity [Note: Isaiah 27:9. BibliographyPoole, Matthew, "Commentary on Amos 3:6". BibliographyJamieson, Robert, D.D. Feb. ra"a". Amos frequently prefaces his prophecy by saying, “Thus says Yahweh” (1:3, 6, 9, 11, 13, 2:1, etc.). But we have no real knowledge of how it originates, of the cause of its curious periodicity, of the means whereby it is propagated. AMOS is statistical software and it stands for analysis of a moment structures. It is a very natural thing to fear approaching danger. Copyright StatementThese files are public domain and are a derivative of an electronic edition that is available on the Christian Classics Ethereal Library Website. The text, in referring to evil, does not mean natural evil, such as blindness, disease, and death; nor moral evil, or the contrariety of men’s actions. "John Wesley's Explanatory Notes on the Whole Bible". We should endeavour to ascertain the cause, or causes, of afflictive dispensations, so that we may be enabled to put from us the “accursed thing” that is so offensive to our Maker. II. 1999. Shall a trumpet be blown in the city, and the people not be afraid? Go to. Her pride and laziness, wealth, and sectarian bitterness may have fostered the evils, It is for God’s Church to be aroused to a lively interest in all that concerns the temporal and spiritual welfare of people around. This is termed the evil of punishment or penal evil. As to individuals, special sufferings may be punishment for special sins. In each one the prophet pointed out that a certain cause inevitably produces a certain effect. The consequence of this will be that good will be enjoyed and self will be honoured; or if, perchance, nature, or the God of nature, be acknowledged, yet the secondary cause will be their own skill, or industry, or application, or some other such cause that still leaves God out of His temple and sets up humanity. YHWH speaks, vv. Has any kind of evil then occurred to us? God sent me before you, to preserve you a posterity in the earth, and to save your lives by a great deliverance. What are the results of this superstition? This ominous progression, to the point where God Himself is seen as the initiator of human calamity, brought Amos to a climactic statement ( Amos 3:7-8)." Receive the hand of God upon you for good. Superstition is the offspring of guilty fears; and the general character of the gods of the heathen, in many cases indicated by their very forms, accords with the nature of their origin. In such instances as these, no means were used that had the slightest tendency to effect the end; that so his own interposition might be the more manifest, and that he might have all the glory. Hear this word that the LORDhas spoken against you, O children of Israel, against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt, saying: “You only have I known of all the families of the earth; Therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.” a. While God leaves sinners to take such a course as their own evil hearts desire, He overrules or controls their sin for the accomplishment of His own will. The disease is singularly capricious. Fear is an affection of the soul, shrinking in itself from some eminent evil. In open and visible judgments this is true also. In direct opposition to all the means that are used to obstruct his will—, [He will confound all the Jews by the resurrection of his dear Son. Our fathers felt and said about their times just as we say and feel about ours. When Adam sinned, he found this excuse for himself, to lay the fault upon God (Genesis 3:12). 1765. But God himself declares, that it was altogether ordained of him, for the accomplishment of his own designs: “The cause, it is said, was of God, that the Lord might perform the word which he had spoken [Note: 2 Chronicles 10:15. What Does Amos 3:7 Mean? One thing they did not do. No circumstances can justify a sin. All the calamities which befall a great state are sent the overruling providence of God. Who were the agents of the fire of 1666? Of some special sin repented of, “covered,” the sorrow, the consequent “evil” may remain. which is not to be understood of the evil of sin, of which God is not the author, it being contrary to his nature and will; and though he permits it to be done by others, yet he never does it himself, nor so much as tempts men to it, ( James 1:13 James 1:14 ) ; unless the words should be rendered, as they may be, "shall there be evil in a city, and shall not the Lord do" or "work" F7? There is a great variety of evil in the world: but God is the author of it all. It was for our example. "Commentary on Amos 3:6". . In the hardening of Pharaoh’s heart, we must look further than to the innate depravity of that impious monarch; for God had raised him up to the possession of royal power, that so he might have full scope for the display of all that was in his heart: yes, and he gave him up, too, to the unrestrained exercise of all his evil dispositions; as he had before declared to Moses that he would do. Fear is a great preservative power. The truth applies to individuals. 1 Hear this word that the Lord hath spoken against you, O children of Israel, against the whole family which I a … ]; and that “Herod and Pilate, with the Gentiles, and the people of Israel that were gathered together against him,” in all that they perpetrated, “did only what God’s hand and God’s counsel had determined before to be done [Note: Acts 4:27-28. 3. Many were accused; but the “London Gazette” of that time wisely said, “The whole was the effect of an unhappy chance: or, to speak better, the heavy hand of God upon us for our sins, showing us the terror of His judgment in thus raising the fire.” Why was London thus marked for destruction? “God must give faith in Christ, and change the heart. Does disaster come to a city, unless the LORD has done it?" It is a good thing to stand in awe of God’s messengers, and to tremble at his judgments, while they yet hang in the threatenings. "Commentary on Amos 3:6". Yet Israel is not alarmed, though God threatens judgments. If you are in Christ, you have no cause for fear. It may tell of an approaching army. 2. Compiled & Edited by BST & Crosswalk Staff, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. will a young lion cry out of his den, if he have … His Word often appeals to this faculty of fear. Again, there has discovered itself, wherever the knowledge of the true God has been imparted, a mournfully consistent propensity to forget Him, to overlook His superintendence, to leave Him out of our thoughts. God deals thus in the way of punishment and correction. - Evil is of two sorts, evil of sin, and evil of punishment. A.). They may be chastisement or condemnation. These things--famine, pestilence, revolution war--are judgments of the Ruler of the world. These sons only followed the dictates of their own corrupt hearts: but God wrought by them, and made them his instruments to punish their parent’s crimes [Note: 2 Samuel 12:10-14; 2 Samuel 13:14; 2 Samuel 16:22.]. (S. A. Brooke, M. For this the Church itself may be answerable. shall there be evil in a city, and the Lord hath not done [it]? The truth is clearly established, that the sorrows of a nation may be traced to the sins of a nation. Enumerate some national sins. Moral guilt attends the nation which refuses to take measures for the extinguishing of disease. which is not to be understood of the evil of sin, of which God is not the author, it being contrary to his nature and will; and though he permits it to be done by others, yet he never does it himself, nor so much as tempts men to it, James 1:13; unless the words should be rendered, as they may be, "shall there be evil in a city, and shall not the Lord do" or "work"F7ויהוה לא עשה "and shall not the Lord do somewhat?"
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