[ z��� ����NK�/(=HV��ّ�����J�����{Zc~� You may add your own words at the end of the list. ��b4'�^D���&�~�$�ຬ��EJ ��x'׋O ����Iu���}В�>�F9��. It may be more challenging for some teens than others, to get in touch with what matters to them. %PDF-1.5 In this context, committed action means doing the things that bring value to your … VALUES LIST 1. For values led businesses, values act as a golden thread that runs through every level of their business strategy, performance management systems and corporate communications. Values. Matthews, P.L. A L i s t o f O ve r 2 0 0 P e r s o n a l V a l u e s However, it is useful to scan a list of values to prime yourself before the exercises. Values … l�æR*o[we�B3�슮i�uә4��*j�m���0�I�"ZL�f(�M_��|��m��:��7�Q�ȧ)۪�S�|��6e��v�����Zf}:��p��u(綺6e�a>����ZF��������[Wư�lx��03�T�W0����컾1;�P�o�2r���X��:GL� ��5��z3^��Q�Mٍ����6��j��閷)CG�Բ�v[�����%m��M���n��M1Ep3�mݍ�_mʺ5�h3}h�7���v���7��0}h1>M]�}�x�1j�r���|�mƧh�2�ӗۺ5�j�Q[ӕUS��l�-���zm�Lv9��Um��}�W�o�O=4eW7C�̬��m�.�6ꣶ�.��j�5����Z̮��ܶEB�Bm�j�61��7qQ�.���8ӄ1c��TeU��[����ZF��n�[㣶;�Tmպl�C�V�o⣖��n؆�j�YٶD���X4[��+C�6�f�l %���� 1/1. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 21 0 R 25 0 R 29 0 R 33 0 R 35 0 R 38 0 R 42 0 R 45 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> The Complete Set of Client Handouts and Worksheets from ACT books by Russ Harris . Core%Values%andEssential%Intentions%Worksheet% %. ��U?�U��͸�|�y�ּ5NiG�MN�ON���f�hv�γ��g��jf����.�zs�L����!Ğ��l�I�ɝ���Wz�A��b�����O?��G=H�WQv" ju�9v���;��}ԴX����7E��K�;u8����l��K�4Ci��������?0���Eԑc��� �I z��HQ\ �A\dÞ.�:�J�wD�"X��{�~/��WX����X��T���(h�*�sAZ�HsۓP�2i����`�%qX�0�' c#P��AY�\�� The therapy incorporates a variety of practices and self-help tools that allow individuals to choose their life goals while understanding the underlying value systems that guide their choices. The Life Compass 5. Don’t do it in your head, write them down. The Problems and Values Worksheet 6 . Core Values Exercise . Values are not about what you want to get or achieve; they are about how you want to behave or act on an ongoing basis. For example, someone who values their family very highly, yet … Assign Action to Values Values are different to goals which have an end-point. July 2013 Personal Values Card Sort Activity (Adapted from Miller, et al. The Problems and Values Worksheet 6. For example, if people believe that telling the truth is very important, they will try to be truthful when they deal with other people. Fromthe"following"list"of"values,"indicate"how"important"each"one"is"to"you. As you read through the list, simply write down the words that feel like a core value to you personally. Vitality vs Suffering Diary 7. They move you towards your deepest desires for how you truly want to act in life. 4 0 obj ACT case formulation template adapted for clients with visible differences download archived copy Personal Core Values Checklist Remember no list can ever be complete. Values give life meaning and purpose. Rather, what we have tried to do is take some of our favorite ACT values exercises and write some scripts for how they might be used in therapy. You can learn to free yourself from the traps and barriers of life, and see what you really want your life to be. List of VALUES. > Y�LhG��]@ Thus, understanding personal values means understanding human behaviour. �����i˜�yd�)y�!2p�lƒ��M� HS'���:a�. Values are not goals in that we never “accomplish” a value. The list will continue to expand, so make sure to check back from time to time for more tools and resources. Accessibility 4. Values are like a compass that guide your actions. Taking the VLQ is a good first step in doing ACT values work, and you should fill it out now. Values are not about what you want to get or achieve; they are about how you want to behave or act on an ongoing basis; how you want to treat yourself, others, the world around you. Step 1: Core Values List Check only the 8 value words that are most important to you then narrow the list to 3 - 5 words. Core Values Exercise . The "Bull’s Eye" is a values-clarification exercise designed by a Swedish ACT therapist called Tobias Lundgren. PERSONAL VALUES Card Sort W.R. Miller, J. C’de Baca, D.B. Values are who we want to be and what we want our lives to be about. There are literally hundreds of different values, but below you’ll find a list of the most common ones. In ACT for PTSD, veterans use their most important values to guide personal goals that become the basis for in vivo exposure activities throughout the group. % I.ClarifyYourValues% %. Values: List some things that matter personally to you in the long run. Professional officers and soldiers serve the legitimate political objectives of a nation; this distinguishes them from non-state actors, terrorists and mercenaries. 5. Determine your core values. Duty. A value is a life direction, an internal compass which guides us throughtout life.Values are different to goals which have an end-point. Which of your character strengths and qualities would you like to build on? x��[������)�Q�i�&�@ qR�m4�"yh��l���*�����c����!9��q�]-xə3��?��P�>|އ���Tu�:�_�o�O��Cn���n�b��Aw7=���4��x^��}��x��3�����ϞM6۲[wk��LO���e]�z]�aؤR�:*�&�����������M0]�����.5�y�V/���^�����wo�/o���*�mX�:\����?��oL��_D�6��כ�(����k��骲�#�"E5jfě�/�mo�t����zS6ۦ1|FJqJZ Getting Hooked 10 . ��2�`~"ʮ#�L�D �M�� You will select personal values that “sound good” based on your desired self-image. Core values are important because they act like a compass to help you lead the amazing life that you want, no matter where you find yourself in this world. The behaviors do not need to be in priority order. Your values are the beliefs that define what is most important to you. Expansion Practice Sheet 11-12 The tools are sorted across the six core processes of ACT, and you can access them by clicking on each section. Matthews, P.L. towards those Values, helping us lead a more purposeful and enriching life. VALUES. Once we have identified what our Values are, we can take committed action to set goals and work For example, someone who values their family very highly, yet … �c$5�L�؉꺳��2H���P�|:P ^8������"Y\D,+�����tт�t��t�x��3N-[��a|�Vk�R��O7(n�T�v(΀�5n�u��f���G}Y���fM:H8#�"l\���v��4��)�)���'�~P��lT. Rather, what we have tried to do is take some of our favorite ACT values exercises and write some scripts for how they might be used in therapy. Choose one word within each grouping that best represents the label for the entire group. Courage is an important value to have because it defines your decision to act according to your values and work toward your goals instead of letting yourself be distracted or allured by irrelevant and potentially harmful temptations. The therapy incorporates a variety of practices and self-help tools that allow individuals to choose their life goals while understanding the underlying value systems that guide their choices. Attempted Solutions and their Long Term Effects 9. generate quite a long list. Title: Microsoft Word - Core Values and Essential Intentions Worksheet.doc Author: Jennifer Ward Created Date: 5/30/2012 8:32:41 PM Instead of picking from a list, in Step 2 of the core values process , I offer exercises to discover your values for yourself. Instead of picking from a list, in Step 2 of the core values process , I offer exercises to discover your values for yourself. You might find it helpful at this point to create two separate lists – 2. in the direction of one’s values. Commitment and Values-based Living. For example, someone who values family might try to spend extra time at home, while someone who values success in their career may do just the opposite. If you want to see Russ in action, live, then come along to his However, values in ACT have a behaviorally specific definition and function. 3 0 obj The list below brings together about 50 of the most common values for people (adapted from Russ Harris, 2010). If you would like a more in-depth explanation of how to best use these skills and implement them in your life, click on the section “How to Use “My ACT Tool Kit””. Instead, values are like a compass–they help us make choices based on the directions in which we want our lives to go. Dissecting the Problem 4. It is critical to place your core values in priority order, in the event you face a decision where two values conflict. When a person fails to live in accordance with their values, they will often feel unsatisfied. Acknowledgements: These are our seven favorite values exercises based on work with hundreds of clients and use in workshops and trainings. 9��rL�,$v�j'�"Q��p4� a���L��(E�� e�1p�va�.�Bl�h�L�«��@��R z��a���;A�2X"�h.��Qz���F�=g��V�UT��Q% ����MT�T;Q\D�GD��X�sѸH1�z��/Q ?��9�D��� Committed actions. Wilbourne University of New Mexico, 2001 IMPORTANT TO ME VERY IMPORTANT TO ME NOT IMPORTANT TO ME ACCEPTANCE to be accepted as I am 1 2 9/01 ACCURACY to be accurate in my opinions and beliefs 9/01 ACHIEVEMENT to have important accomplishments 3 9/01 9/01 ADVENTURE to have new and exciting experiences 4 … Achievement 7. VALUES List of 1/1 LL A brenebrown.com/daretolead Accountability Achievement Adaptability Adventure Altruism Ambition Authenticity Balance Beauty The British Army, along with the other Services, exists to defend the Nation, its citizens and its national interests. %��������� They are not feelings or guarantees for results. �I?���q^:/lqMH?���,��-���JQ�Іm��8���� ڀ��Z-��I2��Y�E�{79~��ǯ�nj�~��ո�{S���@_� ��C�v��Өyq � HP�M�s�-�ت$$�Ɯs��7V��*���6�5`Ik��ט�,�D�Q Personal Values Card Sort Activity (Adapted from Miller, et al. 26. They imbue your work and your life with meaning. Most of these exercises originated from others. PDF, 255KB, 12 pages Details The Office for Civil Society, with support from the Crown Commercial Service has written an introductory guide to the Social Value Act (SVA) for … k zE&=h�k-��k�]���b�4Qtn�v}m��g���G����~x"��>����3����՛S���D���[��n�����v��si��1�v6�5$���&����J��!�w�~ܻ+�����s‚/�i�?|@&r2�n ��g5c��p�B�o����&�c/����:��`�N� �"���T��sLw�M"�6��U ����8#E��YC�0��p=x뢟���[��7�}�ˊF�x'�F�y��Qi �:$�&���S ������4]���2d����@%((���׊����U�YL�ɕ-��� Dissecting the Problem 4 . D℠��n 7��TD�����y��w2��Z��lXN�j���5��b�ʼnї�B�=�����K4"� ��!ߎ�P%��2��QRz When a person fails to live in accordance with their values, they will often feel unsatisfied. This page lists many different resources for you to pick and choose, to help you practice your psychological flexibility skills on a daily basis. Group all similar values together from the list of values you just created. Vitality vs Suffering Diary 7 . Welcome to “My ACT Tool Kit”. z�ΐ��[��t��4���R�����?u��Je4��$��0���-��i ��&���s�+F�?J|�?�7���H89v���E�����#��="�UUς[;������OD�{�� ���'���Y�r>�K�x~yآX2c ��ỠY���%BD��:�swSQ��� J��&� Use the Values Cards for yourself or with others. In Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), we use the term values to refer to activities that give our lives meaning. Begin by checking off the words that best represent principles, standards, or qualities you consider worthwhile or desirable -- those you believe to be important in your life. <>/Metadata 931 0 R/ViewerPreferences 932 0 R>> If you think of a value you possess that is not on the list, be sure to write it down as well. Individuals act in ways that allow them to express their important values and attain the goals underlying them. Ň��1~�iT|�������@�"H�70���}9$3�c��+ ��R���;� �?�K�w0��¸ޚ��(V��x�@8� ���$�6��ك�AG �"�S���(�X�J�e0�xDW4���'�Ig�o1���e�~ױ�0�~/�I�&�����k�����c� +����φ+^�� ��I8j� In this post, I've put together a list of common words used in company core values, as well as a big list of value words to help with your brainstorming. 1. Acceptance Fast pace action Power Achievement Perhaps what we would like to be remembered for, or written as our epitaph, our headstone inscription.. Values. The definition and function of values work with clients can become lost because the term ‘values’ is used so widely in Western society. Acknowledgement 8. 4 0 obj Please place your personal core values in priority order and list the outcome statement and behavior indicators for each of them. The dartboard on the next page is divided into four important domains of life: work/education, leisure, relationships, and personal growth/health. 2. What things do you (or do you want to) represent/stand for? Values Assessment Worksheet “A value is defined as a principle, standard, or quality considered inherently worthwhile or desirable. Join the Dots 8. If you start with a list of core values, your conscious mind will evaluate which values appear “better” than others. PERSONAL VALUES Card Sort W.R. Miller, J. C’de Baca, D.B. Values clarification is a critical part of any psychotherapy session. See the example below. Use this list of over 150 values words to help identify the terms that best resonate for you. Values Worksheet PSYCHOLOGYTOOLS.org For each of these domains write a quick summary of your values, for example “to live a healthy life and take care of my body” (physical wellbeing), or “to be a good friend to people who need me, and to enjoy my time with the people I love” (friendships). Core values can help people to know what is right from wrong; they can help youth workers to determine if they are on the right path and fulfilling their goals; and they create an unwavering and unchanging guide. The Complete Set of Client Handouts and Worksheets from ACT books by Russ Harris ACT Made Simple 3. A value is a life direction, an internal compass which guides us throughtout life. Values are an important part of many psychotherapies, such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Join the Dots 8 . Getting Hooked 10. Group them in a way that makes sense to you, personally. Add anything else that just feels right. Values are what motivate and fulfill you. Matthews, P.L. 2 0 obj Acceptance 3. There are 52 word cards and 4 blank cards for you to add your own words. endobj ��d:`�z�B�L=Q���� ���VCrG*�1]�:�v�"����b�d$b혢�\�?�M_��O�-3C�D�J:P1��@��j�:��ҁ����؁yU%q�Yb���O4�.��I��n\��6���%H��v�$��@p�_b��G�ɞIЦ��R��q}�Kb�3� �?OK��G9��*S��F�� i_��#���P@jHv]�*=&ul�#�\cm��Zv�Q���>� ��e��G\�y�&�H�|$�e��DC�:��J�1���Q,����d�H5�Œ*��Q>,���8�p���$HU T��MШ�)�^qe�d"DE��-ƥ@i�sD �'͘��'̸�"��ɬ��>?�h�� Dk}��,��S���_�3ȱ��,(V���(���%>��&�|%~���q���� Use this list of over 150 values words to help identify the terms that best resonate for you. Committed actions The core values and principles of youth work are the guiding principles that dictate behavior and action. Peace, love, and life, – S. Steven C. Hayes. ���8.����0��|\VE���- ڲ�s$��O�$?��te۟/���D2��Q%?�"E�ُ�U{���� 0ܿ+����Q�/ӑG��l7���)^���E�' In case you didn’t get them, here’s the complete collection, that includes e-books, animations, MP3s and a couple of articles. They guide each of your choices in life. stream The aim of ACT is to increase psychological flexibility, which is defined as “contacting the present moment fully as a conscious human being, and based on what the situation affords, changing or persisting in behavior in the service of chosen values” (Hayes, Luoma, Bond, Masuda, & Lillis, 2006). Create a maximum of five groupings. This could be done just from a list of values, but having the values on cards allows people to move them around visually when sorting and rank-ordering. A Value is a chosen life direction that guides us throughout our life. 3. Also, if you’re interested in the topic of values, we’ve recently written a book about doing values work in therapy, called Values In Therapy: A Clinician’s Guide to Helping Clients Explore Values, Increase Psychological Flexibility, and Live a More Meaningful Life. Values are often life-long. %PDF-1.3 Also, consider what values you have that may be holding you back, and how you might reassign those values. Activeness 9. Accountability Achievement Adaptability Adventure Altruism Ambition Authenticity Balance Beauty Being the best Belonging Career Caring Collaboration Commitment Community Compassion Competence Confidence Connection Contentment Contribution Cooperation Courage Creativity Curiosity Dignity Diversity Environment … If you have more than five groupings, drop those least important. stream PERSONAL VALUESPERSONAL VALUES Card SortCard Sort W.R. Miller, J. C’de Baca, D.B. Developing this insight will allow your clients to make positive changes to their lifestyle, so they can better live up to their values. ACT Made Simple. Our Values give us meaning and purpose. endobj Respect . First, list your top seven values and define what they mean to you. 25. Work around values is being used increasingly across multiple domains of psychology. Values are internalized cognitive structures that guide choices by evoking a sense of basic principles of right and wrong, a sense of priorities, and a willingness to make meaning and see patterns. �5����D$�" a����*���~R]��% S�0ڝo���OJ������})� z���ڷ�.Z�Т�&�F��+]ˆ b8��(�K���R,�)4i�`���q����k�����Ŷ�����/��XI�Ƣ�}�W��u��瓝�8��"�%<9����'�1N>��� ��B�(�^�Xϙ�o;�/�χlݓI$.�����/�8�����9���C��l�#J(`�,a,� ��+ �)��%c? Values are an important part of many psychotherapies, such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). Begin by checking off the words that best represent principles, standards, or qualities you consider worthwhile or desirable -- those you believe to be important in your life. You’re committed to exposing yourself to and appreciating the diversity of cultures, experiences, and beliefs in the world. A Quick Look at Your Values – page 1 Values are your heart’s deepest desires for how you want to behave as a human being. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Most of these exercises originated from others. If you scroll down to the very end of the post, you'll find the links to download one big list to save to your computer, print out, and use for your own reference. 6. Individuals, groups, and whole societies hold values. Attempted Solutions and their Long Term Effects 9 . • Firstly, go over the list being much more selective and narrow it down to your top five or six. work) – so this is just to get a general sense of the values … Description. Abundance 2. 6. Revised date (4 October 2006) 5 The Acceptance and Action Questionnaire (AAQ-2) Author: Frank Bond leads the way with this measure, but many in the ACT community have been involved in the development The AAQ-2 assesses a person’s experiential avoidance and immobility and acceptance This page sets out the full list of local restriction tiers by area from Wednesday 2 December 2020. The Life Compass 5 . Values are not about what you want to get or achieve; they are about how you want to behave or act on an ongoing basis.’ Russ Harris – The Happiness Trap Measuring your life by what you achieve isn’t wrong but the research suggests that we over estimate the impact of these events. Wilbourne University of New Mexico, 2001 IMPORTANT TO ME VERY IMPORTANT TO ME NOT IMPORTANT TO ME ACCEPTANCE to be accepted as I am 1 2 9/01 ACCURACY In Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), we use the term values to refer to activities that give our lives meaning. This is the act of finding out or learning something new through exploration or experimentation. Values clarification is a critical part of any psychotherapy session. 1 0 obj organisations have under the Human Rights Act and explores what this means for their everyday work (SeCtIon 2); and • provides suggestions and examples of what NHS organisations can do to take a human rights based approach to improve the design and delivery of services for patients and service users (SeCtIon 3).
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