TIER 2. main idea: what the text is mostly about. No evidence has yet been found of any alterations made, after that time, in Ceylon; but there were probably before that time, in India, other books, now lost, and other recensions of some of the above. ing, there is no good evidence that such experiments have ever succeeded. While I had no direct evidence the attendees were all registered sex offenders, the way they nodded and agreed at the mention of deviant sexual behavior made me feel I might be unique among like penitents. That the arctic flora was driven south into Central Europe cannot be contested in the face of the evidence collected by Nathorst from deposits connected with the boulderclay. As regards (b), external evidence has already suggested to scholars that there were Israelites in Palestine before the invasion; internal historical criticism is against the view that all the tribes entered under Joshua; and in (a) there are traces of an actual settlement in the land, entirely distinct from the cycle of narratives which prepare the way for (b). This goal may seem hard to achieve. Internal evidence again comes to our aid to lend its weight to the latter theory. Examples of Supporting Evidence You will need supporting evidence to prove the data you introduce in your writing was not taken out of the blue, but was acquired as a result of thorough research, conducted either by you, or by other researchers. The first set provides evidence as to the molecular weight of a substance: these are termed " colligative properties.". Either they didn't want to spook him or they don't have any concrete evidence of specific crimes. Require Text Evidence in Discussions. A blank could even be at the beginning of the sentence for students to fill in. Sensational evidence of a mock burial was given by an American witness named Caldwell, and others; but eventually it was agreed that the grave at Highgate should be opened. that you're using. They do not represent the opinions of YourDictionary.com. The only decision he'd made was to do nothing until there was clear evidence tying Byrne to the money. write support statement (sentence) write the reasons /evidence to support what you say (a number of sentences). (ii.) There is evidence to show that the arrangement for this " publishing of Truth" rested mainly with Fox, and that the expenses of it and of the foreign missions were borne out of a common fund. Southern customers objected to its blue color, which is the evidence of its purity, as if it were muddy, and preferred the Cambridge ice, which is white, but tastes of weeds. is the approximate date of the Miles gloriosus; cf. 447. These additional sentences might detail the author’s position on the topic. For Nippur we have the direct evidence that its chief deity, En-lil or Bel, was once regarded as the head of an extensive pantheon. Just like a paper has a thesis statement followed by a body of supportive evidence, paragraphs have a topic or key sentence followed by several sentences of support or explanation. More importantly, Dean now realized that the only real evidence that the remains from the mine were human had disappeared. Supporting sentences might look like the ones you see in green: (1) Early childhood education programs such as … There is evidence that the request was prompted by the king, and his consent was given as a matter of course. Although there is evidence of Roman and Saxon occupation of the site, the earliest mention of Brighton (Bristelmeston, Brichelmestone, Brighthelmston) is the Domesday Book record that its three manors belonged to Earl Godwin and were held by William de Warenne. This explanation, however, is rejected by Loofs; the sermon contains nothing inconsistent with the Acacian position favoured by the court party; on the other hand, there is evidence of conflicts with the clergy, quite apart from any questions of orthodoxy, which may have led to the bishop's deposition. Akhenaton at Tell el-Amarna; while in the Aegean area itself we have abundant evidence of a great wave of Egyptian influence beginning with this same Dynasty. It is clear from the evidence of the early Western liturgies that, for at least six centuries, the primitive conception of the nature of the Christian sacrifice remained. The topic sentence should present the claim, or main idea, that you will develop and support within the rest of the paragraph. Wherever they came from, there is abundant evidence that their first occupation of the Australian continent must have been at a time so remote as to permit of no traditions. The details you use to support your topic sentences depends somewhat on the development strategy (persuasive, compare/contrast, narrative, expository, etc.) i, 2, 3"; see Crete), there is evidence of a perfectly orderly and continuous evolution in, at any rate, ceramic art. Huxley has urged with his wonted perspicuity the alliance of these two regions as Notogaea, basing his opinion, besides other weighty evidence, in great measure on the evidence afforded by the two main sections of the Galli, viz. Di sisi lain, jika anda akan membeli mobil dengan V8 atau V6 yang menawarkan tenaga besar pada putaran mesin tinggi dan rendah, maka berjalan dengan transmisi manual lebih sebagai preferensi daripada sebuah kebutuhan. Examples of supporting evidence in a sentence, how to use it. Identifying Topics, Main Ideas, and Supporting Details. The ghost of Jeffrey Byrne, who had spent his final hours in the same dining room, was nowhere in evidence. The evidence isn't the same as proof. She skipped back to the jeep, her earlier reluctance nowhere in evidence. It could also be a sentence with multiple blanks for students to fill in. It is, for instance, practically impossible to obtain reliable evidence as to the regularity of employment in any industry in the 17th century, and the best approximations and devices we can invent are very poor substitutes for what we really want. Though reckoned first headmaster of Eton, there is no definite evidence that he was. 172-173), was disputed by Strype's contemporary, Sir Edmund Lechmere, who asserted on not very satisfactory evidence (ib. The goal of these sentences is add factual details to what was presented and not just add new or other information. Accessed on March 24, 2017. Though adaptation to the environment seems sometimes to be considered, especially by neo-Lamarckians, as equivalent to, or at least as involving, the evolution of higher forms from Jower, there does not appear to be any evidence that this is the case. The saving of cost is effected in two ways: (I) Instead of having to incur the expenses of a protracted inquiry before parliament, the promoters of a light railway under the act of 1896 make an application to the light railway commissioners, who then hold a local inquiry, to obtain evidence of the usefulness of the proposed railway, and to hear objections to it, and, if they are satisfied, settle the draft order and hand it over to the Board of Trade for confirmation. Although there is very little authentic information about Fabian, there is evidence that his episcopate was one of great importance in the history of the early church. It is to be observed that, before the punishment was inflicted, evidence was forthcoming which brought home the outrage of Nivose to the royalists; but this was all one to Bonaparte; his aim was to destroy the Jacobin party, and it never recovered from the blow. Although no evidence is at hand, it is probable that Ahaz of Judah rendered service to Assyria by keeping the allies in check; possible, also, that the former enemies of Jerusalem had now been induced to turn against Samaria. 2 - The course of events from the middle of the 6th century B.C. Most of the sentences in a paragraph are supporting sentences. II), much of the legal procedure ascribed to him must belong on internal grounds (religious, ethical and sociological evidence) to a postMosaic age. Evidence is not wanting, however, that the cytoplasm must be regarded as, fundamentally, a semifluid, homogeneous substance in which by its own activity, granules, vacuoles, fibrils, &c., can be formed as secondary structures. The evidence which has thus been briefly summarized, points unmistakably to the conclusion that existing vegetation originated in the northern hemisphere and under climatic conditions corresponding to what would now be termed sub-tropical. Types of supporting details. Basic Paragraph Structure. Home » Paragraph » Supporting Sentence (Paragraph). The most striking general change has been against seeing in the facts of ontogeny any direct evidence as to phylogeny. Yet we have L'Herminier's evidence that Cuvier gave him every assistance. a sentence with information that supports a main idea or claim But the destruction of Jerusalem is not quite unique, and somewhat later we meet with indirect evidence for at least one similar disaster upon which the records are silent. The fighting, no doubt, on the part of the wazir was conducted with all the savagery of Oriental warfare; but there is no evidence that it was a war of extermination. In the absence of specific evidence any such identification must be regarded with suspicion. Evidence is accumulating, though no completely satisfactory theory can yet be put forward, as to the northern origin of the dynastic Egyptians. The evidence of the peat bogs shows that the Scots fir, which is now extinct, was abundant in Denmark in the Roman period. About institutions we have less certain knowledge, there being but little evidence for the earlier periods; but in the documents relating to religion, the most significant of all, it can at least be said that there is no trace of sharp change. That the number of atoms which can be associated in a ring by single affinities is limited there can be no doubt, but there is not yet sufficient evidence to show where the limit must be placed. The evidence as set out by Darwin has been added to enormously; new knowledge has in many cases altered our conceptions of the mode of the actual process of evolution, and from time to time a varying stress has been laid on what are known as the purely Darwinian factors in the theory. He was imprisoned from 1825 to 1828 for coining, though apparently on insufficient evidence, and in 1833 came to push his claims in Paris, where he was recognized as the dauphin by many persons formerly connected with the court of Louis XVI. He had made special inquiries of the authorities of the Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Hobart museums, and published questions in the newspapers, but no evidence has reached him that the eggs of Ornithorhyncus have ever been obtained except by the dissection of the mother. Much more evidence would be required to produce a general acceptance of any of the above periods. Supporting evidence is a crucial part in body paragraphs and it is important to be discerning in the evidence chosen. His work is always vigorous, but he imputes motives in the spirit of a partisan who never pauses to weigh the evidence or to take a comprehensive view of the situation. Evidence of the intense interest taken by American visitors in Stratford is seen in the memorial fountain and clock-tower presented in 1887, and in a window in the church illustrating scenes from the Incarnation and containing figures from English and American history. for Babylonian and Assyrian influence upon the language, cult and art. There is evidence in the languages, too, which supports the physical separation from their New Zealand neighbours and, therefore, from the Polynesian family of races. These abstentions are prescribed for the king and a few other persons; there is no evidence that they were observed by all the people. From Australia, where we have the best chance of studying rudimentary religion in some bulk, comes a certain amount of evidence showing that in the two ways just mentioned some inchoate prayer is being evolved. The evidence appears to be in favour of Troughton. The statement generally made that the chronicler was born at Fordoun (Kincardineshire) has not been supported by any direct evidence. The key must be sought in the exilic and post-exilic age where, unfortunately, direct and decisive evidence is lacking. Supporting evidence can be a summary, paraphrased or a direct quote. As soon as Dean mentioned the luggage and briefcase locked in the trunk of the car, Fred insisted on protecting this valuable evidence by bringing them in—just for safekeeping. A direct statement on how the supporting evidence does in fact support the claim made in the topic sentence. There was a Roman camp near Lymington (Lentune, Lementon), and Roman relics have been found, but there is no evidence that a town existed here until after the Conquest. The old tendency illustrated by the outcome of the revolutionary movements of 1848 was once more in evidence - the tendency of merely artificial theories of democratic liberty to succumb to the immemorial instinct of race and race ascendancy. • They are backed-up by evidence or illustrated by examples. I don't know what Arthur Atherton is up to but he has no more evidence your husband is alive than the man in the moon. His constructive theory comes at the end, and seems to argue thus: Since (i) there is no discoverable reason why we 3 Mansel's theism (or natural theology), and the revelation he believes in, seem both of them pure matters of assertion on his part, without evidence, or even in the teeth of the evidence as he conceives it. He began his public ministry in 1647, but there is no evidence to show that he set out to form a separate religious body. In " Some Causes of Belief," he tries, standing outside the psychological process, to show how beliefs grow up under every kind of influence except that of genuine evidence. Here we must distinguish between the Lancelot proper and the LancelotGuenevere versions; so far as the latter are concerned, we cannot get behind the version of Chretien, - nowhere, prior to the composition of the Chevalier de la Charrette is there any evidence of the existence of such a story. The Cnossian remains contain evidence of an elaborate system of registration, accountkeeping and other secretarial work, which perhaps indicates a considerable body of law. - Mycenae and Tiryns are the two principal sites on which evidence of a prehistoric civilization was remarked long ago by the classical Greeks. into types has usually had regard rather to geological structure than to external form, so that some geologists would even apply the name of a mountain range to a region not distinguished by relief from the rest of the country if it bear geological evidence of having once been a true range. There is no reason to suppose that the peculiarities of the arctic flora are more modern than those of any other, though there is no fossil evidence to prove that it was not so. As to the introduction of domesticated cats into Europe, the opinion is very generally held that tame cats from Egypt were imported at a relatively early date into Etruria by Phoenician traders; and there is decisive evidence that these animals were established in Italy long before the Christian era. This question has given rise to an enormous amount of discussion among learned men, and some of the disputants have not yet laid down their arms; but for impartial outsiders who have carefully studied the evidence there can be little doubt that 1 See Researches into the State of Fisheries in Russia (9 vols. All the evidence in Barclay's own work goes to prove that he was sincere in his reproof of contemporary follies and vice, and the gross accusations which John Bale 1 brings against his moral character may be put down to his hatred of Barclay's cloth. On the road to Rome a famous vision took place, as to which we have the evidence of Ignatius himself. Setting aside other susceptibilities, we have evidence that most plants are sensitive to all these. The fact that the Aeginetan scale of coins, weights and measures was one of the two scales in general use in the Greek world is sufficient evidence of the early commercial importance of the island. As regards this crossing of s and sh, Arabic has with it the other south Semitic language, Ethiopic: the evidence as to the other north Semitic language, Assyrian, is conflicting. to suspect the unanimous evidence of antiquity that Cleisthenes was the inventor of ostracism. (1901), pp. There is some evidence that the "tradition of the six canoes" does not represent the first contact of the Polynesian race with New Zealand. 30 of the finer feelings of moral evidence, which must, however, determine the action and opinions of our lives.". mendeskripsikan atau mendefinisi ulang topik, menganalisis data atau kutipan (quotations), menceritakan kronologi dari suatu kejadian (time segments). Examples of Supporting Evidence. Similar evidence Early of Minoan contact, and indeed of wholesale colonization relations with from the Aegean side, recurs in Cyprus. Cuka apel (ACV) tidak dimasak, organik, tidak disaring, dan tidak dipasteuriasi memiliki banyak manfaat kesehatan yang mengesankan. Further evidence of the antiquity of Australian man is to be found in the strict observance of tribal boundaries, which would seem to show that the tribes must have been settled a long time in one place. He had become convinced that his comrades in the Utilitarian Society, never more than ten, had not the stuff in them for a world-shaking propaganda; the society itself was dissolved; the Parliamentary Review was a failure; the Westminster did not pay its expenses; Bentham's Judicial Evidence produced little effect on the reviewers. Since he wrote in 1829, some further evidence has been forthcoming in favour of the Naseby copy. Supporting sentences provide examples for the topic sentence. Regarding the concepts of main idea and supporting sentences: Recognizing the main idea is the most important key to good comprehension. 266. But the surviving material is extremely uneven; vital events in these centuries are treated with a slightness in striking contrast to the relatively detailed evidence for the preceding period - evidence, however, which is far from being contemporary. In seeking for an explanation we may perhaps trust, at least in part, the evidence of the Ethnicon itself. She seemed nervous and her open smile was less in evidence, unless speaking of her daughter. Others again cite the old-established power and productivity of Crete; the immense advantage it derived from insularity, natural fertility and geographical relation to the wider area of east Mediterranean civilizations; and the absence of evidence elsewhere for the gradual growth of a culture powerful enough to dominate the Aegean. Marie Jeanne, in fact, took great care of the child's person, and there is documentary evidence to prove that he had air and food. Writing support statements. From the traces of a Roman road between Nantwich and Middlewich, and the various Roman remains that have been found in the neighbourhood, it has been conjectured that Nantwich was a salttown in Roman times, but of this there is no conclusive evidence. This year also he found a congenial occupation in editing Bentham's Rationale of Judicial Evidence. Important and, if genuine, decisive evidence upon this point is afforded by a passage in the Anecdoton Holderi, a fragment contained in a Loth-century MS. (ed. Supporting evidence can be a summary, paraphrased or a direct quote. Equally indecisive is the further exploration as to evidence for the opinion held by other naturalists that the endemic species of the different islands have resulted from subsidences, through volcanic action, which have reduced one large island mass into a number of islets, wherein the separated species became differentiated during their isolation. evidence: a passage or quote from the text that supports the main idea. Supporting evidence proves a claim to be true. Further evidence on the point is, unfortunately, not at present forthcoming. They might also provide examples, statistics, or other evidence to support that position. He was elected a Perse scholar in 1628, and fellow of his college in 1633, but the best evidence of his diligence as a student is the enormous learning of which he showed so easy a command in after years. Don't condemn him before you hear the evidence. There is no reason to suppose the human voice has varied, during the period of which we have evidence, more than other physical attributes. Nitzsch, however, held that this was a copyist's gloss, harmonizing with the received Boetius legend, which had been transferred to the text, and did not consider that it outweighed the opposing internal evidence from De Cons. There is some evidence that arsenic has a prophylactic effect. Evidence sentence examples. They claim there's not enough evidence it's him. After deciding which primary support points you will use as your topic sentences, you must add details to clarify and demonstrate each of those points. It is quite consistent with the evidence to suppose that a seven-day week was in use in Babylonia, but each item may be explained differently, and a definite proof does not exist. He infers, from these facts, that there is no sure evidence for the authorship of the fourth and fifth treatises. (1905); the evidence discussed in Man, 2, 42, 72 (1907). Description can include emotional details as well. How to Write a Paragraph with Evidence. If the latter epistle could be finally established as genuine, or its date fixed, it would give important evidence with regard to Ephesians; but in the present state of discussion we must confine ourselves to pointing out the fact. The equivalence of the four hydrogen atoms of methane rested on indirect evidence, e.g. Certain evidence which supports this view will be referred to later. For the history of Pali before the canonical books were composed we have no direct evidence. Without sufficient external and independent evidence wherewith to interpret in the light of history the internal features of the intricate narratives, any reconstruction would naturally be hazardous, and all attempts must invariably be considered in the light of the biblical evidence itself, the date of the Israelite exodus, and the external conditions. We have no direct evidence as to the institutions of the Seleucid court in the 3rd century. Further, there is no evidence for any kings in Kent from 784 until after Offa's death. It has been remarked that there is evidence that the Malays had attained to a certain stage of civilization before ever they set foot in Malaya. Wildfires are essential to the continued survival of some plant species. But later on, to fit what had occurred, the historians provided cunningly devised evidence of the foresight and genius of the generals who, of all the blind tools of history were the most enslaved and involuntary. 3 people chose this as the best definition of evidence: Evidence is defined as so... See the dictionary meaning, pronunciation, and sentence examples. There is no evidence that these days were called shabattu, a word which is rendered by umu nuh libbi, " day of rest of the heart," and has been thought to be the origin of Sabbath. Nevertheless there does exist evidence for the genuineness of the physical phenomena which deserves consideration. appears to be no evidence that it was a borough before this time. The evidence scarcely admits of a decision as to which of these methods is to be regarded as primitive in descent. Murder seems a real stretch, given lack of motive—nothing missing, no evidence or anything else usual to a homicide. So far no evidence is forthcoming that the same days of each month were observed as these of this special rarely occurring month. Thayer, with other essays, 1889), originally a lecture, and in spite of the compression due to its form, up to that time probably the ablest defence, based on external evidence, of the Johannine authorship, and certainly the completest treatment of the relation of Justin Martyr to this gospel. The evidence of a partial restoration of the domestic quarter of the palace of Cnossus tends to show a certain measure of dynastic continuity. In general, the supporting ideas that bolster the same main idea are grouped into one paragraph. It is not only a key to much of his later work - to nearly all indeed that was published in his lifetime - but in it are founded several definite groups (for example, Passerinae and Picariae) that subsequent experience has shown to be more or less natural; and it further serves as additional evidence of the breadth of his views, and his trust in the teachings of anatomy.