Cotton Pic. 633-640.17] Tang, H. Y., Yang, G. Z., Zhang, X. L. and Siddique, K. (2012) Improvement of Fertilizer N Recovery by Allocating More N for Later Application in Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Cotton leaves can be combined with Bambusa. We are discussing in details the linen properties below: Linen Properties. It belongs to the Malvaceae family, genus Gossypium and is mainly predominant in Africa, Russia, Middle East and Asia. 1 – 5.14] Narasimha D. K., Reddy K. R., Jayaveera K. N., Bharathi T., Swamy V. B. M., Rajkumar (2008), Study on the Diuretic Activity of Gossypium Herbaceum Linn Leaves Extract in Albino Rats. Pharmacologyonline; 1: pp. This microscopic view shows us why wool is special. One major negative quality of cotton fabric is its tendency to wrinkle and lose its shape, making it a poor choice for suits and other professional clothing. Properties of Denim Fabric Denim is known worldwide for its fit, ease and durability. It doesn’t require dry cleaning and is easy to wash and remove stains. Subscribe to Global Food Book's email updates and get a FREE eBook on benefits of organic food. Cotton also shrinks, even with a manufacturer's claim that it has been preshrunk. Cotton's tendency to wrinkle means it needs to be ironed, making it inconvenient for dress shirts and professional attire. (2001), Bollgard cotton: An assessment of global economic, environmental, and social benefits. To make it white the fiber has to be purified. Many consumers and parents also agree with this. The cotton fibers are separated from their seeds using a cotton gin machine. The seeds can also be ground into powdered form and mixed with milk for relieving headaches. Orange peel oil can also be combined together with cottonseed oil for use in petrol engines without any sort of alterations to the engine. I am equally happy that I've gotten answers to those key questions I had then as a child  and to be honest with you, I've gladly given my personal accolade to this awesome crop. A., Ramjee, R., Hulman, B., Dolberg, F., Rowe, J. At the same time, one should keep in mind that any fabric, which is given the needed attention and care would obviously last longer. Treatment of Headache Cottonseed can be blended and used for preparing herbal tonic for treating headache and relieving from tension. Agronomy Journal, 96, pp. .) The margin bears approximately 6 to 8 serrated teeth with bracteoles and large yellow flowers that are centrally purplish in colour. Enter biotechnology. 100% biodegradable. The fiber is the primary reason for growing cotton. Animal Feed The by-product of the cottonseed oil is the cottonseed cake, which can be feed to domestic animals. Types of Indian Fabric; Brand X Pictures/Brand X Pictures/Getty Images. Cent. Names of Cotton in various languages of the world are also given. Apart from being popularly used in the textile industry for making clothes, cotton continues to play remarkable role in Ayurveda, folk and Unani medicine for tackling several ailments. Properties of wool . Cotton's natural fibers can be spun into a very strong and durable yarn. People wore clothes made from wool, from cotton or from silk, all of which came from either animals or plants. it is used mainly to line clothing such as dresses and skirts. p. 167–180.8] Kale, B. N. and Prayagi, S. V. (2012), Performance Analysis of Cottonseed Oil Methyl Ester for Compression Ignition Engines, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 8, pp. Cotton is a breathable fabric that keeps the wearer cool, making it a good choice during hot summers. Cotton is so soft that it works well as a fabric for baby clothes and for people with allergies, sensitivities or skin conditions. and mid-weight fabrics. Cottonseed normally contains approximately 18% oil, so the type of oil extracted from cotton seeds is known as cottonseed oil. The twigs and woody stem are very thick that make it very resistant to harsh weather conditions. Polyester, being a synthetic fiber, is a less expensive option and has many benefits that cotton does not. There are many benefits to cotton clothing, but some of the most commonly cited are the material’s hypoallergenic nature and its moisture-wicking properties. Cotton Fibers Developmental Biology, Quality Improvement, and Textile Processing. The first use of the fabric was to create women's stockings. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. 15] Reddy, K.R., Koti, S., Davidonis, G.H. Bio. International Journal of Basic & Applied Sciences, 12, pp. (2001), Bollgard cotton: An assessment of global economic, environmental, and social benefits. Equally known as levant cotton, this shrubby plant is usually erect in nature with sparsely hairy leaves. (1990), Effect of Supplements of Balanced Concentrates and Cottonseed Cake on Milk Production in Mauritian villages. Yes, I can still remember vividly how my teacher would always remind my classmates and I that our school uniforms were all made from cotton. HI THERE.. It seems warm to the touch, while cotton feels cool, for example. Some burning questions I asked my teacher then were; if cotton can be consumed as food? 121-130. Table damask is ironed on the right side to develop the lustre and enhanc Properties of Cotton Fabric; How Does Cotton Help Insulate? 8] Kale, B. N. and Prayagi, S. V. (2012), Performance Analysis of Cottonseed Oil Methyl Ester for Compression Ignition Engines, International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering, Volume 2, Issue 8, pp. Also some synthetic blends mixed in with natural fabrics make for very comfortable, easy care blazers, slacks, etc. Cotton seeds undergo three main steps to yield the oil and the steps are refining, bleaching and purification. Cooling Properties of Cotton Vs. Rayon Fabric. Dermatological Care Due to its rich constituent of vitamin E, cottonseed oil can be used for making cosmetics and soaps for skin and hair care. For many Americans the leading reason they desire and some have to wear 100% cotton clothes is because cotton is hypoallergenic. B. and Ndudi, E. A. Is Linen or Cotton Better in Hot Weather? Wet cotton often sags and stretches out of shape. Biodiesel Cottonseed oil can serve as an alternative renewable biodiesel for diesel engines. My journey on knowing more about this awesome crop is part of the reason I am sharing this post with you. Learn more about this technology. Even though it may hold moisture longer than polyester, in hot weather, this actually becomes a way to keep your body cool. Due to the high amount of tocopherols in cottonseed oil, the shelf life of food prepared with it is long. Because cotton is a natural fiber, it risks damage from mildew. Merging the strengths of both the fabrics will produce an even better end product. Cotton comes from a plant, making it a renewable resource and environmentally friendly. Cotton is a plant. Cotton production is responsible for the emission of 220 million tons of CO2 annually. Cent. . 1148-1155.16] Senchina, D. S., Alvarez, I., Cronn, R. C., Liu, B., Rong, J.,Noyes (2003), Rate variation among nuclear genes and the age of polyploidy in Gossypium. This annual/perennial shrub thrives well in warm weather and comprises of several species such as herbaceum, hirsutum, arboreum and barbadense. Learn More about the Characteristics of LINEN Make a linen spray for ironing your linen textiles 27 Green Uses for vintage linen textiles How to revive the use of vintage linen textiles for zero waste living Gossypin contains anticonvulsant activity and as such effective for treating patients suffering from convulsion and for, Eases Childbirth Studies reveal that the root bark of cotton is very useful for women as it eases childbirth. The antibacterial activity of cotton fabric was studied by using chitosan/AgCl-TiO2 colloid. Although jean fabric is lighter and thinner than denim, both fabrics are similar. 398-399. B. Linen fabric has a number of properties, that makes it highly useful for various applications, in industry, in home furnishings and apparels. such as chambray and gingham. When it is ironed, linen has an odour somewhat like straw. The physical properties depend on both the ratio of polyester to cotton and on the particular polyester used. Benefits. 32-35. Root, Ayurpharm International Journal of Ayur Alli Science; 1(1): pp. The pale-yellowish oil is processed from the seeds before being used for cooking and preparing food dishes like salad. "Poly cotton" is a term for a blend of polyester and cotton. The use of elastane. (1990), Effect of Supplements of Balanced Concentrates and Cottonseed Cake on Milk Production in Mauritian villages. Cottonseed can be blended and used for preparing herbal tonic for treating headache and relieving from tension. This is especially true during exercising. Cotton also absorbs moisture but rather than feeling cool, cotton may feel damp to the touch in a high humidity environment. She has worked for Medigram, a medical poster and Rodar Publications. The root bark of cotton can be prepared and used by women suffering from menstrual problems as it helps to promote menstruation. These features suggest why the cottonseed oil is healthy and good for the body. In my own exp e rience, viscose and rayon are most appreciated in a fabric blend. The benefits and versatility of cotton are numerous. Uses, Benefits, Cures, Side Effects, Nutrients in Cotton. and Reddy, V.R. During this process, little water is required, and toxic chemicals used are recycled back into the system. The structure of the primary cell wall of the cotton fibre, and particularly the outer surface layer (the cuticle), has a major influence on fibre properties, processing and use. These features suggest why the cottonseed oil is healthy and good for the body. So, as with everything, there are times the natural fabrics work well. Generally, organic cotton is cotton that is grown and produced with: No synthetic agricultural chemicals (pesticides and fertilizers) at the growing stage No GMO (genetically modified) seeds No synthetic chemicals in the processing stage (in bleaching, dying and printing). 47-53.11] Kumar, R. S. and Manimaran, R. (2013), Performance and emission characteristics on 4-stroke single cylinder C. I. It is very shape resistant and light as well. Cotton fibres have a multilayered structure that has been studied for nearly a century. p. 167–180. Apart from clothing, what other purposes can it be used for? 02, pp. Cotton seeds are an excellent source of tannins, glycosides, proteins, saponins, steroids, phenolic compounds, aluminium, resins, potassium, sulphur, amino acids, sodium, carbohydrates, phosphorus, iodine, flavonoids, calcium, saponins, lactic acid, fluorine, iron, sulfhydryl compounds, strontium, betaine, silica, magnesium, choline, chlorine, manganese and traces of barium, copper, zinc, phytins, phosphatides, boron and nickel. Both immature and over-mature cotton fibres are undesirable for textile applications. However, the cheapest cotton is cotton that has not been produced sustainably, and better forms of cotton cost much more. Facts about Cotton 2: the notable usage of cotton. It belongs to the Malvaceae family, genus Gossypium and is mainly predominant in Africa, Russia, Middle East and Asia. Colic is symptomized by severe pain in the abdomen as a result of obstruction in the intestines or wind trap in the intestines of babies. The world uses cotton more than any other natural fiber and it is primarily grown and used to make cloth. Karnataka Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 23, pp. Cotton is prized for its comfort, easy care, and affordability and is ideal for clothing, bedding, towels, and furnishings. 78-80. The oil has a neutral taste as well as contains a high proportion of tocopherols. 100% natural. All Rights Reserved. Properties of cotton/spandex single jersey fabrics: In cotton/spandex single jersey fabrics, bursting strength, fabric weight, crease recovery and pilling resistance rating can be improved significantly by increasing the Lycra ratio, but air permeability and dimensional stability of the fabrics decrease, finds Dr Mona M A Haji. It wrinkles and creases easily which can make you look untidy. You only have to look at a Highland sheep breed in its dense, long fleece standing in the snow to understand the special thermal capacity of wool. Cotton has been grown for food, fiber, and even fuel for over 6,000 years. 100% renewable. Cotton's natural fibers can be spun into a very strong and durable yarn. (2003), Rate variation among nuclear genes and the age of polyploidy in Gossypium. Cons . Cottonseed oil is distinguished by its unique distinctive aroma on food. Emmenagogue Properties Cotton root is an emmenagogue and such very effective for stimulating blood flow in the uterus and the pelvic area. , Asian Journal of Engineering Research, ISSN-2319–2100, Vol. Another important produce from cotton is the cottonseed oil. Evolution, 20(4): pp. Cotton clothing absorbs perspiration and retains it, so it's not comfortable for strenuous sports that make you sweat. The cotton leaves can be dried and ground into powdered form, which can be applied on cuts, bruises and wounds for stopping bleeding. Cotton twill. In the 1930s, scientists at DuPont developed nylon fabric, then known as fiber 66. ... Cotton compost is spread back onto a cotton field. 1] Adelola, O. But just a little bit of intro on what cotton is all about. In the past chlorine based chemicals were used for purification. 2-3. Even though I can't remember clearly what her responses were at the time, I knew then as a growing child that cotton is not part of our common staple food so I graded it as non-edible. Enzymes such as phytase, lipase, peroxidase and catalase are also found in this shrubby plant. Treatment of Orchitis Orchitis is a disease condition symptomized by the inflammation of one or both of the testicles. Bio; 1 (1): pp. Because of its fire resistant properties wool is used to make uniforms for firemen. quality, In A. Basra (ed). Cotton voile is very fine and transparent. Anti-malarial Properties Cotton leaves can be decocted and used for treating malaria and eradicating malaria parasites. The world’s population is increasing, but the global supply of arable land and water are not. Apart from being popularly used in the textile industry for making clothes, cotton continues to play remarkable role in Ayurveda, folk and Unani medicine for tackling several ailments. Unlike synthetic fibres wool does not melt so it will not stick to your skin and cause burns. Thus, the cotton plantation can be found in various regions in the world. Because of the hydroxyl groups in the cellulose, cotton has a high attraction for water. The benefits and versatility of cotton are numerous. . It would also not lose its charm. European Journal of Exp. … A., Ramjee, R., Hulman, B., Dolberg, F., Rowe, J. 9. There are four species of cotton grown for the commercial productions. It can withstand very high temperatures and can be easily dyed with different colors. As a result, such individuals should avoid using cottonseed oil or consuming food prepared with cottonseed oil. Cottonseed oil is distinguished by its unique distinctive aroma on food. 1 – 5. B., Patil, B. C. and Katageri, I. S. (2010) Effect of Nitrogen Levels, Split Application of Nitrogen and Detopping on Seed Cotton Yield and Fibre Quality in Bt-Cotton. have a high tendency of being allergic to cottonseed oil. Moreover, it does not undergo any hydrogenation process and as such contains no hydrogenated substances. Jean fabric and denim. The seeds can also be ground into powdered form and mixed with milk for relieving headaches. 9] Khaleequr, R., Arshiya, S. and Shafeequr, R. (2012), Gossypium herbaceum Linn: An ethnopharmacological review, Journal of Pharmaceutical and Scientific Innovation, 1 (5), pp.1-5. For the cotton industry they make the claim that there are advantages of wearing all cotton clothes. Positive: Ø Usually made of cotton, but can be made from rayon or other synthetics. Facts about Cotton 2: the notable usage of cotton. Initially, I had my doubts on how fabrics such as school uniforms and other forms of clothing can be made from a common plant. 418-420. IT IS GREAT TO MEET YOU.. Well, this is because this amazing crop is not only used for making our clothes as we all were meant to believe from tender age but it is also used for several crucial purposes ranging from medicinal, therapeutic, commercial and culinary purposes etc. In the consumer’s life, we know cotton to be extremely easy to care for. It keeps you cool in … Cotton is a natural product, and therefore doesn’t contain any chemicals. CHARACTERISTICS: Comfortable Soft hand Absorbent Good color retention, prints well Machine-washable, dry-cleanable Good strength Drapes well Easy to handle and sew In this regard, cotton is divided into three categories: long fiber cottons (long staple) with measures more than 28mm and short fiber cotton (short staple) that do not reach a length of 18mm. It is comfort to wear in all the season. Cotton is also versatile and can be woven into cloth for several purposes. (2012) Wound healing activity of methanolic extract of leaves of Gossypium herbaceum. It measures approximately 2 to 8 feet height and bears between 5 to 7 lobed leaves with ovate lobes and rotundus formed at the base. If you like to layer on warmth without adding fleece, this Terry sweatshirt delivers that classic cotton feel and weight you love, without the fuzz. (2012), Extraction and Characterization of Cottonseed (Gossypium) Oil, International Journal of Basic and Applied Science, Vol 01, No. 398-399.2] Boodoo, A. The Full Cellulose Lowdown. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});(b) Pregnant women should avoid the root bark of cotton as it can induce abortion.DISCLAIMER This post is for enlightenment purposes only and should not be used as a replacement for professional diagnosis and treatments. Besides, the oil can possibly contain some natural toxins trapped from the pesticides used in cultivating the cotton plants. When a wool fibre is disposed of, it will naturally decompose in soil in a matter of years, slowly releasing valuable nutrients back into the earth. This suggests why you definitely need to take your time and go through this post in other to tap into what you might never knew you could benefit from this nature's gift. Healthy Cottonseed oil is an excellent source of vitamin E and does not contain cholesterol. B. and Ndudi, E. A. Thick and robust, cotton twill is ideal for work clothes, shorts, pants or jackets. People use the bark of the root and seed to make medicine. Comparatively speaking, cotton is one of the least expensive textile fibers in the world, which has contributed to its popularity. To make it absorbent the oils and waxes have to be removed. Cotton fabric may pill easily, as lint can form because of short fiber length. Another disadvantage is that pattern clothing is a little more expensive than cotton; making cotton products more desirable. The greatest advantages of cotton is it’s breathability. So the question is what is Cottonseed Oil? Cottonseed oil can be used for cooking, frying, steaming, baking or dressing salads. Female Care Cotton flowers are used for preparing herbal medicine for treating premenopausal symptoms, uterine bleeding and endometriosis. It can soak up to 20 percent of its weight before the garment begins to feel damp. Diuretic Properties The alcoholic extract of cotton is diuretic in nature and as such can be used for increasing the passage of urine. Cotton shows every stitch, which can be positive or negative, depending on how you’re knitting that day. Food Product Press, Binghamton, NY. To be on the safe side, use the cottonseed oil with caution and as a matter of fact, use every cooking oil with caution because too much intake of oil is not good for our health. The natural elasticity of wool also makes woolen fabrics resistant to tearing. © 2020 Global Food Book. 7] Hsieh, Y. Cotton fibers can hold water 24–27 times their own weight. These processes are very essential for eradicating the harmful crystalline  gossypol compound found in cottonseed oil. Natural fibers, as opposed to synthetic like polyester, tend to be more expensive and isn’t the best option when trying to keep costs down for promotional items. According to Cotton Council International, cotton is a natural, renewable, biodegradable and sustainable fiber. Journal of Cotton Science, 5(2), pp. A plain weave will produce simple, everyday fabrics. Many farmers cultivate organic cotton without the aid of harsh chemical fertilizers. Cottonseed is a rich source of vitamins such as inositol, nicotinic acid, thiamine, biotin, riboflavin, folic acid, pyridoxine, pantothenic acid, vitamin A, vitamin D and vitamin E. The seed contain yellow pigments, flavones, gossypupurin, carotenoids, gossyfulvin and gossycaerulin. I grew up hearing so much about cotton! Cotton will crush flat because it lacks body. "It's got a lot of properties," the former viticulturist said. I, Issue II. The bark can be chewed or used together with other herbs for preparing sex stimulants.Wound Healing Properties Methanolic extract of cotton leaves can be used for treating and healing wound. Cotton, like rayon and wood pulp fibers, is made of cellulose. 1148-1155. Help keep colors looking bright by turning them inside out before laundering and using the shortest cycle possible for the soil level and fabric. Apart from the popular name you know cotton with, what about the local names? Well, this is because this amazing crop is not only used for making our clothes as we all were meant to believe from tender age but it is also used for several crucial purposes ranging from medicinal, therapeutic, commercial and culinary purposes etc. Bio; 1 (1): pp. by Elizabeth / Sunday, 19 February 2017 / Published in Textile Knowledge. Treatment of Gastrointestinal Diseases The cotton seeds and leaves can be decocted and used for treating gastrointestinal diseases such as dysentery and indigestion. Cotton Clothing. Anti-oxidizing Properties Cottonseed oil is a rich source of antioxidants such as flavonoids, tannis and as such very powerful for eradicating free radicals from the body. List of various diseases cured by Cotton. Cotton Fabrics are comfortable to wear than the other fibers product. Other parts of the cotton plant are put to good use and are used in the production of foods, plastics and in paper products, according to the National Cotton Council of America. The smoke point of cottonseed oil is 232 °C. 13] Masram, H. G., Harisha, C. R. and Patel, B. R. (2012), Pharmacognostical and analytical evaluation of.
2020 positive properties of cotton