However, you can decrease this risk by simply opting for pets that are friendly companions. In America the painted turtle is a common and one of the easier turtles to take care of. The hardest part is initially setting up a proper enclosure. Do you have a pet? 2. Dead pets do NOT gain any exp regardless of whether or not they fought in the battle or not. Other animal-care professionals promote birds or fish as ideal first pets for children. All rights reserved. "Hermit Crabs." 1. Dummies helps everyone be more knowledgeable and confident in applying what they know. Pleasantly the the new exotic pet keeper bearded dragons also appreciate a reasonable amount of plant matter in their diet meaning less contact with livefood will be necessary. Guinea pigs are naturally healthy creatures that live long lives, which means you can build a lasting bond with them. According to Dr. Lianne McLeod, the veterinary guide for exotic pets at, top seven are: guinea pigs, rats, hamsters, gerbils, mice, lepard geckos, and Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches. But horns grow out over their head after a certain period of time. Reasons Reptiles Make Good Pets. The axolotl is a strange creature that is critically endangered in it’s native Mexico yet is thriving as an exotic pet in captivity. Canadian Federation of Humane Societies. Whilst even most scorpion keepers do not handle their pets the imperial scorpion is one of the most docile species and some people do engage in handling them though generally-speaking it is recommended you avoid this practise to eliminate the chances of any damage coming to either you or your pet. Bearded dragons like a dry, desert-type vivarium with rocks or branches to climb on and a very hot basking spot at one end that mimics the Australian desert sunshine. Reaching a smaller size their living quarters can be proportionately smaller. Looking after pets. "First Pets: Rats!" Related Questions. African mantids do require some form of artificial heating during the cooler months though should be fine at room temperature during the summer. Praying mantis eat live insects which should be provided every day or two and a major part of the “fun” of owning these insects is watching them hunting and catching their prey – a process which is every bit as fascinating as watching a chameleon on the prowl. (March 2, 2011), RASA Rescue. Budgies. "Taking Care of your Ants." Guinea pigs, gerbils and rats are all rodents that are perfect pets for beginners. A lot of kids are fascinated when a hermit crab changes its shell. How to Look After Reptiles While You’re on Vacation, Overcoming Arguments About Keeping Exotic Pets, The Beginners Guide to Keeping Terrapins at Home, BN-LINK Digital Heat Mat Thermostat Controller for Seed Germination, Reptiles and Brewing Breeding Incubation Greenhouse, 40-108°F, 8.3A 1000W ETL Listed, Reptiles for Kids: A Junior Scientist's Guide to Lizards, Amphibians, and Cold-Blooded Creatures. George asked if he could have a horse, but his parents said no because horses are too big. You can join me on. Cockatiels are one of the most well-known family pets in the market. Additionally, beginners should only acquire snakes that were born and bred in captivity, as wild-caught snakes often present a number of challenges. 1. They have a base color of black with a mottled mossy green on their top side and a bright orange/red mottling on their underside so whilst they may only grow to be a few inches long as adults they’re certainly an attractive species to keep. This really is one species of amphibian that in my opinion has it all. (March 2, 2011), Kauffmann, Melissa. Depending where you live depends on what turtle is best for your pet. In order for a pet to gain exp in a battle it MUST do at least one attack and it MUST NOT DIE. Goats with rough natur… February 2002. (February 28, 2011), I’ve provided a list of the top 5 reasons corn snakes make the perfect snake for beginners, and even kids. The pet store. Wizard101 pets can give damage boosts, critical, resist, and so many other handy stats and talents. 500. Fire bellied toads are incredibly colorful amphibians. There are numerous reptile pets that a beginner will enjoy and find very easy to take care of. Generally, pets that require a large enclosure and outside-of-cage time like parrots need a space more extensive than a small apartment for free-flying. (March 1, 2011), Bertrand, Lynne. "The best pet birds for kids." The African mantis is actually not just one species but a number of closely-related species of the genus Sphodromantis that all appear similar and can be kept in identical ways so tend to be lumped together by retailers. (February 28, 2011), The F.U.N. In an attempt to help you in your decision-making process we have put together a list here of the top ten exotic pets. Many beginners take on the responsibility of housing Chameleons, but they must understand the responsibility of caring for an easily stressed species. Getting a dog or cat is a dream for every potential pet owner but what most people do not realise is the demand for time and care that comes with owning such complex pets, thankfully, there are other choices that make owning pets easy for both beginners and children. As a result rather than a dry, sandy environment they appreciate a forest-type vivarium with compost or bark as substrate together with a relatively high humidity and plenty of places to hide. Once you've done it correctly, continued care and maintenance is generally quite easy. Turtles As Pets For Beginners. When you consider just how reasonably priced these snake are, how easily handled they are and how simple they are to care for they could be said to be the perfect pet snake. Please note that there are no accurate figures on the numbers of types of exotic pets kept in captivity – this list is made up using a combination of experience in the exotic pet industry and from discussions with hundreds of other exotic pet keepers. You can find more information about keeping a painted turtle as a pet here. So look for friendly behaved goats. Should the water ever dry out – as sometimes happens in nature – then the axolotl metamorphoses into an adult salamander and wanders off to find more water! Just like the python corn snakes are easy to keep and can be safely held by keepers of all ages. 1 / 7 Photo: iStockphoto. By Farhana Uddin April 11, 2017. Wild goats are not suitable for raising as pets. The only potential downside is their unfortunate habit of going off their food for extended periods of time causing stress for some owners. So no matter what your personal likes and dislikes, if you’re looking for your first exotic pet you’ll find something here to put you on the path to success with exotic pets…. (March 4, 2011), ASPCA. Decorating a fish bowl is almost as fun as watching your fish. Learn about tortoises, cockatiels, Labradors, hamsters, sea monkeys, and other great pets for kids. They are, by and large, good tempered. They are also typically far more terrestrial and are less likely to climb up tank decor – preferring to bask on the floor of their cage. Each of these critters is easy to care for and handle, which is an expected requirement for households with children. © 2020 Corn Snakes make great pets for multiple reasons, a few having been mentioned already, but wait, there’s more. Bearded dragons are arguably the most widely-kept pet lizards in the world. "The Beautiful Betta Fish." And regardless of whether you’re looking for suggestions on the best pet reptiles for beginners or the best reptiles for children in general, you’ve come to the right place. Beyond the Dog. Whilst even many exotic pet fanatics find the appeal of scorpions difficult to understand a small group of dedicated scorpion enthusiasts do exist. Or how about the fact that these toads are super-simple to keep, relatively long-lived, easy to feed and are available from many exotic pet stores very cheaply indeed? Thanks to the way that they require no artificial heating, feed purely on bramble leaves and will breed almost uncontrollably once a colony is established you will typically find they survive and thrive with virtually no care on your part whatsoever. Published Feb 17, 2015. Come and join our reptile-keeping community and prepare for some exciting discoveries! Grammostola pulchra holds this title for several reasons. Similarly to the bearded dragon, the leopard gecko likes a dry, hot desert set-up though feeds exclusively on livefood rather than being omnivorous like the beardie. Consider a smaller type of lizard for your first pet. Prev Article Next Article . Place. They are also typically easy to care for, reasonably priced and readily available from most exotic pet stores. These African scorpions actually do not come from the desert as many other species do but infact hail from the moist forests. "Guinea Pig Care." Dummies has always stood for taking on complex concepts and making them easy to understand. So, in your hunt for a new pet you’ve chosen (or perhaps are at least considering) adding a new scaly friend into the mix. Their main requirements in life are food, water, a clean and comfy cage, and a wheel for exercise. 12. 3.94737. A further benefit of the corn snake is just how many different color morphs there are now commonly available offering a bewildering number of choices to the potential exotic pet keeper. Domesticated rats are often overlooked, but they can make great pets for kids. Whilst even many exotic pet fanatics find the appeal of scorpions difficult to understand a small group of dedicated scorpion enthusiasts do exist. For a beginner, the best type of pet birds to go for are the simple ones. If you're one of these people and are looking for low maintenance pets for children or adults, these are ideal. Taking care of a few mice in a cage is a classic example of a child's first pet. So I apologize for me coughing literally like 10 times throughout this. Hamster, gerbil or mice These small rodents are great fun, offer some feedback and respond to their owners. Exotic Pets to Avoid . Exotic pets can be beautiful, unique, and some can be trained to do tricks, talk, or retrieve items for you. "Pet rat care: Wonderfully simple!" Welcome to the Beginner’s ( or just everyone’s) basic guide to pets. Whilst there are hundreds of different tarantulas available there are really only two species that are suited to the absolute rank beginner. Other Pets; Pet Promo Codes; 15 Best Pet Birds for Beginners. Exotic pets for beginners: A discussion and list of unusual, interesting, unique, or alternative pets that are easy to care for. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. Worksheets. These active insects are generally safe to hold if you are gentle with them, though they can be cannibalistic meaning it is best not to keep them together lest you end up with just one fat mantis that has eaten all of the others! In this way even a single Indian stick insect will produce fertile eggs without any mating required and soon enough the next generation will begin to hatch. If you want to test the waters of responsibility, these five starter pets are probably the best for kids. These pets require lots of special care to help them feel safe in captivity. Chameleons make beautiful and entertaining display reptiles for beginners. An ant farm lets your child view how a small community works together. If cared for along with affection, an animal tiel may actually live for 30 … (March 3, 2011), Davis, Ken. One of the real pleasures of exotic pets is quite simply how many different species there are available. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. "Ten reasons to adopt an older cat." In this way it’s possible to decide on the corn snake as the perfect pet, buy a suitable vivarium and all the extra bits of kit then spend some enjoyable time looking at all the different colors and patterns possible to find a specimen that you find the most appealing. You consent to our cookies if you continue to use our website. Given the bare minimum of a gently heated vivarium with live insects to eat once a week or so a Chile Rose tarantula can live for over a decade and provide hours of pleasure and entertainment during that period. Fed on small pieces of meat, on commercially bought fish food and perhaps with the odd live insect as a treat these creatures can be very long lived (10+ years) and can provide a fascinating talking-point in any household. Of course this wide diversity also has it’s downsides – most notably because with so many choices it can be difficult to narrow down your options and make the best choice for you. Goats look very adorable when they are kids. The Indian stick insect is also sometimes known as the laboratory stick insect, and whilst they appear boring and insignificant to many pet keepers they can be an ideal exotic pet for small children. In captivity, hermit crabs can live 10–20 years under the right living conditions. With patience leopard geckos are perfectly handleable though they are typically far less likely to actually seek out contact with their keepers. These amphibians are predators so it’s important not to try and place any fish into the same aquarium with them and even plants can become damaged by these impressive creatures as they move about. I've been keeping and breeding exotic pets for over 20 years. The fact that unlike most exotic pets you can also easily keep fire bellied toads together in a colony means that this species can make a fantastic display for anyone. Nothing overly complicated at first. Mom Life. Video zone. Before caving and giving in to your child's constant begging for a puppy, take baby steps with a starter pet. Weird & Wacky, Copyright © 2020 HowStuffWorks, a division of InfoSpace Holdings, LLC, a System1 Company. Whilst the care of many scorpion species is quite similar it is the imperial scorpion – also often known as the emperor scorpion – that has become the beginners favorite. Adult corn snakes have body length from 61 to 182 centimeters, and they can live up to 23 years in captivity. Before taking the goats home, ensure that it is touchable and well behaved. In this way it is often easier and cheaper to buy a leopard gecko vivarium than it is to buy a cage for a bearded dragon. In this way if you are considering buying a tarantula it is the species you are most likely to come across in your local exotic pet store. Reptiles don't need to be fed every day. (March 3, 2011), Adopting a Pet Can Be Hard; We Have 8 Tips to Make It Easier, Tips for Introducing Your Pet to a New Baby, 10 Tips for Finding Family-friendly Hotels, Information about the device's operating system, Information about other identifiers assigned to the device, The IP address from which the device accesses a client's website or mobile application, Information about the user's activity on that device, including web pages and mobile apps visited or used, Information about the geographic location of the device when it accesses a website or mobile application. From the common to the rare, from the cheap to the expensive and from the easy to care for to the virtually impossible. Smaller snakes are usually fine as first pets. "Choosing the best pet reptile." Corn snakes will normally achieve a similar length to ball pythons though they are far slimmer than the more chunky body shape of the ball python. By . Guinea Pigs . Owning a pet can be a rewarding experience for a child. Beginners should stick to those species that are docile, easy to feed and remain relatively small. Which animals do you think make the best pets? The leopard gecko is almost as popular as the bearded dragon though don’t grow to anywhere near the size of the bearded dragon. Well, not until you know the nitty-gritty stuffs about birds. Puppies are a lot of work and at times can be on par with having another child. Furthermore beardies can become very tame indeed and seem to enjoy interaction with their owners whilst most other lizard species simply tolerate their keeper. These three tiny members of the rodent family are all considered classic pets for children. The last exotic pet worthy of mention in this top ten list is the African mantis – possibly the most wisely-available and easily cared-for species of praying mantis in the pet trade. Want to enjoy the benefits of pet ownership without the commitment of owning a dog or cat? How Many Dubia Roaches to Start a Colony? As an interesting side note, virtually every Indian stick insect kept in captivity is a female and this species reproduces without the need for males in a process known as parthenogenesis. Well how about the fact that they require no heating or artificial lighting so the costs and trouble of setting up their vivarium are minimal? In captivity the axolotl can reach around 30cm in total length and will live happily in an unheated aquarium. These are the top exotic pets not just because of the numbers of these animals currently being kept in captivity. Michelle Murphy. The most popular species kept as pets don't require much space. 6 Perfect Starter Pets. Older dogs and cats might adjust better to new people. Whilst the care of many scorpion species is quite similar it is the imperial scorpion – also often known as the emperor scorpion – that has become the beginners favorite. An African mantis is a relatively short-lived pet, unlikely to reach much more than a year or so of age though they can be bred in captivity with a little effort and to keep your collection going this is a worthwhile consideration. What Is A Good Reptile Pet For Beginners? We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that you’ve provided to them or that they’ve collected from your use of their services. They don't require you to spend time loving and coddling them. You need to choose for female cockatiels if you are actually a beginner as they are gentler as effectively as additional loving compared to the male dogs. The reason for us selecting the Chile Rose here for our list of the top exotic pets rather than it’s cousin the Curly Hair is that the Chile Rose is the most readily available – and kept – tarantula of all. Thanks to their ease of care and breeding bearded dragons are not only available at very reasonable prices but there are also a number of different color morphs currently in culture. They are a good way to teach pet care while giving your kids will get the thrill of a new creature friend. Hermit crabs are one of the most common first pets, but many aren’t given the proper care to survive very long. 1/7. Initially your pets will only fight one enemy pet in a battle. Best pets for kids. You might have already heard of parakeets that are also alternatively known as budgies. Besides this the standard aquarium set-up of gravel on the floor, declorinated water to swim in and a powerful filter to keep the water clean works well for axolotls. "Hamster/Mice/Gerbil Care." They are very friendly and affectionate pets when you take care of … Watch the video to find out about Mia's guinea pigs. Guinea pigs are social creatures, yet timid. aThe great part is that corn snakes are also reluctant to bite which is totally safe for beginners. Print the worksheet about looking after pets and complete the exercises to help you practise your English! #1 Pet Invertebrates for Beginners: Hermit Crabs. So they’re attractive and can live together happily but what else sets fire bellied toads apart from all the other possible pet amphibians? Wondertime.Com. Furthermore like most pythons the ball python is typically very docile indeed and can be safely handled without any risk of harm. 7 Small Pets That Could Be Right for You. Hermit crab George is at the pet store, looking at what kind of pet he might want to get for his birthday. However, there’s always one piece of the puzzle that a lot forget about – Pets. However there are also some major differences between these two species. Which pets are the easiest to raise? However in time most ball pythons will start feeding once again on their own without requiring veterinary intervention and without any harm having come to your snake. One of those is the Curly Haired tarantula and the other is this – the Chile Rose tarantula – also sometimes known by similar names such as the Chilean Rose or Chilean Rose-Haired tarantula. (February 28, 2011), Kennedy, Alix. Indeed Indian stick insects have proven so easy to breed that more than a few exotic pet keepers actually maintain a colony as a source of food for other carnivorous exotics like lizards. Pets can be cute and are a nice addition to any home but they can be a lot of work. My pet and me: Guinea pigs. “Pocket pets” are what people call small domestic animals such as gerbils, hamsters, ferrets and rabbits. The Best Starter Pets for Kids to Test Their Readiness . Top 10 Best Bird Pets for Beginners 1. "Reptiles as Pets for Children: Advice for Parents." These purely aquatic amphibians resemble newts to most people though they are infact larval salamanders which remain in this form as long as they are kept in water. The Australian bearded dragon (or “beardie” for short) reaches a reasonable size of around 60cm meaning they are chunky enough to be safely handled without being so large as to need an unrealistically-large vivarium. (February 27, 2011), Watkins, Anne Culbreath. Photo by Twenty20. Lastly the species listed below have been deliberately chosen to cover the full range of exotic pets including reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates. They thrive in high humidity, along with a varied diet and companions. Are your kids ready for a pet? (February 28, 2011), Best Pet 3.807065. Owning a small bird and cleaning its cage can teach a child responsibility. Firstly corn snakes rarely if ever go off their food so from this perspective they may be viewed as even easier to keep than ball pythons and many people would argue that the corn snake is infact the easiest snake of all to keep in captivity – and in all respects the perfect “starter” exotic pet. Photo Gallery. 1. It's entirely jet-black, shiny appearance makes it appealing for beginners and experienced keepers alike as it's something that you don't see very frequently. A length of 120-180cm is normal meaning that even an adult can be kept in a simple, reasonably-priced vivarium equalling the total length of your snake. Grammostola pulchra - In our opinion, this is the best tarantula for beginners. Here’s a look at animals that are reasonably low-maintenance (and three you should steer clear of). Having a good pet can be an absolute game changer for you. One of these seven small pets might be your best bet. "First Pets for Kids: The Guinea Pig." Guinea pigs are usually extremely friendly. (March 1, 2011), Cornett, Brandon. Typically when people hear the word “python” they think of a snake as long as a car and as thick as your leg but the ball python (or royal python as it is sometimes known) is different in that it achieves a far more reasonable adult size. Some of the best species for beginners include the following: Corn snakes > Ball pythons > Rosy boas Irrespective of who you are if you have enough passion and a little money to spare there is an exotic pet perfect for you. However, some readily available reptiles are good for beginners. This number will go up to two wild pets at level 10, and then three wild pets at level 15. It’s very important to know the behavior of your goats that you are going to raise as pets. Some of the best lizards to keep as pets are the leopard gecko, the bearded dragon, crested gecko, and the blue tongue skink. The Chile Rose is one of the cheapest of all the tarantulas, rarely ever bites and is adaptable and easy to care for. They are also relatively easy to look after. To begin with, this tarantula just looks great. However this should be seen as good news because this species makes an ideal introduction into the wonderful world of giant spiders. Photo c/o simply.jessi, brian.gratwicke, Fixed in Silver, Nicolas Winspeare, Flickpicpete (Thanks for 2 million+ views), rubund & berniedup. With the combination of docile nature and attractive patter, corn snakes are one of the best snakes for pets. Keeping Exotic Pets is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon. Most small rodents can be adequately socialized with … And it’s almost an impossible task to tame the wild goats. For those people, low maintenance pets could be the answer. How about the fact that they can be easily bred in captivity providing you with a whole new experience in your living room?