Category:Fallout: New Vegas Melee Weapons skill weapons - The Fallout Wiki. Fallout: New Vegas. How to get the Ripper is a Chainsaw knife with a very high damage per second. Thanks. Rushing water The most effective melee DPS and attack speed aid in the whole game. However, because of its Grand Slam special attack that the player is able to perform, it is one of the strongest melee weapons in Fallout New Vegas. ¹ Normal holdout weapon: May be concealed regardless of Sneakskill. There are a bunch of different types of melee weapons to acquire in Fallout New Vegas, including a Chainsaw, a Scientific Axe, and even a Nuka-Cola sign. Gehenna is a powerful weapon, and although some players prefer blunt weapons, this blade can act as an alternative if they want to use a sword instead for an occasional change of pace. videogame_asset My games. Unlike FO3, the best weapon doesn't depend on the type of character you create. There are certain weapons that just dominate everything else against hard targets. Fallout New Vegas. videogame_asset My games. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. ... HD One Handed Melee weapons done by insanity sorrow. For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Best weapon for Boone? Enjoy! chevron_left. close. Protonic Inversal Axe. Games Movies TV Video. I want to run a melee / unarmed character who's pretty clever and maybe good with a grenade. The best information I found was in the Fallout: New Vegas (PC): Unarmed/Melee Character Guide, by Erik Fasterius. Games. Gehenna is a unique Shishkebab that has a slightly different color than it’s regular shade and swings at enemies quicker than most of the other melee weapons that can be encountered in the Mojave Wasteland. You can find a few Legion guys that have one at Cottonwood Cove. Also 22 is decent damage for melee, and it's affected by both cow boy and grunt so you're looking at a 56% increase in base damage, making it one of the most damaging melee weapons in the game. (the super sledge). Since there aren’t very many swords in Fallout New Vegas, Gehenna helps fill the void for swordsman builds. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. Add new page. Fallout New Vegas. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. - Fallout 4 mode: your melee bashes always hit the target, mimicking FO4 behavior Well-balanced. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Slashing away at enemies can get tiresome after playing Fallout New Vegas for many hours and multiple playthroughs, and as such, players should consider acquiring a Chainsaw if they are looking for something to spice up their gameplay. Most melee weapons in New Vegas deal little critical damage anyway, meaning this trait isn't a complete waste. Heavy Handed grants 20% more damage for unarmed and melee weapons, but it reduces your critical hit damage by 60%. close. Knock-Knock, and the fire axes, are also very good melee weapons. Thank you all for your great suggestions. Sprtel-Wood 9700 Explosives. The best non-DLC melee weapon is the Machete Gladius. Good for taking out limbs, weapons out of enemy hands. Nukapedia + The Vault. This hilarious design is sillier than a lot of the other more gruesome melee weapons in Fallout New Vegas, such as the Chainsaw. The Protonic Inversal Axe weapon deals 58 damage, which is powerful considering how quickly it swings during each attack. (sold by Mick at freeside) #4: Machete Gladius (can be stolen from … EWs have the Laser Pistol, Plasma Pistol, and Pew-Pew for holdout weapons. is in Charleston Cave, you'll find it as you're doing the quest that unlocks Lily as a companion. There would so many good guns to choose from, so I decided to get the medicine stick, all American, and the CZ57 Avenger and see which I liked most. The shishkebab is also a pretty insanely good weapon if you pair it with Pyromaniac. Fallout New Vegas: 15 Best Unique Weapons (& Where To Find Them) 15 Lucky. 37,107 Pages. Rank That Game is here to help gamers around the world learn more about their favorite games. Bash will cost AP and, on hardcore only, weapon condition. Register Start a Wiki. However, Jack can, depending on whether or not you have a high base critical chance and/or the Ninja , Better Criticals or Finesse perks, deal an astounding amount of damage far superior to that of the Shishkebab in a … The melee weapons in Fallout New Vegas are one of its most generous features since the amount of melee weapons in the game is larger than a lot of other games in the RPG genre. The DPS is not as high as Chance's Knife, but the DAM is higher. Nuka Breaker is a fun weapon to use because it is basically just a large Nuka-Cola sign that the player can attack enemies with. Category:Fallout 76 two-handed melee weapons - The Vault Fallout Wiki - Everything you need to know about Fallout 76, Fallout 4, New Vegas and more! Behind the scenes. Fallout New Vegas: Strongest Melee Weapon Oh Baby Best Super Sledge (Close Combat) The Old Glory weapon will take a lot of time to obtain since it requires that the player has beaten The Lonesome Road DLC questline in order to acquire it. It hits like a truck, but it's as slow as a slug. Gehenna is another weapon that requires that the player have the Gun Runner’s Arsenal DLC installed in order to acquire it. Old Glory doesn’t deal an exceptional amount of damage, but the fact that it is able to deal 200% more damage in VATS with its special attack makes it worthwhile to collect for any melee weapon enthusiast. 17. Some nice and original melee weapons to find or craft, you can choose if you want other NPC to have rare chance to use them or not (Powder Ganger, Super Mutant/Nightkin, White Legs Lobotomites, Legion, Viper/Jackal & Fiends). So don't go bashing walls. All three of these require 50+ sneak to do so, though. The Shishkebab is generally considered the best melee weapon available as it has the highest base DPS, which is only improved further when combined with Pyromaniac. Effect: Inversal Scarifier Special Attack That Deals 200% More Damage But Costs 10 More Action Points, How To Obtain: Found On Test Subject 1 At The Cuckoo’s Nest, Requires That The Player Has The Old World Blues DLC Installed. This unique range of melee weapons gives the player even more choice than they already have with other weapon types in the Mojave Wasteland and makes for an experience that no close-combat player will ever forget. Use this ESP *Instead* of older bingles melee ESPs. Melee. They're expensive, they weigh a lot, and the first ones you get really aren't all that great. Games. I'm rather overwhelmed by the choices you make right at the start of the game about your special, tags and traits. Berserker [Level 12, Melee Weapons 85] For every human being you kill with a melee or unarmed weapon, you gain an extra 50 XP - with your fists, you gain an extra 200 XP - with a throwing knife, throwing hatchet, or throwing spear, you gain an extra 1000 XP. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Big Mountain... Unused weapons. When you get to Vegas, steal the cram opener from Little Buster in Camp McCarran, its a very very good unarmed weapon which will last you until you get ballistic fist. Instead of swinging at the enemy, the courier can hold down the attack button to consecutively attack their enemy, since it is a chainsaw. Melee characters have a trait just for them. ^_^. Nuka Breaker deals 50 damage during combat, and it gets even better because it has a special attack that is completely unique to this weapon. 2. RELATED: 10 Most Iconic Weapons In Video Games. Having a high repair (50+) so you can create Weapon Repair Kits saves you from needing the Jury Rigging perk (for weapons anyhow) and needing to spend a lot of caps on repairs. I'll get Knock Knock the next time I play. It's easy to get early, this makes is a great beginner close combat weapon. How to get the Best Melee Weapon in Fallout New Vegas The Unique Knock-Knock Fire Axe! - Precise: you hit where you aim. Any way to reduce negative reputation (NCR). The sheer amount of stats and… The Protonic Inversal Axe also has a set location, which means that it is easier to acquire than a lot of other unique melee weapons, which require the player to have a set amount of Caps to be able to purchase them. Unarmed. So this is a compilation of my melee weapons series. What do you guys think is the best gun. This elegant .357 round revolver can be... 14 Li'l Devil. Despite being in the weapons category on the Pip-Boy 3000, these items are not used offensively. Unique DLs-- Total DLs-- Total views. Similar to the Old Glory weapon, the Protonic Inversal Axe has a special attack that allows it to deal 200% more damage in VATS; this special attack, combined with its base damage, make it the best melee weapon in Fallout New Vegas. Wikis. Oh, Baby! #1: Katana, fully modded (it and its mods are available from most early merchants) #2: Chance's knife (available just north of goodsprings without DLC) #3: Embrace of the Mantis King! fallout new vegas strongest melee weapons. Hunting rifle (without scope mod, but with the other 2) is amazing for just about anything. The DPS is not as high as Chance's Knife, but the DAM is higher. Fallout … I do think explosives are the hardest to use. Nuka-cola quartz Gives you a bit of armour and a night-vision. Very few weapons in Fallout: New Vegas look as beautiful as Lucky. Not really that bad, considering the only conventional gun thats a holdout weapon below 50 sneak is the .22 silenced pistol, which IME, is worthless. You've got a few choices, with and without DLC. The best non-DLC melee weapon is the Machete Gladius. The first energy weapons are also kind of bad, but don't let that fool you. Permissions and credits Credits and distribution permission. This guide covers all the unique unarmed and melee weapons in the Mojave Wastes. Fallout New Vegas has many melee weapons, and it also has a vast array of unique melee weapons that have a unique appearance or a special effect. silenced weapons like the .22 silenced pistol, the pistols or smgs silenced, silenced varmit rifle, silenced sniper rifle, or at the best the biggest silent melee weapon/unarmed weapon that doesn't produce sound or light can pretty much kill everything if you get the drop on them. Rank That Game was created to give gamers more information about their favorite games. The Protonic Inversal Axe is a special weapon that was introduced in the Old … Two-step Goodbye or industrial hand-tool (power-fists) are great [UNARMED] Oh Baby or Katana [MELEE] YCS/186 or Alien Blaster (with or without wild wasteland) Ratslayer has always been a … Almost always get yao guai meat since it synergies well with psycho and weapon binding ritual. All weapons have been upgraded to hires textures. The best melee weapon in the game in terms of DAM is probably Oh Baby! on Fallout New Vegas: The 5 Best Melee Weapons (& How To Get Them), The Outer Worlds: The 5 Best Handguns (& How To Get Them), Fallout 4: The 5 Best Hats (& How To Get Them). Effect: Scrap Heap Special Attack That Deals 50% Regular Damage In VATS But Costs 20 Less Action Points, How To Obtain: One Is Located Inside Of The Caesar’s Legion Safehouse, Can Be Bought And Found Throughout The Mojave Wasteland. The weapons in New Vegas are balanced fairly well. Other. The Protonic Inversal Axe is a special weapon that was introduced in the Old World Blues DLC and is centered around science, similar to the other weapons in the DLC. Effect: More Damage Dealt And Uses Less Action Points In VATS Than A Regular Shishkebab, How To Obtain: Sold By Vendortron If The Player Has The Gun Runner’s Arsenal DLC Installed. Harder than a ranged weapon build, but much more viable than it was in Fallout 3. After using all these weapons for a while, I think my favorite is the All American, so I will be using that mostly. Effect: Grand Slam Special Attack That Deals 200% More Damage In VATS But Costs 13 Extra Action Points To Use, How To Obtain: Found On Ulysses’ Body Or Can Be Looted From His Footlocker Upon Finishing The Lonesome Road DLC Questline. Effect: Nuka-Break Special Attack In VATS, How To Obtain: Sold By Mick Of Mick & Ralph’s Or Vendortron If Mick Dies, Can Only Be Bought If The Player Has The Gun Runner’s Arsenal DLC Installed. Nail Bat: A baseball Bat with nails pounded in it. Fallout: New Vegas weapons Guns. Bingles Melee Complete Howdy Y'all! I don't think I can honestly say that one category is better than the others. Your email address will not be published. Purchasing this melee weapon requires that the player has the Gun Runner’s Arsenal DLC installed; luckily, this is the cheapest DLC that the player can buy. You can find a few Legion guys that have one at Cottonwood Cove. Besides an avalanche of detailed advice, I found it educational to read about the distinction between a melee-based build and an unarmed-based build. Ferocious Fighter [Level 18, Unarmed 95 OR Agility 9] What happened to the Brotherhood of Steel? Required fields are marked *. Version. The Nuka Breaker almost makes the citizens of the Mojave Wasteland feel like they are in a western version of Nuka-World! There are many different builds that could be centered around the Chainsaw weapon since it is a completely different type of weapon from the other equipment in Fallout New Vegas. Fallout New Vegas ; Mods ; Weapons ; Melee Weapons Mod; Melee Weapons Mod. Embrace of the Mantis King! Unsurprisingly, the Chainsaw weapon is one of the most fun close-combat weapons in Fallout New Vegas because of how quickly it can defeat enemies and also because it has a unique way of damaging that isn’t found in other melee weapons. How can a set of Medium armor outclass the best suit of power armor in Fallout New Vegas? © 2020 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Hi guys, I recently picked up Fallout New Vegas in the steam sale and am starting playing for the first time. ". Is there a trick to the virus isolating puzzle? 19,247. Along with both these fast and powerful traits, its damage can further be increased with the Pyromaniac perk. The Shishkebab is generally considered the best melee weapon available, as it is swung as fast as knives and lead pipes, and it deals only just slightly less damage than a super sledge per hit. The unique Gauss rifle uses normal ammunition and does like 500 damage per second to 30/30 defense targets. Ruby’s casserole – Wasteland omelet – Cook-cook fiend stew Because it’s health regeneration last longer. Energy weapons. Just something to tide you over while you look for the parts to the other weapons. Your email address will not be published. yes the ultimate edition will have all dlc on the same disc. Endorsements. Pretty much anyone who's a fan of the later non-isometric styled games in the Fallout franchise pretty much worships Obsidian, the developers behind Fallout: New Vegas and the wildly popular more recent release, The Outer Worlds. 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2020 fallout: new vegas best melee weapon