In order for us to continue bringing you fresh daily content, please whitelist our site in your ad-blocker. I am just gonna list the deck in it's current state. Timaeus appeared the battle against Dartz and the Orichalcos Soldiers 10,000 years to help Chris and Ironheart, but sadly he wasn't strong enough alone to take on Dartz's Great Leviathan and was eventually stabbed in the left eye by Dartz's Sword of Kings which caused him to fall to the ground. Legendary Knight Timaeus. Wähle 1 „Dunkler Magier“- oder „Dunkles Magier“-Monster, das du kontrollierst; beschwöre 1 Fusionsmonster, welches das Monster auf dem Spielfeld als Fusionsmaterial aufführt, als Fusionsbeschwörung von deinem Extra Deck und verwende es als Fusionsmaterial. The Eye of Timaeus can bring out more than just Dragon Knights! Tyrant Burst Dragon. Target 1 "Dark Magician" monster you control; Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck that lists that monster on the field as a Fusion Material using it as the Fusion Material. All rights reserved. A slew of new boxes and events has transformed the Duel Links meta in recent months. (under the name of "Magic and Wizards"), and is the central plot device throughout its various anime adaptations and spinoff series. Just one guy's opinion, but if you're focusing on The Eye of Timaeus you don't want DMOC/Dedication, since it can be a bit of dead weight then. Dark Magician Girl the Dragon Knight is an okay target for Eye of Timaeus, but it's only summonable if Dark Magician Girl is already on the field. Target 1 " Dark Magician " monster you control; Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck that lists that monster on the field as a Fusion Material, using it as the Fusion Material. Pixiv Id 2879006, Yu-Gi-Oh!, Yu-Gi-Oh! The Eye of Timaeus card is made to put to use the dark magician to bring out dark magician fusion monsters. Yu-Gi-Oh! Exxod. EDIT: it’s also an easy way to make Dark Paladin. Needs another spell already in the GY to match up against Cosmo Brain though. $8.99. I know it's not perfect, so I am looking for some tips. Around August 2018 was when I got my first King of Games in Duel Links (with Vampires), which was … Revival Golem. Him, his fellow Legendary Knights, and Dark Magician Girl helped Atem defeat Dart in an epic duel. We are very happy this crd was repritned as a common to make it more attainable! The aptly named Cyber Dragon Core is the first of your essential cards. The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. Rock Bombardment. I won't use meta decks. The Yu-Gi-Oh! You can only activate 1 "The Eye of Timaeus" per turn. Timaeus the Knight of Destiny. Orichalcos field spell might be a bit broken, but the spell cards released for Yugi Kaiba and Joey are actually kinda dope and would be really neat to have in Duel Links. This page was last edited on 19 June 2019, at 23:53. Target 1 "Dark Magician" monster you control, Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck that lists that monster on the field as a Fusion Material Monster, using it as the Fusion Material. This card's written lore in the anime was not shown, was too small to read, or was partially or completely obstructed; the lore listed here is a reconstruction based on how it was used, character descriptions of the card, and/or its OCG/TCG lore. It's an easy to summon 2500 Beatstick, but we already have enough easy to summon beatsticks though. The Eye of Timaeus (Blue) Ultra Rare DLCS-EN007 $2.93 — View. It may not be accurate or complete. Suddenly, the deck becomes slightly expensive but has outs to Blue-Eyes and Red-Eyes other than just Thousand Knives/DME. Legendary Knight Hermos. In order to summon one of the fusion monsters from the extra deck, youll need a face-up DM and The Eye of Timaeus The deck comes with plenty different spellcaster monsters, all … Criosphinx. 4.8 out of 5 stars 77 ratings. (Diese Karte wird zusätzlich immer als „Legendärer Drache Timaeus“ behandelt.) Timaeus the Knight of Destiny. YuGiOh; Pokemon; Card Game Supplies; Blog The Eye of Timaeus. Ekibyo Drakmord. Once you have the role, click the Discord logo in the top-right of the screen and log in. I know me personally running three Eye of Timaeus was way too heavy, so I dropped it to two. Eye of timaeus sucks ass.Its a hard minus one in a deck that really struggles to recoup that cost. There are no decks on the Tier List that currently use this card. Goddess Bow. The Eye of Timaeus and Amulet Dragon help against all those 3k BEWDs. (This card is also always treated as "Legendary Dragon Timaeus".) Uses cards on the player's field as Fusion Materials, Reduces required number of Fusion Materials,, このカード名はルール上「伝説の竜 ティマイオス」としても扱う。このカード名のカードは1ターンに1枚しか発動できない。①:自分フィールドの「ブラック・マジシャン」モンスター1体を対象として発動できる。そのモンスターを融合素材として墓地へ送り、そのカード名が融合素材として記されている融合モンスター1体をEXデッキから融合召喚する。. Invoked Elementsabers. Ultra Rare DLCS-EN007 $3.46 — View. Card Name: The Eye of Timaeus Card Type: Spell Card Card Number: DRL3-EN045 Passcode: 1784686 Card Text: (This card is also always treated as "Legendary Dragon Timaeus". I played a little high school Yu-Gi-Oh! [EDIT] Also if you still say you can't add it, the dark magical circle states that you can put the remaining cards on the top of the deck in any order you wish so just put The Eye of Timaeus on the top and there you go. Dark Magician the Dragon Knight was associated with Eye of Timaeus, so it is a possibility we might actually start getting some of the cards. Duel Links; Next Main Box leaked: Witch's Sorcery; User Info: RandysRage. Only 2 left in stock - order soon. You can only activate 1 "The Eye of Timaeus" per turn . I don't know how more people haven't got mental health problems ... Magician Navigation, The Eye of Timaeus and Amulet Dragon ! To stay up to date with meta shifts and changes, you can look at the DuelLinksMeta tier list, which is updated weekly by the Duel Links community’s top players. (This card is also always treated as "Legendary Dragon Timaeus".) (This card is also always treated as "Legendary Dragon Timaeus". Target 1 "Dark Magician" monster you control; Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck that lists that monster on the field as a Fusion Material Monster, using it as the Fusion Material. Dogu. Always FREE shipping at! Warriors, spellcasters and fusion monsters have joined forces to gives us … Price: ... Ultra Rare - 1st Edition - Duel Power 4.9 out of 5 stars 266. But also keep in mind, I know I need some cards, but I just don't have the gems for it right now. The Eye of Timaeus - LEDD-ENA21 - Common - 1st Edition - Legendary Dragon Decks (1st Edition) Brand: yu-gi-oh. )Target 1 "Dark Magician" monster you control; Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck that lists that monster on the field as a Fusion Material, using it as the Fusion Material. Trading Card Game is a Japanese collectible card game developed and published by Konami.It is based on the fictional game of Duel Monsters created by manga artist Kazuki Takahashi, which appears in portions of the manga franchise Yu-Gi-Oh! While in TCG not being able to force the acquisition of a card is a problem in duel links it is not as long as you carry 3 copies in the deck. Legendary Knight Timaeus. NORMAL. Triamid Hunter. You can only activate 1 "The Eye of Timaeus" per turn. Description: (This card is also always treated as "Legendary Dragon Timaeus".) DLM Pro members will also gain access to exclusive features. First of the Dragons can be summoned by fusing 2 Dark Magician, and can be a useful wall when Eternal Soul is inactive. The Duel Links Meta website is currently supported by advertisements. No decks using this card have been submitted recently. The build for me that has shown the most potential is a lightsworn chaos dragon deck with Prisma to send the dark magician and dark magician girl to the … Legendary Knight Critus. Check that you now have the "DLM Pro" role in the Discord server. ... Other cards worth mentioning are The Eye of Timaeus and Dark Cavalry. You can only activate 1 "The Eye of Timaeus" per turn. Personally I think it's a good card in a deck adapted to use it, I can think of a deck with balance to secure monsters and avoid an opening with too many timaeus in hand. 2336x1696 908kB Tyrant Wing. Overview "(This card is also always treated as "Legendary Dragon Timaeus".) The Eye of Timaeus. in the lunch room until 2010, but didn't really come back to it until Duel Links came out in 2016. ในเกม yugioh duel links มีการ Combo ที่น่าสนใจหลายๆแบบเดี๋ยว ผมคงทยอยลงครับ The Eye of Timaeus with Dark Magician เป็นการใช้การ์ดเวทมนต์ The Eye of Timaeus เพื่อฟิวชั่น Dark Magician ให้เป็น Dark… Triamid Kingolem. Obviously, the answer is no. Duel Monsters, Eye of Timaeus, Fanart, Fanart From Pixiv, Pixiv. Thank you for choosing to support Duel Links Meta's development! The Eye of Timaeus. You can remove the ads and support us directly by becoming a DLM Pro member. Dark Paladin remains a solid defense against decks that rely on spells, and you could opt for summoning it if you don’t have your Soul-Knight combo ready. Texto (EN): (This card is also always treated as "Legendary Dragon Timaeus".) The Eye of Timaeus. 1 offer from $3.95. Search for: Home; Shop. I tried to thin out what I thought would work. The Eye of Timaeus [ Spell / Normal ] (This card is also always treated as … First I am a f2p player who plays the game just for fun. Overall link summoning should only be used if you have a play that can get two of the XYZ monsters out or if Decode Talker seems like the best choice for the current situation. Daily Cash Duels, Weekly Tournaments, Monthly Championships, Top Player Discussions with Best Players in the game. Master of the Guard. Timaeus is one the of 3 Legendary Dragons who appear in the Doom Saga. My name is Truong-Son (TRUNG-Sun), but I'm more commonly called Timaeus (Tim-EYE-us), and people generally know me as the Subterror guru (pun intended). Edit: Eatos could also be interesting in Duel Links. Now one of our favorite cards in the deck is The Eye of Timaeus. Target 1 " Dark Magician " monster you control; Fusion Summon 1 Fusion Monster from your Extra Deck that lists that monster on the field as Fusion Material, using it as the Fusion Material. You can only activate 1 "The Eye of Timaeus" per turn. Currently I wanna do a dark magician deck (among other decks). The ace of this pack is Alector, Sovereign of Birds, Crusader Battlegrounds (1 Pack: $0.99 | 50 Gems – 5 Packs: $4.99 | 250 Gems – 10 Packs: $9.99 | 500 Gems – 30 Packs: $29.99). Hieracosphinx.