To make sure all modems will receive the option they can work with, you just define them all in the dhcp config. If you have any doubts on the house Ethernet… on. So, just guessing, if there is only one upstream channel that could be the modem, or possibly the upstream equipment. Error priority: critical. DOCSIS CM Eventlog: 7: 2020-12-11 03:29:05 74010100 notice CM-STATUS message sent. The connection problem has virtually went away, I had another critiacl error show up again this morning. First, a little explanation. I have been monitoring the speed as advertised and using the Rogers speed check at and have only gotten as high as 33.97 down and 5.38 up. I've personally seen low frequency noise destroy a return path channel (and do this sort of thing) without touching signal levels or downstream SNR. The CGN3 has a firmware bug which causes it to throttle back connections to 10/100 Mb/s devices. so if the cmts changes the return modulation because of noise in the plant and then back again, your modem can't support the new return modulation so it times out. Looking at the log, these two entries are repeating. That is a fairly unhealthy looking connection with no upstream channels locked on and only one downstream channel when there should be eight. Now I finally got some useful answer from provider. De NAS-disk is bedraad aangesloten op de connect box. Are you able to see the return path and downstream frequencies? Error Event: No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;CMTS-MAC=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0; Error Event: Unicast Ranging Received Abort Response - initializing ;CM-MAC=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;CMTS-MAC=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0; These occur multiple times and it is always after my Internet connection drops out. The upload remained the same at 5.65Mbps. Some cable modem models/brands may have cleaner upstream signal reducing the number of T3 timeouts (reportedly Zoom 5341-00-00J, for example) T4 Timeout - Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no So 30 to 40 Mb/s on a throttled back connection seems common in those cases when it occurs. Don't worry about the occasional one. 10/23/2008 21.57 82000200 03 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out, Technicians exchanged already modem, splitters etc. So, if you can, disconnect your Time Capsule from the wall Ethernet port and connect one of your gigabit capable devices directly to that port so that it picks up an address from the CGN3 and has an internet connection. this is mean you lost some field in dhcp server. Those levels look normal. It requires a number of misses before either happens. I have been on the Rogers support teflon cycle when it is everybody elses problem except their's. Event Type Code: 7; Chan ID: 3; DSID: N/A; MAC Addr: N/A; OFDM The CMTS and modem ping-pong as a way for the CMTS to know the CM is still alive for the CMTS to make adjustments to the CM. Thanks agin for your help and rather informative trouble shooting. If tech support did a reset of the equipment from their end, and the problem persists, call back in to get a tech out to your house to solve the problem. This error message is DOCSIS event message is R03.0, Ranging Request. Certainly a lot less than advertised, only 68% of the speed I signed onto. 01:09 AM The ends are terminated with the best compression fittings in the industry and brand new. T4 (Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received) The cable modem did not receive a station maintenance opportunity in which to transmit a Ranging Request (RNG [Docsis][55: No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out 2016/4/21 22:16:15 Critical --firewall logs FW.IPv6 INPUT drop, 431 Attempts. Its great that at least one customer was able to get a tech to check for a replace a frayed cable to the premises to resolve the issue. I don't think the modem you have supports docsis 2.0. docsis 1.1 yes, but 2.0 I'm not sure. T3 and T4 timeouts are described in much more detail The CMTS and modem ping-pong as a way for the CMTS to The possibility exists that you might have an internal Ethernet problem. that way it's new and you don't have to lease it from your provider. 10 days. Internet dropping off intermittently- No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out error. Can you let me know if the other channels are there and paste into the thread just the upstream channel data. Upstream timeouts can occur from bad cabling, amps, or other issues anywhere between you and the cable company. I recommend you go and buy a new modem, best buy, office max, etc... What do you mean by: " you lost some field in dhcp server"? The tech re-sets both and it has been working somewhat acceptable since. The downstream power levels are higher than usual, 0dBmV is a normal level, and you are missing a couple of upstream channels. Things seemed to stabilize, but I've had multiple "No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out" disconnects recently including 12:30AM Saturday. Modem flapping would be an RF issue anyway. go to the connection tab and double check your power levels. Solved: Hi, Been having intermittent broadband for the past week and logged the issue with Virgin via the app. ‎07-18-2014 On the home system, running a tcpdump while pinging from the Comcast Fibre location, I see all pings coming into the system in order and all responses going out. 10:10 PM. I now ROUTINELY have intermittent signal loss. Can't find what you're looking for? Going to call them Power -5 dBmV I would gladly purchase a new router if that would resolve it. Is there problem with DHCP server on my line? Can you log into the CGN3 and copy the downstream and upstream tables as shown in the following thread and post them into this thread. That T-3 timeout is the CM not hearing back from the CMTS when it should. Provider leases this Thompson modems (and they exchanged me already 3 modems which were all new), and I can't buy any new cable modem here in Slovenia, as far as I know ... And modem is Docsis 2.0 capable (This is from modem's data sheet:"euro-Docsis approved Design. Solved! The download could be a different issue. This is three days since the field tech replaced the cable to the premise. Please, If anyone who understands docsis could explain to me errors that are in my cable modems logs. Trust me, it doesn’t take much for a wire to be improperly punched down in a keystone, or for a Cat 5 connector to be improperly installed. Only worry if you start to see a bunch of them. Before I received … The sole channel that is there is also high sitting up at 50 dBmV instead of something in the range of 37 to 40. When I do call this in, I will also have all my TVs on, at the diagnostic pages (Cisco 9865, Cisco 4642, SA4250HD, SA3100) , to ensure those are not adversely affected (Signal strength, S/N ratio) by any changes that are made to fix the intermittent connection issue. Try to reproduce the problem with some TV channels. Had an engineer come around - 4365811 Time Priority Description 13/08/2020 11:26:33 critical No Ranging I don’t know if you have that ability with the mac, but I’m assuming it can be done. I would love to be able to get to that point, instead of all the typical runaround finger pointing one gets when trying to get an issue resolved - especically this one. QUESTION 2 -  Is there a civil way to request Rogers to verify and confirm that the cable to premises is good? The cable modem is resetting its cable interface and restarting the registration process. I might ask you to answer the questions as well, but for now, I'd like to see the signal levels and signal to noise ratios. Don't worry about the occasional one. One of those times the phone might go dead in mid-conversation. by 22-02-2020 22:56 - edited ‎22-02-2020 22:57. please let me know how you make out. Upstream The errors I get include the T3 timeouts, DHCP RENEW WARNING - Field invalid in response v4 option, CM certificate error, but also a new one that I haven't seen before, RNG-RSP CCAP Commanded Power in … If the Ethernet cabling from the CGN3 to the other 10/100/1000 Mb/s device is connected correctly, end to end, the interconnect between the two devices will run at 1 Gb/s. My modem Thomson THG-540 randomly resets (lights start to blink strange, then it resets, but time showing how long is modem online goes on, without reset). 2016/4/23 21:58:02 Firewall Blocked In windows, it’s possible to drill down to the network connections to see the actual status of the connection. Error Event: No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;CMTS-MAC=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0; Error type: 82000700. I would expect to see three upstream channels, not the single channel that it shows. Am I correct? I checked the dowstream/upstream summaries and they look normal. T4 Timeout ( Received Response to Broadcast Maintenance Request, But no Unicast Maintenance opportunities received ) The cable modem did not receive a station maintenance opportunity in which to transmit a Ranging Request (RNG-REQ) message within the T4 timeout period (30 to 35 seconds). It is WiFi from the TimeCapsule out to multiple devices, iMac, MacBook Pro, MacBook, tablets, iPhones, Playstation, and audio receiver. - last edited on When reset happens, modem get new downstream frequency and upstream channel ... (now is DS freq. Check as well the WAN uptime and see if it has reset to 0 when this drop occurs. The attached screen snip of my Cable Connection info shows that only the 1st Upstream Channel is Locked and active. 29.05.2019 09:39:30 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=xxx;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.1; 29.05.2019 09:39:31 CM-STATUS message sent. When I lost DOCSIS 3.1, dl speeds decreased 30-40%. To do that all 4 wire pairs within the cabling must be connected end to end. Not a big deal at all. The log showed not receiving data telling to the modem to adjust it's power level. I have now three upload streams, so I guess everything is working as it should. I am getting a lot of No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out and Unicast Ranging Received Abort Response - initializing MAC errors prior to my modem dropping out, could there be an upstream issue? No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out;CM-MAC=b8:16:19:f7:e2:b5;CMTS-MAC=60:73:5c:72:9b:79;CM-QOS=1.1;CM-VER=3.0; first one didn't show up until a worker came out and worked on it but i think it's the main line that connects at the pole keeping a eye on you guy's smooth talk him saying it should always look like that yea no neighbor has cox cable and … could be old modem firmware as well. in my house, but the problem remains. I rebooted the modem and was back online. I'm willing to bet it's the tftp options. O/k, even though the signal stats looked o/k at that snapshot in time, the error log entries confirm that something is going on. Intermittent connection - DOCSIS Event log display... That's what we're here for! The cable was frayed and had water damage. 2010-01-25 14:32:00 3-Critical R02.0 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out 2010-01-25 14:31:54 3-Critical R02.0 No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out auch bei mir alle 1-2 stunden offline die techniker kommen diese woche. The cable modem is certified to work on any Euro-DOCSIS based HFC cable system and is certified Euro-DOCSIS 2.0 by Excentis"). First it was Oh you have the newest modem and it cannont be power from a power bar it has to be directly connected to a wall outlet. The goal of the Rogers Community is to help you find answers on everything Rogers. As I read few thing from internet this indicated, that there are return-path (upstream) problems. you miss some Non critical field in dhcp response. The TV channel changer was locked up tight stuck on a channel and the home phone was not working. Usually this ranging interval can be configured on the CMTS; typically this is set to about 10 to 20 seconds. Da ich öfters mit I see that the link no longer works for some reason. Diskutiere No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out im FRITZ!Box für Kabel Internet Forum im Bereich Internet und Telefon bei Unitymedia; Hallo zusammen, Habe Probleme mit meinem Internet. ‎03-19-2015 And nobody knows what is happening at provider (I guess they're all lame technicians ...), Downstream This error message is DOCSIS event message is R01.0, Ranging Request. DOCSIS timeout descriptions or errors and what they mean. ‎07-18-2014 Intermittent connection - DOCSIS Event log displaying critical errors, Re: Intermittent connection - DOCSIS Event log displaying critical errors. I'm thinking the problem is with the upstream, from the notes earlier the modulation was 62Qam and then 16Qam. If it reads 100 Mb/s or less, you will probably see 30 to 40 Mb/s. You indicated that the CGN3 and AirPort Time Capsule are connected via house Ethernet. - edited receive levels should be zero (plus or minus 10, so between -10 and +10). Now it's working without a problem for aprx. 2015/6/2
14:31:01 Error. I'm anxious to find out what is going on. I must keep calling cable company, they must repair my line ... 10/23/2008 21.57 68000300 03 DHCP WARNING - Non-critical field invalid in response. Here are the links to the LAN testers: RogersJermaine. The dropouts are sometimes indicative or a cable or connector issue of some type, which might show up in the power levels. I start gaming), after a few minutes the modem will throw a "No Ranging Response received - T3 time-out" and drop connection. I also connected modem to car battery to exclude power supply problem. As for the critical errors that caused the cable modem to lose connection to the Internet, Rogers dispatched a technician who replaced the entiire cable from the premises out to the utility pole. However, if you don’t get the expected interconnect rate despite the appearance of everything being connected, then there is a problem with the connections for the Ethernet cabling. That kinda gets the point accross. Did the upstream table not paste in entirely? Just ask! You can also inspect the connections to see if they appear to have all 8 wires connected. Now, throw in the CGN3 firmware bug at that point, and on a 100 Mb/s interconnect, you are down to a maximum 30 to 40 Mb/s download rate. Error type: 82000200. Hello, Last couple of weeks, Internet has been dropping off multiple times a day. And I don't have problems with cable tv, which is connected to the same line (cable comes to our house, then there is a splitter for 2 tv's and data splitter for cable modem). If you keep getting dropouts on back in. I suspect that the Time Capsule might in fact hide a potential problem in the house Ethernet, so I’d like you to run a test if possible. It is set to Off (Bridge Mode) as recommended by apple when the modem serves up DHCP and NAT. In that case the problems are with the modem and RG6 cabling. De connect box is bedraad aangesloten op een 'extra wifi punt ziggo'. If no response is received, the modem logs another T3 timeout. Then I must call providers technicians and tell them where to look for errors. This does not appear to be a router or wifi issue, the router doesn't require a reboot and RSSI values are fine, no configuration changes on that end. This menu displays both upstream and downstream signal parameters, Network Access                                                                             Permitted, IP Address                                                                            , Subnet Mask                                                                        , Gateway IP                                                                            , DHCP Lease Time                                                                       06 H: 16 M: 50 S: 25, Port ID         Frequency (MHz)        Modulation        Signal strength (dBmV)   Signal noise ratio (dB)   Channel ID, 1                   633000000                  256QAM                               3.100                            38.983                       7, 2                   591000000                  256QAM                               1.500                            38.605                       1, 3                   597000000                  256QAM                               2.000                            38.983                       2, 4                   603000000                  256QAM                               2.100                            38.983                       3, 5                   609000000                  256QAM                               2.200                            38.983                       4, 6                   615000000                  256QAM                               2.600                            38.983                       5, 7                   621000000                  256QAM                               2.600                            38.983                       6, 8                   639000000                  256QAM                               3.000                            38.983                       8, 9                   645000000                  256QAM                               2.700                            38.983                       9, 10                 651000000                  256QAM                               2.600                            38.983                       10, 11                 657000000                  256QAM                               2.700                            38.983                       11, 12                 663000000                  256QAM                               2.500                            38.983                       12, 13                 669000000                  256QAM                               2.500                            38.983                       133, 14                 675000000                  256QAM                               2.700                            38.605                       134, 15                 681000000                  256QAM                               1.600                            38.605                       135, 16                 687000000                  256QAM                               1.700                            38.605                       136, 17                 693000000                  256QAM                               1.700                            38.605                       137, 18                 699000000                  256QAM                               1.700                            38.983                       138, 19                 705000000                  256QAM                               1.900                            38.605                       139, 20                 711000000                  256QAM                               2.000                            38.605                       140, Port ID         Frequency (MHz)        BandWidth          Modulation Type       Signal Strength (dBmV)     Channel ID, 1                   38596000                    3200000                              ATDMA                          50.500                       1. 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The speed i signed onto: // - SW File corruption to off Bridge! Phone and TV last night also on a separate occasion what do you mean by: `` lost! Until 3:09AM last night and onto another tech this morning for an hour or so the downstream power are!, TV, home phone was not working indicated that the CGN3 a... It possible all my docsis no ranging response received are tied to gateway mode and would dissapper in Bridge mode see it after! Know if the modem, or possibly the upstream, from the Rogers support teflon cycle it... Only one upstream channel is locked and active service entrance an Ethernet patch cable goes from the Rogers teflon...
2020 docsis no ranging response received