Miami International Airport (24.5 miles / 39.5 kilometers). a metropolis area, or you can search for cities near any airport, Each listing has verified information like property rating, floor plan, school and neighborhood data, amenities, expenses, policies and of course, up to date rental rates and availability. Keeping an up-to-date master plan is a federal requirement. FLL Airport. The city is a unique blend of upscale living and affordable housing, satisfying a range of budgets. Find CLEAR at the nation’s busiest airports and sports and entertainment venues, with more on the way! These unique packages enable travellers to start their trip the right way, especially if they have a long drive to the airport or an early morning flight. Airport near Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US, Neraest airports around Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US are displayed on map with air distances. My husband and I are planning a last minute child-free anniversary trip to the Fort Lauderdale area later this month.. We like to travel to the Caribbean, and stay in B&B's in small beach towns, but wanted to stay in the states because we only have 4 nights.We're open to any beach town within a short driving distance (
2020 cities near fort lauderdale airport