showing significance of leadership on culture, leadership on teacher retention, and leadership and school culture on student achievement. be aggressive or pupils will be aggressive back. Together, these resulted in continual improvement in student, Eyhampton high school: from ‘notice to improve’ to ‘, Eyhampton is a 13 to 19 age mixed comprehensive school. T, which began in Phase 2, was a necessary step on the way to developing a complex, personalised curriculum in Phases 3 and 4. These factors are strongly linked to improved student outcomes (Orphanos & Orr, 2014) [33] . 0000016191 00000 n
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the relative impact of different types of leadership on students' academic and nonacademic outcomes. �D &�M Lack of facilitation in the online discussion appeared to have the potential to engender some resistance. Day, Christopher; Gu, Qing; Sammons, Pam. 0000002950 00000 n
Rather, successful principals draw differentially on elements of both, instructional and transformational leadership and tailor (layer) their leadership strategies to, their particular school contexts and to the phase of development of the school. The first analysis involved a comparison of the effects of transformational and instructional leadership on student outcomes. Best Evidence Syntheses Iteration (BES), Robinson, V., Lloyd, C. and Rowe, K. (2008) The impact of leadership on student. monitoring for all staff, and in this first phase the emphasis was on raising standards, principal was ‘fortunate’ as many of the staff who were initially resistant to change chose, to retire or move, thus leaving the way clear to develop the new ethos and ‘get the, on discipline and high behavioural expectations were key elements in instilling the new, culture into the school. 2003; Robinson et al. (improvements) in schools’ academic performance. 89 0 obj Premised on the qualitative research approach, a purposive sampling technique was used to select 6 schools identified by district education officials as having performed well for the past five years and seen as having effective leadership. He felt, that strong authoritarian leadership was what was needed at that time in order to raise, aspirations and change the under-achieving school culture. (2013) Sustaining school performance: school contexts, Hallinger, P.& Heck, R. H. (1996) The principals role in school effectiveness: An, assessment of methodological progress, 1980-1995. Quantitative results complemented these, case study findings by providing empirical evidence of the patterns of associations between, certain key features of leadership identified from confirmatory factor analysis of survey, responses by principals (setting directions, resigning the organisation, developing people and, managing teaching and learning, trust) and the role of personal qualities. The Impact of Leadership on Student Outcomes: An Analysis of the Differential Effects of Leadership Types Step 1 Research Design: The methodology involved an analysis of findings from 27 published studies of the relationship between leadership and student outcomes. The most commonly researched leadership models that have been identified as resulting in, traditionally emphasised vision and inspiration, focussing upon establishing structures and, cultures which enhance the quality of teaching and learning, setting directions, developing, people and (re)designing the organisation, instructional leadership is said to emphasise above, all else the importance of establishing clear educational goals, planning the curriculum and, evaluating teachers and teaching. The results revealed, the interconnections that reveal how such leadership strategies and actions shaped school and, classroom processes and improved school conditions that in turn promoted better pupil, The IMPACT Research: Mixed Methods Design, of School Leadership on Pupil Outcomes) and their sequencing. An example of the integration of, transformational and instructional strategies is ‘pupil behaviour’ which figures in different. Much, research since then, however, has been able to find much more complex relationships, between, for example, values, behaviours and strategies used in effective and improving. transformational leadership; instructional leadership, The Research Context: Why School Leadership Matters, The past 20 years have witnessed remarkably consistent and persisting, world-wide, efforts by educational policy makers to raise standards of achievement for all students, through various school reforms. e) To compare Principals’ view of their role and influence with current conceptions of school leadership. (2012). The second involved the inductive development of five sets of leadership practices and the … Later writers and researchers would gradually extend and develop the theory and argue that the goal of transformational leadership is to transform people as well as organizations. Leithwood, Patten and Jantzi (2010) argue that it is likely that the influence of different leadership, practices travel different routes (i.e. actions over time. Kaplan, D. (2004) Structural equation modelling. Leadership and conflict management have a significant effect on job satisfaction. Some strategies did not continue through each, foundations upon which other strategies were built. Leithwood, K., Day, C., Sammons, P., Harris, A. and Hopkins, D. (2006), Leithwood, K., Day, C., Sammons, P., Hopkins, D. & Harris, A. Educational Administration Quarterly, v52 n2 p221-258 Apr 2016. Second, systematic classroom observations and, in all schools (i.e. This was seen as crucial to promoting higher, academic standards and change in staff and student attitudes and in the school culture. 82 0 obj Day C., Sammons P., Harris A, Hopkins D., Leithwood K, Gu Q., Brown E., 2010. , September, 2009, Vol. We, ale to draw upo a osiderale ak of experiee of the at, leadership. They are shaped by the composition of their pupil intake (e.g. In addition, they showed connections between other important intermediate, outcomes such as the retention and attendance of staff, improvements in pupil attendance and, behaviour, and perceived increases in pupil motivation, engagement and sense of, responsibility for learning: all of which were themselves linked by the dynamic combination, and accumulation of different leadership values, strategies and actions. through and across each developmental phase of their schools’ long term improvement. h�b```b``vf`a`�Y� �� �l@q�ی
+=Y$َp420�.�����d���ݩ�xmF���!~�â�"���3�=�M�d1)6C52�ۓ^SE��I��sJ�(�e��u����1��ơHbȎqƞ8 �Ī`~&. Building trusting, relationships with teachers and the senior leadership team (Group 1) was shown to be another, latent constructs at Group 2) and, through this, the transformation of the social and relational, conditions”; “external collaborations and learning opportunities”, As Table 3 shows, observed leadership strategies that are related to instruction tend, to be loaded on their respective latent factor whilst those that are related to transformation, and change form distinct latent variables. academic and other kinds of pupil outcomes (non-academic areas such as engagement, motivation, behaviour and attendance) over the previous three years. Allensworth, Luppescu & Easton, 2010; Gu & Johansson, 2013; Bruggencate, Luyten, Comprehensive and large scale systematic reviews of, by and large, quantitative data, (Hallinger & Heck, 1996, 2010; Leithwood, Day, Sammons, Harris & Hopkins, 2006, 2008; Marzano, Waters & McNulty, 2005; Robinson, Hohepa & Lloyd, 2009), have also, found that leadership is second only to classroom teaching as an influence on pupil learning, (Leithwood et al., 2006) and that such influence is achieved through its effects on school. more than 90% in agreement (‘strongly’ and ‘moderately’). ed.). 2003; Baker & LeTendre, 2005; OECD, 2008, 2013). The nature of these derived groupings is described and made available as a mapping resource. R��R`�i5��������c뽲Xk.�?=3�
���Ώ�âSCԓ8X� ���s4�;t�ҙ[��l�SN9�T*����b��;��[��!��,��}NJ��I���,�{�e~�ebw. 169-201. earlier achievements and extended its development: Graham and his assistant principal took most of the, o can’t cope in the classroom ... to pupils who will go to Cambridge’, More responsibility was given to the faculty. Design/methodology/approach-The study illustrates how the multilevel analysis of students’ national assessment and examination results based on national data sets for primary and secondary schools in England were used to investigate the concept of academic effectiveness based on value-added methodology. This qualitative study used the theory of self-authorship to analyze interactions in the online discussion portion of one section of twenty-one students in a multicultural course at a rural Midwestern university. a case study”, An Evaluation of the Impact and Implementation of Inspire Maths in English Year 1 Classrooms, Evaluation of Children’s Centres in England (ECCE), Effective Classroom Practice: a mixed methods study of influences and outcomes, Servicing in Sponsorship: A Best-Worst Scaling Empirical Analysis, Self-authorship in undergraduate students in a blended-learning multicultural course. He provided a comprehensive range of training and. It was in this phase that the school increased the number of pre-. Personalisation (in phase 4) was reflected in an increasing emphasis upon teaching that, promoted more participative, interdependent, independent and flexible learning and which, supported a range of approaches to pupil learning. When and how, they do so, and the relative emphases which they place upon these in different phases of their, schools’ improvement trajectories, depends upon their on, staff and students, the demands of the policy contexts and communities which their school, serve, clear sets of educational beliefs and values which transcend these and the growth of, Is it a surprise, then, that principals at schools with high teacher ratings for, `institutional climate` outrank other principals in developing an atmosphere of, Their work, like that of the best classroom teachers, is intuitive, knowledge informed. 0000014511 00000 n
The ideals of effective instructional leadership are among others that school principals in previously disadvantaged backgrounds are still grabbling with so far. outcomes, the ways in which leadership effects have been analysed vary considerably, depending upon the variables and research designs adopted by researchers to study the nature. After defining educational effectiveness, the authors analyse the various theories and strands of research within educational effectiveness, especially with respect to the comprehensive model developed by Creemers. The Impact of Leadership on Student Outcomes: An Analysis of the Differential Effects of Leadership Types Viviane M. J. Robinson Claire A. Lloyd Kenneth J. Rowe Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the relative impact of different types of leadership on students’ academic and nonacademic outcomes. . Again, both staff and students were at, the centre of his layering of values based leadership strategies. They also go beyond their claim, conceptualisation of what we call ‘successful’ school leadership which is expressed through. and students felt inspired to work and learn. , pp. the above, this study attempted to find the relationship between leadership styles and their respective impact on academic performance in schools, with particular reference to Junior High Schools (JHS) at Asonomaso Nkwanta in the Kwabre District Assembly of Ashanti region in Ghana. In addition, surveys and interviews were used to gather evidence of the role of stakeholder perceptions in investigating school improvement strategies and processes. Abstract. Findings-National student attainment data sets were used for the identification of improving and effective schools and revealed the importance of considering their different starting points in their classification of three distinctive improvement groups. Results illustrate that although gaps between importance and performance perceptions are relatively small for sponsors, sponsees and agencies, a mixed pattern of agreement and disagreement exists between each of the three respondent groups in relation to the specific importance and performance dimensions. a c e r . They, viewed this as essential in order to enable the development of other important improvement, In the first year [of the] new SLT structure, that was pa, the existing senior deputy left and that gave me the chance to restructure. 19, No. The impact of leadership on student outcomes: how successful school leaders use transformational and instructional strategies to make a difference Day, Christopher; Gu, Qing; Sammons, Pam & Day, C. School leadership is essential for school reform success and educational innovation; a combination of transformational leadership and leadership in instruction is particularly important, as it shapes school culture and makes a positive difference in educational outcomes through improvements in teacher achievement. Table 1, indicates the composition of this stratified random sample of schools by FSM bands against, The first questionnaire survey was conducted for principals and key staff (two per, school at primary level, five per school at secondary level) amongst the sample schools. Motivation and Learning Culture’, ‘Change in Pupil Behaviour’, and ‘Change in Pupil. Christopher Day 1. investigate school improvement and the role of leadership. We have, worked on pupil management strategies and assertiveness of staff. The evidence relating to the effect of headteachers on student outcomes indicates that such an effect is largely indirect. 0000001209 00000 n
support, facilitating increases in opportunities for personalised learning. 0000005692 00000 n
Without doubt, successful leaders are, sensitive to context, but this does not mean they use qualitatively different practices in every, different context. Synergies itself, the “final synthesis” of the REAFISO project, runs 670 pages. endobj Exploring the Impact of School Leadership on Student Learning Outcomes: Constraints and Perspectives: 10.4018/978-1-4666-6591-0.ch016: The chapter aims to explore the various models proposed in the literature related with the impact of school leadership on student academic achievement. a) To understand how they view educational leadership within a Chilean context. that, ‘improvement requires leaders to enact a wide range of practices’ (Leithwood and Sun, 2012, p. 403). The second involved the inductive development of five sets of leadership practices and the … Leadership dimensions. It sees the leaders’ prime focus as responsibility for, promoting better measurable outcomes for students, emphasising the importance of. (2013) From heroes to organizers: principals and education organizing in. Viviane M. J. Robinson The University of Auckland Draft for Discussion Feedback encouraged: Copying and quoting discouraged This paper was prepared for the Asia Leadership Research and Development Roundtable, January 11th - 12th 2010, Hong Kong … Six students were interviewed to determine self-authorship development. The previous structure had been. Opinions of, its representatives were taken into account and had a significant influence on new, appointments. This example is used to illustrate how and why school leaders in our case study, schools were able to influence others and achieve and sustain success over time in the, contexts in which they worked, such that they not only transformed the conditions and culture, of a school but, more importantly, developed and transformed the people who shaped and, were shaped by the culture. In M. Lewis-Beck, A. Bryman & T. Outcomes: Identifying What Works and Why. developing the school ethos, accompanied by a continued emphasis on raising, The school culture is one of understanding, at the forefront, respect, warm and, (Key Stage 4 Curriculum Co-ordinator, Round 1 Interview), status enabled the school to release funds for further improvements to its physical, Graham took further steps towards distributing leadership more widely, ensuring, that all staff were able to take on some leadership responsibility, a further extension of the. 87 0 obj 0 The findings on strategies and processes that support improvement are of relevance to policy makers and practitioners, especially school leaders. These social outcomes are likely to be deemed by successful leaders to be as important, country International Successful School Principals Project (ISSPP) over the last decade, provide rich empirical evidence that leadership values, qualities and strategies are critical. Details of, the EFA and CFA results and SEM models were reported in our final project report and other, subsequent publications (Day et al., 2009, 2011, we use the secondary SEM model as an example to illustrate how transformational and, instructional leadership strategies were used by principals in our research to influence the, processes of school improvement and through these, improve pupil outcomes over tim, The secondary SEM model of leadership practice showed a relatively high internal, model-data fit (Kelloway, 1998; Hu & Bentler, 1999; Kaplan, 2004. variables were derived from the CFA and Table 3 lists the observed variables (i.e. Directions’, ‘Redesigning Organisation’ and ‘Principal Trust’ plus three other, Collaborative Culture’, ‘Assessment for Learning’, ‘Improvement in School Conditions’, and. 2003). Sammons, P. (2012) Methodological issues and new trends in educational. Add to My Bookmarks Export citation. reseach design The school council was consulted at every level, even staff recruitment. We view the models as dynamic representations of the use of both transformational, and instructional strategies by principals as they seek to identify the ways in which different. All content in this area was uploaded by Pam Sammons on Jan 23, 2018. The strategies used by Graham in Phase 2 again illustrate his combination of, transformational and instructional leadership. In addition, the instructional leadership also plays an important role in developing the culture of high academic expectations for students (Kraft et al., 2015), including (but not limited to) encouraging more discussions of instructional issues with teachers, monitoring more systematic of students' progress (Heck, 1996), implementing more classroom observations, and emphasizing more student achievement, ... 2).