Read more about the JEP. 4.3 CiteScore. The Journal … This Virtual Issue showcases how the Cambridge Journal of Economics promoted the emergence of the SFC approach through development of ideas associated with Keynes, Kalecki, Kaldor, Pasinetti and Godley. Supports open access. Article. The Journal of the History of Economic Thought (JHET) is the journal of the History of Economics Society.JHET is a quarterly, refereed journal that welcomes papers reflecting the full spectrum of scholarly analysis within the history of economic thought and history of economic methodology. Issue 11 2020. Macroeconomic divergence, structural polarisation, trade and fragility, Localised learning and industrial competitiveness, Unemployment and the real wage: the economic basis for contesting political ideologies, New human resource management practices, complementarities and the impact on innovation performance, Financialisation and the slowdown of accumulation, Critical survey. Read the Instructions for Authors and learn more about the Cambridge Journal of Economics submission process and requirements. 5.731 Impact Factor. Economic Journal Annual Report 2019. The e-Journal's Archive - March 2007 to August 2020. Top Economics Journals 1. Read the latest Editor's Choice articles from the Cambridge Journal of Economics, freely available to read online. Explore the research that is making an impact in this collection of highly cited articles, freely available to read until the end of the year. Charles J. Whalen. As a result of the significant disruption that is being caused by the COVID-19 pandemic we are very aware that many researchers will have difficulty in meeting the timelines associated with our peer review process during normal times. The purpose of the RAND Journal of Economics, formerly the Bell Journal of Economics, is to support and encourage research in the behavior of regulated industries, the economic analysis of organizations, and more generally, applied microeconomics.Both theoretical and empirical manuscripts in economics and law are encouraged. The following is a list of scholarly journals in economics containing most of the prominent academic journals in economics.. Popular magazines or other publications related to economics, finance, or business are not listed. The conference will provide a forum for the presentation of work that advances heterodox economics. 4, Fall 2020 . View editorial board. View aims and scope. If your parents required care, would you or a family member provide care for them or would you look for outside help? Published online: 30 Nov 2020. View aims and scope. Fields of interest: applied economic theory and its empirical testing. Annual reporting . Journal of Global Economics is an internationally reputed academic and scholarly open access journal that encourages multidisciplinary research on all major issues related to the global economy. View aims and scope Guide for authors. Journal of Sports Economics (JSE), peer-reviewed and published quarterly, publishes scholarly research in the field of sports economics.JSE is unique in that it is the only journal devoted specifically to this rapidly growing field. All issues; EarlyCite; Volume 47. Journal of Economic Structures Notice for authors. Issue 7 … Editors: Enrique G. Mendoza, Andrés Rodríguez-Clare. Find out more Fill out our simple online form to recommend Cambridge Journal of Economics to your library. About this journal. Register to receive table of contents email alerts as soon as new issues of Cambridge Journal of Economics are published online. Economic Journal Annual Report 2018. SCIREA Journal of Economics is an international, scientific peer-reviewed open access journal published online by SCIREA. Journal of Economic Studies - Volume 1 Issue 1 to Volume 47 Issue 7. Journal of Economic Structures annually awards the Lawrence R. Klein … The Cambridge economic tradition and the distribution of the social surplus, A critique of Shaikh’s two interpretations of Marx’s ‘transformation problem’, The redistributive consequences of paying off the national debt: Ricardo and his plan, Selling salvation, selling success: neoliberalism and the US Prosperity Gospel, 1979 and all that: a 40-year reassessment of Margaret Thatcher’s legacy on her own terms, Structural causes of the global financial crisis: a critical assessment of the ‘new financial architecture’, Limited liability, shareholder rights and the problem of corporate irresponsibility, The evolving international monetary system, Is the Eurozone disintegrating? 12, No. This Virtual Issue was curated to celebrate 40 years of the Cambridge Journal of Economics, and provides a historical, theoretical, empirical and policy-oriented look at alternative forms of industrial organization. The Quarterly Journal of Economics, Oxford University Press This is the oldest English language professional journal... 2. Search. International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. Journal of Economic Issues, Volume 54, Issue 4 (2020) SYMPOSIUM: The Monetary Macroeconomics of John R. Commons . Open Access free for readers, with article … Mark Hayes, John Maynard Keynes: the art of choosing the right model, Post-merger internal organization in multitier decentralized supply chains, The relationship between privatization and corporate taxation policies, Corruption, mortality rates, and development: policies for escaping from the poverty trap, Addresses mathematical economic theory, with an emphasis on microeconomics, Publishes papers on macroeconomic topics and econometric case studies of general interest, Features regular supplementary volumes covering topics in both modern theoretical research and present economic realities, Immediate online access with complete access to all articles starting 1997, Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Journal Quality List, Current Contents / Social & Behavioral Sciences, EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source (CEEAS), Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Journal Citation Reports/Social Sciences Edition, ProQuest International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (IBSS). American Economic Journal: Applied Economics publishes papers covering a range of topics in applied economics, with a focus on empirical microeconomic issues. Regular supplementary volumes are devoted to topics of central importance to both modern theoretical research and present economic reality. The Journal of Wine Economics (JWE), launched in 2006, provides a focused outlet for high-quality, peer-reviewed research on economic topics related to wine. The Cambridge Journal of Economics, founded in the traditions of Marx, Keynes, Kalecki, Joan Robinson and Kaldor, welcomes contributions from heterodox economics as well as other social science disciplines. In this section, Servaas Storm and C.W.M. Issue 9 2020. It furthers the University's objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide, This PDF is available to Subscribers Only. This is the archive of Economics: The Open-Access, Open-Assessment E-Journal covering all papers, articles and comments published from the e-journals start till August 2020. If you required care in your old age would you expect a family member to provide care? You’re seeing our new journal sites and we’d like your opinion, please send feedback Due to a generous grant by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), we will waive... Lawrence R. Klein Award. 8.7 CiteScore. Read more about the AEJ: Applied Economics. The Economic Journal is the Royal Economic Society's flagship title, and is one of the founding journals of modern economics.Over the past 125 years the journal has provided a platform for high quality and imaginative economic research, earning a worldwide reputation excellence as a general journal publishing papers in all fields of economics for a broad international readership. © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Welcome to the RAND Journal of Economics. Pages: 903-906. Including: A missing touch of Adam Smith in Amartya Sen’s account of public reasoning: the man within for the man without Laurie Bréban, Muriel Gilardone, Why only humans and social insects have a division of labour Ugo Pagano. The Journal of Urban Economics provides a focal point for the publication of research papers in the rapidly expanding field of urban economics. This journal is a member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. The conference will provide a forum for the presentation of work that advances heterodox economics. View editorial board. Only Open Access Journals Only SciELO Journals Only WoS Journals ; High Visibility: Indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI - Web of Science) and other databases. Economies (ISSN 2227-7099) is an international, scholarly, peer-reviewed, open access journal of development economics and macroeconomics, published quarterly online by MDPI.. Open Access —free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. Current Issue Vol. The journal has broad coverage in terms of geographic scope, time frame, and methodology. You can sign up to receive the latest information on recent issues and articles. Read our latest 'Call for Papers', and submit your research to the Cambridge Journal of Economics. Journal of Economics and Development welcomes both theoretical and empirical papers from economists, scholars and researchers from all over the world to publish problem-oriented and high-quality articles. This collection explores the political economy of austerity policies – its intellectual origins and justifications, the politics and politicking surrounding austerity, and its uneven spatial and distributional implications. For full access to this pdf, sign in to an existing account, or purchase an annual subscription. Specializing in mathematical economic theory, Journal of Economics focuses on microeconomic theory while also publishing papers on macroeconomic topics as well as econometric case studies of general interest. Have you published an article? It publishes papers of great scholarly merit on a wide range of topics and employing a wide range of approaches to urban economics. 1.958 Serving the international pharmacoeconomics and healthcare-research community, it publishes economic assessments of novel therapeutic and device interventions, along-side studies that measure therapeutic or preventative outcomes, and policy issues. Our systems will continue to remind you of the original timelines but we intend to be highly flexible at this time. Annual Reports. Issue 8 2020. Congratulations to Mauro Boianovsky, the winner of the European Society for the History of Economic Thought 2019 Best Article award, for his article "Beyond capital fundamentalism: Harrod, Domar and the history of development economics". Specializing in mathematical economic theory, Journal of Economics focuses on microeconomic theory while also publishing papers on macroeconomic topics as well as econometric case studies of general interest. It is of interest not only to economic historians but also to economists, social scientists, and historians in general. View aims and scope Submit your article Guide for authors. 08 Apr 2019. Abstract | Full Text | References | … Description: The Quarterly Journal of Economics (QJE) is the oldest professional journal of economics in the English language.Edited at Harvard University's Department of Economics, it covers all aspects of the field -- from the journal's traditional emphasis on microtheory, to both empirical and theoretical macroeconomics. © Springer-Verlag GmbH Austria, part of Springer Nature. Supports open access. Journal of Economics and Business: Studies in Corporate and Financial Behavior. Email alerts. The Cambridge Journal of Economics Conference will be taking place at Newnham College, Cambridge, 8-9th September 2021. 4, October 2020 . This Virtual Issue explores the process of transformation of one economic system into another in the 30 years since the fall of the Berlin Wall. The Journal of Economic History is devoted to the study of economic phenomena in historical contexts.