As said before, the wild populations of some exotic pets are severely affected by the pet trade. (2018), [9] Born Free and Blue Cross, One Click Away (2015). Estimates for cat domestication are between 3,600-9,500 years ago[2]. However, the Pet Food Manufacturers Association (PFMA) Annual Pet Survey (2018-19) estimated that 300,000 tortoises, 300,000 lizards, 200,000 snakes, 100,000 frogs and toads and 500,000 ‘indoor’ birds (including species considered domesticated) are kept in the UK, compared to 9m dogs … • Follow all laws regarding the ownership of exotic pets. Exotic Pets We know that most people buy exotic pets because they love animals. Native to Southeast Asia, pythons were first brought to the United States as exotic pets. Whilst the demand remains, supply will rush to meet it. [1] Dunham, W (2015). The Federation of British Herpetologists claims in excess of 7m reptiles are kept in the UK. Exotics are those without a long history of captivity and are likely to have been sourced directly or within a few generations from wild populations. “Exotic pet” describes any wild species kept for human pleasure or companionship. Many sent to roadside zoos, pseudo-sanctuaries, circuses, & private homes. Below are links to many of the peer-reviewed research that underpins our work to end the trade in ball pythons as pets: World Animal Protection. Capturing them from the wild, handling them, transporting t… Impulse buying risks people not doing their homework. For example, the African grey parrot is critically endangered primarily because of people’s desire to keep this intelligent, vocal mimicking bird in … It is a topic of great interest to anthrozoologists, conservation psychologists, conservation biologists, and to many others interested in animal protection, and a number of people have asked me to write more on this topic. As non-domesticated animals, exotic pets retain many of their wild instincts, even when born into captivity. We will seek to persuade potential buyers to think again and pledge not to buy an exotic pet. Figures for exotic mammals are not included in this data. The fi rst and most sensible approach is a total ban on any trade in wild animals as pets. Today, exotic pets are even bigger business and are a main driver of the trade of live animals. The exotic pet trade is a lucrative industry renowned for its extreme cruelty and ruthless exploitation of animals kept in the retail or breeding environment. The exotic pet trade is an international enterprise that is responsible for unimaginable, inexcusable,and unforgivable pain, suffering and death. How does the exotic pet trade harm the environment? 222 Grays Inn Road, London WC1X 8HB, United Kingdom, If you keep one of these species as a pet, you can find more information. The following is a brief historical review of how some exotic animals gained in popularity. Humans have owned pets for centuries. They strongly pair bond with their with owners but can be aggressive to others. Sold through auctions, backyard breeders, & the illegal online sales. Dozens of exotic species are kept as pets in the United States. Exotic Pet Trade Seiten. The trade in and keeping of exotic pets has been frequently criticized for the commonly inhumane and harmful practices that are associated with supply and keeping, including animal welfare, species conservation, invasiveness, and public health and safety. THE FACTS Exotic pets and disease . Ball python’s have highly specific environmental needs related to temperature, humidity and UVB light that are challenging to meet. They have the same needs as in the wild, which must be met in captivity by law under the Animal Welfare Act. Fact 5: Today, the Internet has become the largest source for the exotic pet trade, and a large number of people are involved in the selling and buying of exotic animals by illegal means. However, many use the term to include native species as well (e.g., snakes may sometimes be considered exotic as pets even in places where they are found in the wild). Big Cat Rescue Take Action Exotic Animal Trade is.... A $19 billion dollar a year business. We are urging people to not buy, own or breed a wild animal as a pet. Using a Freedom of Information request to the Animal and Plant Health Agency, an agency of Defra, researchers found that between 2014 and 2018, more than three million animals were imported into the UK to supply the exotic pet trade, one of the major commercial purposes for … Owners sometimes release alligators, as well as other exotic pets such as snakes and certain varieties of aquarium fish, when they prove too big, aggressive or otherwise difficult to handle. Animals bring joy to our lives, so why wouldn't we want them to be a part of our lives every day at home? All Rights Reserved. Monkey pox, an outbreak originating from imported African rodents in 2003, is the "go-to" example of disease that is often brought up by activists to prove the exotic pet trade can result in a deadly pandemic. From wild animals to domestic pets, an evolutionary view of domestication. The most famous example of a mummified pet gazelle comes from the tomb of Queen Isiemkheb of the 21st Dynasty (c. 1069-943 BCE). Due to this, bans have been imposed on the trade of numerous animals, but the illegal pet trade continues to fester in many wildlife-rich regions of the world. Read here for our advice on the steps you should take to do so. And pet is a companion animal living with people. As a result poor care contributed to around 70 per cent of reptile illnesses and caused around 20 per cent of deaths. If you are considering exotic pet ownership, consider contacting a rescue, and make sure you have the knowledge, skill, time, and financial assets to care for the animal. Find out more and add your name to the pledge today. Wild animals aren’t domesticated, even when bred in captivity. 2020. According to the Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), the exotic pet trade is a multi-billion dollar industry, second only to drugs and weapons on the black market. exotic pet trade The keeping of wild animals as pets is a growing concern. 2017: There are more tigers held in private hands in the US (~7,000), than in the wild (~3,200). How many wild animals are caught in the exotic pet trade in the UK? Ball pythons may live 20-30 years in captivity and are frequently sold online as unwanted pets or abandoned. African grey parrots are prone to hypocalcaemia syndrome caused by poor diets, resulting in tremors, tetanus, and seizures, nasal and sinus infections and respiratory disease from poor housing and environment, and behavioural problems including aggression, shrieking and feather-plucking often caused by boredom, isolation and lack of exercise. In our view the term is simply misleading. The exotic pet trade is an international enterprise that is responsible for despicable, unimaginable, and unforgivable pain, suffering and death. Wildlife trade involves poaching, captive hunting, exotic pets and more. Posted: (9 days ago) Exotic Pets As with other parts of the world, exotic pets remain popular in the United States. In captivity, a lack of exercise and boredom can lead to behavioural problems such as overgrooming, fur loss, pacing. A survey of vets led by vet Martin Whitehead found that widespread failures in care is making pet reptiles ill[12]. Read the following FAQs to learn more about the exotic pet trade. African grey parrots have a lifespan of up to 60 years. scarlet macaw, primates) and dangerous wild animals (eg. Explore celebrity trends and tips on fashion, style, beauty, diets, health, relationships and more. Profit is placed above their welfare. Many of the most sought-after wild pets are already threatened. The tigers in the U.S are not helping with conservation since they can never be released into … Wild animals are not suitable to be kept as pets. We are working to reduce the acceptability of exotic pet ownership. The general public do not typically have the expertise, knowledge or resources to meet the complex needs of a captive wild animal. Whilst the demand remains, supply will rush to meet it. Inside the Exotic Pet Trade. Wild animals bred in captivity are fundamentally similar to those born in the wild, selective breeding of exotic pets has only been done for a limited number of generations and has only altered the superficial appearance of these animals rather than their basic needs. 4029540. The exotic pet trade undermines valuable conservation efforts in native habitat countries. N2 - This chapter gives an overview of the history of exotic pets and discusses how some exotic animals gained popularity over time. Reptiles are prone to metabolic bone disease due to inadequate diet and UVB light, obesity and anorexia, thermal burns from heat sources, abrasions from rubbing/banging on glass, respiratory disease, dermatoses and shell diseases due to incorrect humidity and hygiene, gastrointestinal impaction due to inappropriate substrate, anorexia and mortality due to poorly-managed hibernation. World Animal Protection believes that people should only keep domesticated animals as pets in a manner that meets all of their welfare needs. Owning an exotic pet entails certain risks and expenses and also requires ample time and knowledge and in many cases, applicable permits. It is a topic of great interest to anthrozoologists, conservation psychologists, conservation biologists, and to many others interested in animal protection, and a number of people have asked me to write more on this topic. Dog domestication much older than previously thought, Information Could Reduce Consumer Demand for Exotic Pets, Dangerous wild animals: who lives next door? World Animal Protection wildlife experts were at the market to research aspects of wildlife trade. A child walks past cages of exotic birds and poultry in a pet store in Paris, France, in 2005. Wild animals kept in captivity retain their complex social, physical and behavioural needs, which are adapted to its specific natural habitat. They are highly social and live in groups of up to 12 individuals with a dominant male. doi:10.1002/fee.2059. The widespread use of the internet has made it easier than ever to order or purchase a wild animal without clarification about where it has come from or how it should be cared for. [2] Driscoll, CA, Macdonald, DW & O’Brien, SJ (2009). Generally speaking, it involves changes in both appearance and behaviour, which sets them apart from their wild counterparts. Contrary to the popular misconception that rearing exotic animals in captivity or keeping wild animals as pets is the answer to protecting endangered species, the exotic pet trade creates serious ecological challenges in both source and consumer countries. The unregulated trade in exotic animals poses a threat to animals in the wild, as they are often wild-caught to supplement the gene pool. However, only with rapid globalisation in the latter part of the twentieth century, driven by the spread of affordable transportation and more recently by the rapid development of the internet, has this practice transformed into a global profit-driven trade, which now constitutes a significant proportion of the USD $30-42.8 bn global wildlife trade[4]. Fact 3: The most curious fact about exotic pets is a large number of injuries and deaths for both exotic animals and the people who keep such wild animals at their homes. The Illegal Pet Trade. 25 An outbreak of END in Florida resulted in … The few exotic pets that are threatened by the pet trade in modern times are collected and sold in their own country, or countries that are not the U.S. Ornamental fish represent one of the oldest groups of exotic pets. Absolutely not. The exotic pet trade is a lucrative multi-billion-dollar industry, only 3rd to drug and weapon trafficking in the U.S. Laws vary state by state, as of now there are no federal laws that are regulating private ownership. 24 Exotic Newcastle disease (END), which devastated whole flocks of chickens and turkeys in the 1970s, was believed to have been brought to the U.S. from South American parrots who were smuggled in for the pet trade. Biologist. • Follow all laws regarding the ownership of exotic pets. It's a $15 billion dollar business in the United States alone, with breeders and dealers selling animals over the Internet or in trade magazines. Even when animals survive transit from the wild, or conditions within a breeding operation, many exotic pets die prematurely once they arrive in their new homes. 3. They are highly intelligent animals that require constant stimulation. Exotic pet trade Uk and delivery online Exotic pet trade uk and delivery online is the easiest way of owning a pet of your dream and choice. Sugar gliders are easily disturbed and prolonged stress can make them prone to health problems. According the U.S. Campaigning for change – we will engage with local and national government to ensure laws regulating the exotic pet trade are properly enforced and strengthened. The difference is that your are proving my point. Captive ball pythons often exhibit captivity stress as a result. Without their natural environment they suffer. Birds, specifically have the unique ability to fly away, only to die in temperate climates once the outdoor temperature drops in the winter. There are over 500 species of reptiles and 500 species of birds traded live across the world, presumably destined for people’s homes or private zoos. They are denied veterinary care, exercise and socialization. Outright bans are proven eff ective measures. Though genetically the same as their wild brethren, some exotic pets are bred in captivity for retail sale. Let's keep wild animals where they belong. Reptiles have no facial expression and minimal ‘body language’ and vocalisation with meaning for humans, so it is difficult for even experienced owners to establish signs of stress, disease or injury. Even when the owner can afford care, that care may be hard to find. "Exotic" often refers to a species which is not native or indigenous to the owner's locale, and "pet" is a companion animal living with people. They pair bonds for life. By taking a look at the history behind the exotic pet trade, we can create a better understanding of how all of these exotic animals ended up in basements and backyards and how we can work to stop it. • If you choose an exotic pet, ensure take all precautions to ensure the animal cannot harm humans, himself/herself, or other animals. Unfortunately, many consumers remain unaware of the origins of exotic pets, how the exotic pet trade affects wild populations, and how to care for exotic pets. In one incident, a tiger mauled his guardian’s 3-year-old grandson. The majority die in transit from the wild to the auction block or from auction to their new homes in zoos, with private collectors, exhibitors, pet owners, and pet stores. They are viewed by the pet trade businesses as money making objects. However, there is a huge flip side to the exotic pet trade, which we will now explore. For one, many owners do not have the knowledge or financial ability to adequately replicate a wild animal’s habitat within their own homes. There have been dozens of attacks by captive big cats on humans in the past decade. PNAS, 106: 9971-9978. TRAFFIC, the leading wildlife trade organisation, now recognises social media as the “new epicentre” for the trade in exotic pets. In practice, this means providing: housing that allows them to exercise normally, provides stimulation, with sufficient space and environmental choice for security, complexity, challenge and novelty; nutrition tailored to an individual’s species, age, size and health; carers who are trained and competent in observing signs of good animal health and welfare; and the encouragement of natural behaviours[10]. Unfortunately, many consumers remain unaware of the origins of exotic pets, how the exotic pet trade affects wild populations, and how to care for exotic pets. A study of online classified websites identified 142 unique species for sale in just 3 months including highly endangered species (eg. Why is the exotic pet trade singled out when it is far from the only offender, and critics of the exotic pet trade benefit from activities that ALSO contribute to invasive exotic species, including domesticated animal … There is comprehensive veterinary literature on the health problems experienced by exotic pets associated with poor care, examples include: There is growing concern with the poor welfare of exotic pets in the UK. What is an exotic pet? • If you choose an exotic pet, always adopt from a reputable rescue. What are some examples of exotic pets kept in the United States? The WWF estimates there are 5,000 tigers being kept in U.S. backyards … there are only around 3,000 left in the wild. When pets become pests: the role of the exotic pet trade in producing invasive vertebrate animals. Depending on the species, exotic pet ownership can entail a great many risks. Would you like to receive updates, newsletters and occasional fundraising emails? However, many exotic pets are incapable of returning to their natural habitats as a consequence of spending their formative years in captivity. Sign up to receive campaign updates, newsletters and occasional fundraising emails, World Animal Protection will not swap or sell your information with any third party. A lion killed several dogs and trapped a child in his room, and a Bengal tiger tore off the arm of a 4-year-old boy. Natural threats to this species are predation and flooding, but humans have drastically reduced their numbers through loss of habitat and collection for food and for the exotic pet trade. Unfortunately, many consumers remain unaware of the origins of exotic pets, how the exotic pet trade affects wild populations, and how to care for exotic pets. The 20th-century is when exotic pets further grew in popularity, and millions started being traded across the globe. If you already own an exotic animal, we encourage you to continue to give your pet the best life possible, for as long as you can. Second, many exotic pets, such as hedgehogs and sugar gliders, are extremely small and can be easily crushed by furniture, closing doors, rowdy children, etc. Help us tackle it. Often kept in enclosures too small to fully stretch out and without adequate environmental enrichment. No wild animal can have its needs entirely met when kept as a pet. CNBC takes you ... Alligators, lions and bears are just some of the tens of thousands of exotic animals people consider pets. Examples of the devastating effect of the pet trade on wild … The physiological and psychological well-being of a wild animal is put at risk by captivity. Not only are chimpanzees many times stronger than a grown man, they, like other non-human primates, are capable of transmitting serious diseases such as tuberculosis and measles to humans. Isiemkheb (sometimes known as Isi-em-kheb) lived under the reign of the pharaoh Pinedjem II (c. 990-976 BCE) and loved her pet … Examples of the devastating effect of the pet trade on wild species include the Barbary macaque and the Clownfish. Poor animal welfare can lead to stress and behavioural problems even when obvious physical health problems are not apparent. Dogs may have been domesticated as early as 27,000-40,000 years ago[1]. Box 340 Charles Town, WV 25414-0340 | Phone: 1.304.725.0506 | Fax: 1.304.725.1523, The founding of NHES—and 5 very special people, What is Humane Education? If you’d prefer not to receive these, would like to stop hearing from us, or change the way we communicate, you can do so at any time by calling 0800 316 9966 or emailing By ‘exotic’ we mean a species that does not have a history of domestication in the UK and which is therefore a wild animal. History of Exotic Pets. It’s a way of acknowledging that these pets are really wild animals, without coming clean about it. Examples include feather-plucking in parrots, pacing or overgrooming in mammals, or, in reptiles, the repetitive interaction with transparent boundaries such as the glass walls of tanks. The gazelle was another popular pet one would consider exotic in the present day but, to the Egyptians, was quite common. Caring for exotics can be challenging and expensive. Evidences suggest that the Sumerians were the first to keep fish in captivity (2500 BC), but it was for food. A life in captivity is a world away from a life in the wild. In the UK, ‘wild animals’ is defined in Section 21 of the Zoos Licensing Act 1981 as ‘animals not normally domesticated in Great Britain’[3]. Each spring, the Canadian government authorizes fishermen to club or shoot hundreds of thousands of baby seals for their fur, despite international outcry and bans on the import of seal skins. Yet, hundreds of thousands of wild animals are suffering right here in the UK, because of the 'exotic pet' trade. The trade in exotic pets involves both wild-caught and captive-bred animals. Natural foraging behaviour can mean they are very destructive in home environments. In other cases, these are exotic animals that are in surplus at zoos, etc. Raising awareness - most people are unaware of the problems associated with the exotic pet trade and the ownership of wild animals as pets. Even more staggering is the level of suffering wild animals kept as pets endure. Some animals are still taken from the wild to fill pet shops. For information on how we use your details, and how we keep your details safe, please read our privacy policy. 2012;59:14–8, [12] Vet Record, Reptile illness is caused by bad husbandry (2018), [13] Why vets won’t be watching I’m a celebrity – press release, BVA (2019). The trade in exotic animals is a multi-billion-dollar-a-year industry. Inadequate diets can lead to obesity and metabolic bone disease. The illegal wildlife trade also fuels the exotic pet trade. According to the US Humane Society, all reptiles and amphibians carry salmonella, and more than 74,000 cases of salmonella poisoning are linked to these pets each year in the US alone. Read the following FAQs to learn more about the exotic pet trade. Read More . To get an idea of the scope of the illegal exotic pet trade, consider this: The illegal trade in wildlife is second only to that of drugs in the United States, according to the U.S. In November 2019, the British Veterinary Association (BVA) cautioned against purchasing reptiles as pets. Behind the Scenes of the Exotic Pet Trade; The Development Through Past and Future ; The People Behind The Trade; Our Action; Sad Facts; Quiz; About Us :) Sources; Sad Facts Here are a lot of facts.You maybe should get out your tissues this will make you cry.... 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