Knowledge Retention: Strategies and Solutions, CRC Press, LLC, Liebowitz, J. Technology of Foolishness, in … After Action Reviews, Wikipedia, retrieved on January 2011 from Knowledge Management: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications is the defining reference source for all theories, concepts, and methodologies within the knowledge management … (1994). Yu-N, C., (2007). 1-15, available:, Peters, T. J. Understanding the different types of knowledge - and in particular the difference between explicit and tacit knowledge - is a key step in promoting knowledge sharing, choosing the right information or knowledge management … You will be wise to make it a rule in your organization that as soon as an issue has been dealt with, the following data must be entered into your knowledge base: Employee turnover is a fact of life, and even key personnel may leave for greener pastures. 1, March 2007. Organization Science, vol. Corney, P.J. 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(2011), "Social Capital, Knowledge Sharing, and Intellectual Capital in the Web 2.0 Enabled World", in David Gurteen (ed. 15, no. List and provide a brief description of knowledge management applications. 11, issue 1, pp. Academic Publishing International Limited. In Barnes, S. (ed), Knowledge Management Systems: Theory and Practice. Ramage, M., & Reiff, F. (1996). 2, no.12, pp. Oups. By signing in with LinkedIn, you're agreeing to create an account at and accept our terms of use and privacy policy. 26-29. The Core Competence of the Corporation. Site last updated on 23 July 2018. (1996) Definitional and Contextual Issues in Organizational and Group Memories, Information Technology and People Vol 9, no 1, pp. It is stimulated by dissemination and enabled by making it easy to find resources. The ability to have a quick informal chat with a colleague raises the employees’ confidence and makes them more efficient workers. 469–482. Timbrell, T. G., & Jewels T. J. Toward a Unified View of Working, Organization Science vol.2, no.1, pp. Document, content and imagine solutions 8. Managing knowledge management tools: a systematic classification and comparison. 4, April, pp. It consists of a cycle of creating, sharing, structuring and auditing knowledge, in order to maximize the effectiveness of an organization’s collective knowledge. (2006), A Career in Knowledge Management?, iKMS, retrieved 12 October 2012 from Bebensee, T., Helms, R., and Spruit, M. (2010), "Exploring Web 2.0 Applications as a means of Bolstering up Knowledge Management", in David Gurteen (ed. 9, No. Links between Organizational Memory and Cooperative Awareness, retrieved from, Robertson, J. KMPI: Measuring knowledge management performance. (ed. Issues and Trends of Information Technology Management in Contemporary Organisations, 19-22 May 2002, Seattle, Washington, USA. In addition, we will take a look at tools that are commonly used in organizations where knowledge management is practiced and valued. If you are parting ways on good terms, the soon to be ex-employee will probably not refuse to create a document detailing the processes they were responsible for. Knowledge management can exist in many forms, including: 1. Akhavan, P., Jafari, M., and Fathian, M. (2005), 'Exploring Failure-Factors of Implementing Knowledge Management Systems in Organizations', Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, [electronic], vol. McKeen, J.D., and Staples, D.S., "Knowledge Managers: Who They Are and What They Do? However, tools and techniques also have their place. 1, Horvath, (2000-2001). (2005) 'Critical Factors in the Successful Implementation of Knowledge Management', Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, [Electronic], June, available:, Chua, A., and Lam, W. (2005) 'Why KM projects fail: a multi-case analysis', Journal of Knowledge Management, Vol. Toward a Unified View of Working, Organization Science vol.2, no.1. Defining Organizational Knowledge: Turning individual knowledge into organizational intellectual capital, Give your employees a voice, make it clear that it will be heard, and who knows - your company may just become the next Apple or Google. Knowledge Management and Knowledge Systems. & Duguid, P., (1998), Organizing Knowledge, California Management Review vol. (2011), 'Budgeting for knowledge management in organizations', Chinese Librarianship: an International Electronic Journal, [electronic], no. (2009) 'Conceptualizing ‘knowledge management’ in the context of library and information science using the core/periphery model', South African Journal of Information Management, [electronic], vol. Rumyantseva, M., Gurgul, G.., & Enkel, E.(2002): Perspectives for our partners: Knowledge Integration after Mergers & Acquisitions, in Georg von Krogh and Andrea Back (ed), KnowledgeSource, Vol. ), Advances in Managerial Cognition and Organizational Information Processing,. To ensure that knowledge in your company is properly created, stored, and used, it is paramount to implement the internal processes the right way. 40, no.3. EDAMOK Project, ITC-IRST. To ensure that knowledge in your company is properly created, stored, and used, it is paramount to implement the internal processes the right way. 3, pp. Chan, J.O. You will do well to create a template for adding new material to the knowledge base. Retrieved February 2011 from Lee, K. C., Lee, S., and Kang, I. W. (2005). Company policy and procedures govern the way employees interact with each other and the organization itself, so if you are looking to adopt knowledge management both effectively and efficiently, here are some things you should know: Communicate the importance of knowledge management and knowledge sharing to your employees. This will make life much easier for those who are willing to put in the time to make knowledge management a success in your organization while at the same time ensuring that the information in your knowledge base is well-structured and consistent. 3888-3896. The Knowledge-Creating Company, Oxford University Press. Fifth International Conference on Information Technology in Asia (CITA 2007). Wikipedia, retrieved September 2010 from Unlike websites and wikis, LMS/LCMS feature the functionality necessary for knowledge management, from uploading material and training courses to collecting usage statistics, right out of the box. Davenport, T.H., & Prusak, L. (2000), Working Knowledge: How Organizations Manage What They Know, Harvard Business School Press, Boston, MA. Also, it is recommended for those seeking advice to clearly formulate their questions beforehand to save time. (2007), Why Not Use Incentives To Encourage Knowledge Sharing?, Journal of Knowledge Management Practice, Vol. The Intranet Data Warehouse, John Wiley Sons Inc. Thierauf, R. J. 10, No. Sloan Management Review, pp 7-23, Singh, M.D. Knowledge Management Explained. Volume 27, Issue 2, April 2007, Pages 104-118, Choi, B., & Lee, H., (2000). (2011), Applicability of the SECI Model of knowledge creation in Russian cultural context: Theoretical analysis, Knowledge and Process Management, vol.
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