On his body side he sprang from dust: on his soul side he sprang up with the animals: on his spirit side he sprang from God. What wisdom! Ah, it is one of the perhaps inevitable regresses of civilization that it tends to reverse our Divine Father's method, bidding us close our shutters, that we may sleep during His sunshine, and light our little candles and gas jets, that we may work during His night. the Divine image effaced I Humility becomes every rational creature, on account of its debt and its dependence. The lights which God hath set in the firmament ENABLE US TO REDEEM THE TIME; to retrieve the misspent past by the right improvement of the present. Recall now how much light means. This perfection of primeval manhood is not the fanciful creation of artistic genius — it is not the dream of poetic imagination — it is not the figment of a speculative philosophy; but it is the calm statement of Scripture. The Sabbath is the outward expression of God's recognition of this as a truth for man. A sad depression would rest upon his soul. 5. How He removes darkness from the understanding, and illuminates the intellect, is a secret reserved for Himself alone. So, also, in your soul there still remains the darkness of inbred corruption, ignorance, infirmity, and tendency to sin, and these cause a conflict, but the light is not thereby hidden from the eyes of God. The first subject then for our consideration is THE STATE OF THE WORLD IN THE BEGINNING OF TIME. Desolate. 5. 2. Observe: as, in shaping the material earth out of the old chaos, the Spirit of God added no new elements, but simply fashioned into order the old; so, in organizing the spiritual chaos, He adds no new faculties, but simply quickens and organizes the old. But I must content myself with merely indicating one point, viz., how this view satisfies all our religious aspirations. Anger. This is the state of man, and therefore he is fit for nothing else but destruction, except he is rendered "fit for a habitation of God through the Spirit." So also with our own spiritual life. What are the laws of nature? This first chapter of Genesis is like an acorn, for out of it have come great forests of literature; it must have some pith in it, and sap, and force, for verily its fertility is nothing less than a miracle. Brooding, incubating as God's Holy Dove over the chaos of humanity, He is quickening its latent forces, arranging its elements, assorting its capacities, organizing its functions, apportioning its gifts, perfecting its potentialities: in short, completing, fulfilling consummating man in the sphere of Jesus Christ.(G. (See Isaiah 11:9; Isaiah 60:19, and Habakkuk 2:14.)APPLICATION. This theory regards creation as an act of God in eternity past. They must then originate in intelligence. We ought to use it as faithful stewards. I. If our desire is for the beginning of the goodness of God in our characters, it is a desire which shames sloth. They are loaded with a Divine intelligence. Again the answer is easy. Imageship the die of race unity. God's end in creation could not have been to promote the former, for it was perfect from eternity. And now let us attend to THE MORAL MEANING OF THE STORY. Try any other form of words, and see if a purer simplicity be possible. To the wisdom and free-will of God.3. 4. (4) His own glory is an end which comprehends and secures, as a subordinate end, every interest of the universe. III. Patience and perseverance in study. But notice, especially, the improvability of life. He looks onward. 1. 1. 3. Sorrow. As the sunlight, on whatever foulness or corruption it may fall, remains uncontaminated, so the Son of Man, amid all the temptations, guilt, and depravity of earth, continued pure and unspotted. We ought to use it as faithful stewards.III. The line of progress was not a uniform gradient; not an inclined plane, but a stairway, in which the steps were aeons. Every star is vocal with Deity. Things must have names; Adam named the beasts, but God Himself named the day and the night. V. THEN CREATION IS THE OUTCOME OF SUPERNATURAL POWER. The geologist may add on two thousand years more for the interval between the Deluge and the Creation, and may perhaps find room therein for his "palaeolithic" and his "neolithic" periods. 3. Even the very word "heaven" itself, like the Greek Ouranos, means height, and, according to the etymologists, is an Anglo-Saxon word, heo-fan; meaning what is heaved up, lifted, heav-en — heaven. To create is not to increase His blessedness, but only to reveal it. In the pure and righteous state of his whole nature. Thus, the understanding of man, always enlightened in the will of God, who spake to His creature as a man speaks to his friend; and the heart of man, which loving that sovereign will above all things, made him find liberty in perfect submission and happiness in ready obedience; so that, in him, thought, will, and affection, all united in one holy harmony, to the glory of Him that had "created him in righteousness and true holiness.". VIII. the Divine image effaced I Humility becomes every rational creature, on account of its debt and its dependence.6. Let us learn from the atmosphere a lesson of thankfulness. Nor could man survive in continued darkness. "Blessed are the eyes which see the things which ye see." (5)It is benevolent. The rocks bear testimony to the fact that from time to time during the long creative ages, at the close of one great period after another, there occurred exterminations, more or less extensive, of various orders of life. And is this all? 3. Again: It is true in respect to God's spirituality. IV. If we understand him, he teaches that God exerted His infinite power and wisdom in creation for the sake of exerting them; their exercise was in itself excellent, and one ultimate object or end which Deity had in view in exerting them, was that they might be exerted. 1. For what could all of the powers have been given him? God is the cause of its existence. 2. ), (3)the characteristic virtues of the grass of the fields:(a)its humility;(b)its cheerfulness;(c)as an emblem of human life.2. This work is done silently and gently. 2. The consequences would have been most fatal. "The Lord saw the light.". This doctrine teaches us that none can frustrate God's plan. In connection with the presence of the Holy Spirit the Lord sends into the soul, as His first blessing, light. II. THE DEVOUT RECOGNITION OF GOD PRECEDES ALL MORALITY AND RELIGION. The moral truths suggested.1. God made it with reference to the Fall — the stage was arranged for the great drama of sin and redemption which was to be enacted thereon. His ignorance as to spiritual and Divine things, his unreasonableness and folly, may be removed, and he may be enlightened with knowledge and wisdom. Light's pencil paints the whole, and even so all beauty of character is the result of grace. 5. How besmeared its history with idolatries, barbarisms, wars, butcheries, oppressions, crimes, blasphemies! But if science begins by refusing to admit, or by failing to perceive, the First Fact, and the Great Cause of all things? 2. How elevated is the Christian.3. 1. 3. 4. As God has thus fitted man, by his superior nature, for dominion; so, on the other hand, He has given to the inferior animals a corresponding disposition to acknowledge man's superiority. The passage in Genesis is most naturally viewed as relating to the human nature generally, which then began its existence in Adam and Eve. Or thus: The ultimate, objective end for which God created the universe, was the production of the greatest possible amount of creature holiness and happiness. He did not place our first parents in a void, empty, and unfurnished dwelling, but He garnished the heavens with light, and clothed the earth with beauty, ere He introduced into it that creature who should dress and keep it, and be allowed to have dominion over every living thing. Where were God's glory in the outward universe without light? Hence, we see how needful it is that there should be a due proportion between the sea and dry land, and the wisdom and goodness of the Creator, in that it is established so exactly and beneficently. For aught I know, the apostle's message is literally true. It indicates the general refinement of the mind. Finally, Jesus Christ also establishes it, when, showing us, in this humble and noble simplicity, this child-like candour, full of openness and confidence, characteristic feature of the children of His kingdom, He addresses to His still presumptuous disciples this solemn declaration: "Verily, I say unto you, except ye be converted and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven." How simple it is, and yet how complex. (1) Origin of chaos. Of dualism there are two forms. 4. It would be impossible for a narrative to be clearer, more simple, or more divinely authenticated than this of the creation. 1. Nothing seems to be so absolutely beyond human control or modification as the sun and stars of heaven. Christ Himself is the essential Word, and the preaching of Christ Jesus is the operative Word. 4. III. Plainly it is the former. Men have conceived of the relation between the universe and a higher power in four different ways. (4)It is munificent. What has Christ added to our thought about ourselves? II. We use the term creature holiness and happiness in opposition to the position of Edwards, that this holiness and happiness are emanations from God in such a sense, that they are communicated to the creature from His fulness; so that, in fact, they are God's holiness and happiness diffusing themselves among the creatures of His empire. It is a very blessed work of grace to teach us to call things by their right names. The world has to pay for the light produced by man; that created by God, we get for nothing. How tranquil must be that Being who has given light to the moon. How terrible must be the Creator of the sun. There was the exercise of supreme intelligence. Scientific unbelief, I know, affirms that there is no such thing as chance. This is that true light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. God is light (1 John 1:5). He is the Infinite Intelligence. It did not know that without the air it could not fly at all, nor even live. To the terrestrial individualization of the second day corresponds the vital individualization of the fifth day. They were made to divide the day from the night. Man partakes of the Divine immortality. Others, again, reply to our question, that the image of God consisted in the faculty of the understanding with which man is endowed, and which so eminently distinguishes him from all other creatures. You are told that a people are a wheat-eating people. If the seed enjoys all the required conditions of shade, water, air, and heat, it will grow and flourish. We see it everywhere, and all the year round. There are two words in this sentence that should be remembered, and joined together most closely, they are "God" and "life." To manifest that light comes from heaven, from the Father of lights. Not only, according to their teaching, is there to be still further progress, progress manifested in the introduction of a new and higher type of manhood, even that which is "from heaven," but the introduction of that new manhood of the resurrection to dominance in the creation is uniformly represented as marking the beginning of a new age. so high that there is fitness in speaking of God's image in them as a real kinship of nature with God. 1. The body decays and moulders into dust: the spirit is indestructible. Has God put such honour upon our souls, and shall we cover them with dishonour? In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. There is, then, something more than dust in the universe. Could we "have commanded the morning, and caused the day spring to know its place"? 2. He has filled the world with his creations. Get expert tips for fixing or enhancing skin using Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. Jehovah has wrought His wondrous work, has divided the light from the darkness, has separated the sinner from his sins, "and behold all things become new." The sun is one of the most kindly gifts of God to the world; it makes the home of man a thing of beauty. S. Exell, M. A. Let us remember, however, that it is to the gospel we are indebted for improving hope into assurance (Romans 8:32). 2. To complete our notion of God's image, therefore, we must add to the power of will the law of conscience. Our example makes a moral atmosphere for others to breathe, which is wholesome or noxious, according as the example is good or bad. And what is so sadly true of humanity as a whole, is as sadly true of each member of humanity, at least in his natural, or rather unnatural, denatured state. So also, according to the same revelation, shall it prove to be as regards the whole great age of the natural man. V. Light is ALL-REVEALING. This was demonstrably a part of the plan of God in the development of His creative thoughts. This, then, must be God's supreme end in creation. He is the governor of the material world, as He is of the spiritual world. III. 1. The sun, by his apparent path in the sky, measures our seasons and our years, whilst by his daily rotation through the heavens he measures the days and the hours; and this he does so correctly that the best watchmakers in Geneva regulate all their watches by his place at noon; and from the most ancient times men have measured from sun dials the regular movement of the shadow. Sin is the separation of the soul from God, as death is that of the body from the soul. Zetamind Consulting has focused their efforts on helping Manufacturing, Warehousing, and Distribution Companies get the most out of Microsoft Navision/Dynamics NAV ERP and Dynamics CRM. How high they can rise! Arts progress. 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