It used to just happen during meditation or rest, but now it '', ''I repeated the experiment, to see if it was true,'' Mendelson said. It probably has enormous health implications.'' It’s a big deal! Adyashanti talks in detail about this in his book, The End of Your World: Uncensored Straight Talk on the Nature of Enlightenment, which I highly recommend. In 1951, when he was a medical student, Dement joined the sleep lab run by Nathaniel Kleitman, a professor of physiology at the University of Chicago Medical School and to many the father of modern sleep research. ''Sleep has now been very well described. Now, my sleep is heavy, deep, and full of wild, vivid dreams (but that’s a whole other story). The “I” has been dissolved, leaving behind only being. It was an enormous discovery, after which, Dement has written, ''it was, thus, no longer possible to think of sleep as one state.'' Reppert has precociously white hair, and when you ask him about the implications of any discovery, he is likely to answer by explaining how it will shape the discovery of future discoveries. And as sleep deteriorates, so, too, does one's emotional state. Like everything else, once you’ve gotten adjusted to your new being, it’ll ease. Stop oscillating and you're dead. When these are finally released, it unleashes a massive tidal wave of energy in our systems. For me, this has been increasing rapidly as a frequent daily The second transmitter is dopamine, which occurs within the fetus itself, and its secretion is a way the fetal SCN incorporates other signals from the mother.''. It ties into the flux of energy in our systems as we regulate and adjust to it. Beyond this, other things might begin to develop. They have trouble judging how long and how well they have slept. In Chapter XXXI, Arobin’s persistence leads him to achieve his goal of a sexual relationship with Edna. The flux of new energy of our awakening causes highs and lows. During another week subjects were required to make a quarter-body turn … It fashions lamps of pitch, animal fat, petroleum, inert gases. Its popularity is a demonstration of the fact that huge amounts of people feel they don't sleep the way they would like to.'' Behind Carskadon, Prince David, with the nicely tuned circadian precision that makes rodents so beloved of sleep researchers, climbs onto his wheel and begins his appointed rounds. The character of Dement's work has changed over the years from analyzing the shape of sleep in the laboratory to focusing public attention on sleep as a vital health issue. Yet no one has done the long-term epidemiological studies needed to discover the true dimensions of chronic, culture-wide sleep deprivation or its effects on human health. Shift workers especially -- perhaps 20 percent of America's work force -- find themselves in perpetual conflict with the social and environmental cues around them; as a result, they experience higher rates of gastrointestinal and cardiovascular disease, as well as depression and infertility. Spiritual awakenings are an unmaking. Eleven young adults had their sleep briefly disturbed following each 2 min of accumulated sleep for 2 consecutive nights in 3 different weeks. The shift magnified the importance of the current moment, and everything that’s happened before is now released more easily. They are thorough and nothing is spared scrutiny or transformation. Following this dismantling part of the process, new wonders await you. For instance, my eye sight has recently improved and I completely stopped grinding my teeth at night. But when the lights were turned off for good, the cycle lengthened to 28 hours, and then it exploded. You start to see how many beliefs, feelings, … Over time, Wehr explained, ''another state emerged, not sleep, not active wakefulness, but quiet rest with an endocrinology all its own.''. When we go through this process, there are side effects. The hour is suppertime, and Carskadon, who looks exhausted, has spent the entire day in the classroom. Awakening to Sleep. Something like an answer has been provided by Thomas Wehr, who is chief of the Clinical Psychobiology Branch of the National Institutes of Mental Health in Bethesda, Md. I asked Rechtschaffen the question that had begun to prey upon me: What is sleep for? Adyashanti explains his mind felt like an old fashioned telephone switchboard, removing one plug and manually switching it to another slot. I became intrigued by the possibility that there might actually be a biological process going on as well. Yet in a forthcoming article, to be published in a volume called ''Progress in Brain Research,'' Wehr concludes that ''in long nights . The trajectory of Dement's career suggests the sweeping changes that have occurred in the understanding of sleep. But everything oscillates in biology. reorganize the way they function and process everything. Eve Van Cauter asks. occurrence. The white space represents light, and light, on a human activity record, means waking. Much of the early sleep research in this century was based on the assumption, as one biologist put it, that ''humans had potentially evolved out of the constraints of the environment.'' In those few moments after awakening from sleep, we feel groggy and, without a doubt, grumpy. Asking what sleep is for sounds like the kind of guileless question philosophers ask, like asking what time is for. And having done it, Wehr's subjects remarked that never before had they felt awake. Even if light were to disappear for weeks or months at a stretch, the rhythms of biological day and night -- what scientists call circadian rhythms -- would still be produced at precise intervals within the bodies of these organisms. Awakening is a crucial event for the organism. Our concept of self, on all levels, is dismantled and destroyed piece by piece. When it reaches a certain level, it shuts off. they said, as predicted, 'I was awake.' If a mouse is exposed to regular 12-hour periods of light and darkness, its activity record usually looks like perfectly vertical alternating bands of white (rest) and black (running) across a 48-hour span. The weather outside his office was unbelievably foul. But what it all boils down to is an irreducible puzzle. They develop pathways along which these sensors and clocks can communicate. In his opus ''Sleep and Wakefulness,'' first published in 1939, Kleitman defined sleep as ''a periodic temporary cessation or interruption of the waking state, the latter being the prevalent mode of existence for the healthy adult.'' Once we surrender to our reality and what we feel, we begin to incorporate the changes into our being. I write things down in journals to keep track of moments I want to preserve, keep a clear schedule, and don’t worry when someone asks for details of a past event that have softened in my mind. It, too, is being generated by the body's circadian rhythms. ''It is tempting to speculate,'' Wehr writes, ''that in prehistoric times this arrangement provided a channel of communication between dreams and waking life that has gradually been closed off as humans have compressed and consolidated their sleep. well! ''These are people,'' he said, ''who come to the doctor bitterly complaining of insomnia. It charges us up and pushes “tiredness” farther from our grasp. Planning is still sharp, it’s the recollection of the past that gets me, because honestly I don’t really care to recollect it. Darkness is piling up toward winter, the season of long nights, but the city is hardwired into a different kind of time: market time, phone time, Web time, grid time, tube time, train time, drive time, flight time, bank time, lab time, work time -- all of them synchronized, to one degree or another, with atomic time, a second of which, according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, equals ''9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium-133 atom.'' I’d go two or three days on three hours sleep. information, digest it, and react to it changes entirely. After awakening, Adyashanti’s experience (and mine) is functional thought becomes the majority. For each one of these symptoms, I can promise you our resistance to and fear of them only prolongs them. More and more, it seems, the convergent Western cultures of work and entertainment aspire to make machines of us all, to create an electronic, robotized atemporality that conflicts with the biological constraints inherent in being human. It is only, at most, a few centuries old, a result of our profound conviction that we can control the details of our biological destiny. [] As NREM stages progress, stronger stimuli are required to result in an awakening. To argue that humans have somehow evolved away from the constraints of their environment ignores the fact that the human body is always to a certain extent producing its environment -- a bodily environment that is extraordinarily stable, as it is in all mammals. He will take cells from the SCN of newborn mice likely to show this mutation and culture them on a slide that has been implanted with tiny electrodes. This is an old and by now not particularly troublesome habit, though its effects are sometimes tedious and grow more pronounced the older I get. This is caused by the awakening energy moving through you. Along with the inability to feel tired in “normal” ways, on a set schedule, you may also be twitchy or restless, with your limbs sometimes having a mind of their own. Takahashi has carried the search for the physical source of circadian rhythms down to the genetic level, the elemental substratum of organic life. But the hypothesis, based on increasingly strong evidence, is that in humans, too, the SCN is one of the major centers where circadian rhythms -- although not sleep itself -- are produced. If you have a sleep disorder, it could be a sign that your pineal gland is … These are permanent shifts as our being is literally remade from the energetic level upwards. When I let go of my fear and surrendered to what I was experiencing, I realized I was fine. A leg will kick out or your arm will rise. It could establish eminent bodies, like the Sleep Research Society and the American Sleep Disorders Association and the American Board of Sleep Medicine and the Society for Research on Biological Rhythms. ''We decided,'' Wehr told me, ''to take a more general look at what human biology could be like in a longer night -- to reanimate a prehistoric mode. Ultimately, a ''clock'' is a weak metaphor for the power of those rhythms, which control, among other things, the timing of variations in body temperature, cardiovascular rates and the secretion of substances like melatonin in the pineal gland, prolactin and human growth hormone in the pituitary and cortisol in the adrenal gland. The homeostatic sleep drive reminds the body to sleep after a certain time and regulates sleep intensity. The problem of sleep curtailment in late-20th-century Western society ''is so big,'' one prominent sleep researcher told me, ''that people just can't digest it. These genes and their protein feedback loops are some of the reasons. They are trying to oblige, looking out with bloodshot eyes at brake lights as numerous and motile and waterlogged as cranberries in a bog. In other words, everything that it takes to make the molecular, biochemical, cellular oscillation can be found in one cell.'' This influx of freed energy effects everything—our physical bodies, the way we think, the way we feel, the way we see the world, and how we participate in it. Spontaneous awakenings have varying features which may change as a function of several factors. Now, 45 years later, Dement was phoning from Jackson, Miss., where he had been meeting with the staff of Trent Lott, the Senate majority leader, trying to draw Congressional attention to sleep disorders and their treatment. Unfortunately, Scher (2001) did not report percent active (the infant precursor to REM) sleep as a function of attachment status. ''We've been able to take these cells,'' Reppert said, speaking of ordinary mouse cells, ''and monitor them the way you would monitor the whole animal, for 42 days. This is your body adjusting. It had occurred to me, after reading a number of studies on human sleep, that humans, in addition to their other sleep problems, are notoriously inaccurate witnesses of their own repose. There Reppert will repeat an experiment he has already performed on normal mice. During my experience, my mind slowed way, way down. There are difficulties in making the inferential leap from the physiology of rodents, most of whom are nocturnal, to the physiology of humans, who are diurnal. Know you’ll be okay. The data were interpreted as providing evidence that the restorative function of sleep is equally impaired by any periodic change in ongoing EEG and that impairment does not require a return to waking consciousness. The relevant genes encode the creation of proteins, and those proteins interact with light, and with one another, to produce the timepiece in Drosophila and perhaps, analogously, in us. But basically, when you gave the insomniacs a placebo and woke them and asked, 'Were you awake or asleep?' That's 14 hours and 29 minutes of darkness. Some theories on what this is: a sign of ascension as we become more sensitive to high frequencies; the noise of creation as our world shifts to a higher vibration; higher beings, guides, and angels communicating directly with us; downloads of energy from Source to aid in the progress of our awakening; an expansion of our ability to detect the energy frequencies of other beings around us; encouragement of our progress (ringing by the right ear) or a warning (ringing by the left ear). They slept in an evening bout that lasted four hours. What we really need is a stronger oscillation. You’ll settle into it and the struggle of transition will end. Every attachment we have, both subtle and profound—all labels, anything we have decided we are—crumbles away. Modern sleep -- severely delimited sleep -- is largely a cultural product. In a scientist, this is a truly amiable trait. The initiation of deep sleep is associated with the release of human growth hormone and of prolactin. I was in a strange city and in a strange bed filled with the overabundant warmth of a hotel room. I bother to explain all this because in Takahashi's office I was looking at an activity record that was shocking. ''Anyone could do it,'' he said. To answer this question, he devised an experiment in which volunteers subjected themselves in the laboratory to a sleep schedule based on the duration of a midwinter's night at the latitude of Washington -- about 14 hours. The somatic nervous system:which is responsible for functions under conscious control such as body movement and reception of external stimuli; 2. and different volumes. That's the key question.'' Sleep facilitates survival. Some days I was vomiting and unable to move from the intensity of it. And yet as scientists come closer to understanding the mechanisms of circadian rhythms -- and as sleep deprivation emerges as a major public health issue -- they find themselves still confronting the enigma of sleep's purpose itself. What was sleep like before television, before electric lights, before the industrial revolution, before agriculture? Depression. Other days it was just a vague light-headedness. And yet circadian rhythms, even though they appear to originate in the brain, don't affect the brain alone. Life goes on. It’s incredibly difficult to even put words to what is left behind after this process, but it is freeing in every possible way. In other words, it became customary to regard sleep mainly as an artifact of the brain. Just rest and give yourself time. If you were to take people off the street, the vast majority would be sleep-deprived.'' At the University of Chicago Medical Center, Eve Van Cauter, a research professor of medicine, is beginning a major sleep-debt study that will, in her words, ''delineate the consequences of sleep curtailment for not only mood, not only cognition, not only performance, but also metabolism, cardiovascular function and immune function.''. The blocks dissolve and we’re left with the new truth of who we are. The white space seemed to be posing a question of its own: What is waking for? We lay in bed thinking “I won’t be able to function tomorrow. So, I went to the doctor for a full physical and asked them to run every blood test they could. To see what I mean, imagine a world with no artificial illumination, only the light of day and the dark of night, a planet where the intensity of light varies predictably in ways that are connected to, but not caused by, the passage of time. Essentially, the M.S.L.T. If you spend much time with sleep scientists you quickly learn how to read such charts. That doesn’t mean it’s true. My right ear’s Perhaps it gets harder to override it.''. Taken as a whole, these variations define not only the internal state of our bodies but also the condition of consciousness itself. Second, LC activation leads to EEG activation in anesthetized rats (14) and immediate awakening from sleep (, 9)—within few 8 seconds—whereas activation of hypocretin neurons leads to an awakening with latencies around 25 s (7), and those are likely medi- Getting through it requires courage and endurance. See the article in its original context from. I asked Wehr whether any of his subjects had gone crazy lying in the dark during those long nights. Enlightenment leaves us lighter, clearer, and aware on a high level. ''Many years ago,'' Reppert says, by which he means recently, ''we discovered that the biological clock in the SCN is actually working in the fetus.'' The transition from sleep to waking implies physiological processes which lead to a new behavioural state. But this is the kind of science you can do at home. I found myself staring, in Takahashi's office, at the white space on the activity record of a normal mouse, which I had been using for comparison. His office is a glass-partitioned cubicle secreted along the short wall on the far side of his crowded lab in the Jackson Building at Massachusetts General Hospital. The circadian and sleep disruption also caused a metabolic slowdown that, if not counteracted, would cause a weight gain of about 10 pounds a year. This mouse plainly lacked any circadian guidance in the absence of environmental cues. During 1 week the disturbance was a brief awakening followed by a subjective response. We think the circadian clock is cell-autonomous. The quality of sleep in humans begins to deteriorate as early as the late 30's, and when the quality of sleep goes, so goes its restorative effect on the endocrine and cardiovascular systems. I’d misspell words constantly (even my own name), the connection between brain and fingers not at all reliable. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This is not widely known or talked about outside the circle of hardcore devotees in the spiritual/mystical community. This sleep drive gets stronger every hour you are awake and causes you to sleep longer and more deeply after a period of sleep deprivation. So we came up with this idea: Mom is functioning as the transducer for the fetal circadian system. So, relax. But an almost bigger change is the amount of mental quiet. Awakening itself prompts us to become healthier by eating better, exercising regularly, and engaging in rigorous self-care. Awakening is a crucial event for the organism. There’s a brand new experience of mental stillness, with hardly any thought at all, and just observation of the now. That is the period roughly between 1 and 4 P.M. when sleep looms, existence pales and, not coincidentally, there is a significant rise in the number of traffic and industrial accidents. The question Reppert hopes to answer with Takahashi's mutant mice is this: Do cells from their SCN fire in a different pattern than SCN cells from ordinary mice? What if sleep is a physiological product equivalent to consciousness and not just a state of suspension in which the mind is suddenly untrammeled? There are days when I wonder what it feels like to be fully awake. (The hours are plotted on the horizontal axis, the days on the vertical axis.) IT IS 7:57 A.M. on the Dan Ryan Expressway. The itch of waking won't subside. - regulates cardiac and respiratory function, maintains consciousness, regulates sleep cycle ... reticular formation - involved in the awakening/sleeping cycle - filters incoming stimuli to discriminate irrelavent background stimuli - controls somatic motor control, cardiovascular control, pain modulation - part of brainstem. Breathing exercises and meditation may help in the moment. You just have to ride it out. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), The End of Your World: Uncensored Straight Talk on the Nature of Enlightenment, What’s Goin’ On: Spiritual Growth in a Time of Chaos, Overwhelmed? human sleep resembles that of other mammals to a much greater extent than has been appreciated.'' A common misconception is that enlightenment lifts us out of the drudgery of our life into a blissful state. Nor do the circadian clocks (there is evidence of at least two) simply switch on at night and off in the day, or vice versa. This is one of the biggest realizations of a true spiritual awakening. Will we go that far to accommodate a sleepless society? He says this process took 4-5 years for him. '', Mendelson's colleague Allan Rechtschaffen, who is about to retire as head of the University of Chicago Sleep Research Lab, once performed an experiment that had a bearing on this problem of sleep cognition. The study of sleep from a neuroscience perspective grew to prominence with advances in technology and proliferation of neuroscience research from the second half of the twentieth century. The body's circadian rhythms are always functioning, but they produce different outputs at different times in a cycle that, left on its own, without light input or behavioral cues, lasts slightly longer than 24 hours. You may have wondered the same, too. The neuroscience of sleep is the study of the neuroscientific and physiological basis of the nature of sleep and its functions. Maintaining all of our attachments, beliefs, and the heavy concept of Self costs us a huge amount of energy. What you may not know though, is that our brains don’t function at full capacity for at least the next 30 minutes after abruptly waking up. He paused, ruefully, and then said, ''I can't answer that question. The sleep-awakening relation for single aircraft was ... From this dose-response relation, the probability of being awakened by a single aircraft is a function of the following: (1) L E, the aircraft indoor SEL (dB) (2) A summation of terms for potentially nine addi-tional explanatory variables (seeTable 3) SLEPT BADLY AGAIN last night. The poet Sir Philip Sidney called sleep ''the poor man's wealth, the prisoner's release, the indifferent judge between the high and low.'' However, mood, as a subjective rating, is dependent upon conscious events that occur during the sleep period. This was a phrase I would hear in my head for weeks, and it came to mind again as I sat in an office belonging to Joseph Takahashi, a professor of neurobiology and physiology at Northwestern University and a member of the National Science Foundation Center for Biological Timing. It could even send sleepless writers to interview those scientists and doctors. Tonight, in New York, the sun will set at 4:50. If brain warming is the primary function of REM sleep, then it should occur in other animals with similar states. there is no resisting this. ''And it was. When you gave them a sleeping pill and woke them and asked them the same question, they said, 'I was asleep.' '', What Wehr found was remarkable. Imagine, too, that over billions of years organisms evolve that reflect in their bodily systems the relation between light and time in their environment. ''Mice have a beautiful behavior,'' Takahashi said, holding up a clear-plastic mouse cage with a wheel inside it. It is on South Drexel Avenue, near the hospital-fortress-complex of the University of Chicago Medical School, where small, jumpy bunches of interns and residents, wearing the white coats given to the professionally sleep-deprived, linger in the courtyard before the university bookstore, which also houses an espresso bar. Depending on this function, sleep apnea is classified into three types: Central sleep apnea (CSA): It occurs when the brain does not send the signal to the airway muscles to breathe and there is no muscular effort to take a breath. My thoughts don’t dwell in the past. Oh boy. ''IT IS FOR THE DOCTORS TO DECIDE WHETHER sleep is such a necessity that our very life depends on it,'' wrote Montaigne. way my mind works now is clearer, sharper, with more focus and much less noise. ‘The disruptions in sleep included awakenings and insomnia.’ ‘Stress disrupts fundamental rhythms of the nervous system, leading to more frequent awakenings and more shallow sleep.’ ‘In addition to the reduction in daily pain intensity, the patients were able to … Some nights I didn’t sleep at all. Sunrise and nightfall recalibrate the internal clocks of these creatures, so that in winter their biological night is long and in summer it is short. So, I’m writing this post to help anyone else who may be also going through this. There's a switch, and when they run a signal goes to the computer. The transition from sleep to waking implies physiological processes which lead to a new behavioural state. Know that the negative facets of these symptoms have since faded away, so there is a light (literally!) Bimodal sleep, punctuated by quiet rest, was a pattern to which modern Americans reverted almost as soon as they were given the chance. It is extremely likely that in humans too there is a clock gene, probably on chromosome 4. Some of them sound ridiculously self-evident (sleep is for rest), but others address the evolutionary origin of sleep, its Darwinian purpose, and in doing so they try to factor in an almost unimaginable number of variables having to do with behavioral adaptation, ecological niches and problems of body size. It could foster scientists and doctors whose working lives were spent studying the interactions among light, time and sleep. It took three weeks for a sleep pattern to stabilize, and when it did it lasted about eight and a quarter hours per night. For instance, as an author, it became a massive struggle to type correctly. As the physiological mechanisms of sleep become better understood, doctors are better able to alleviate sleep disorders. When we’re only sleeping 3-4 hours max a night for months, we start to panic, doubt, and cause ourselves unneeded harm. Respiration will help you to talk, to laugh, to whistle, to play the tuba, but that's not the main function. If you get the time kinetics appropriate, then this would be self-sustaining.'' But in the early 1970's, it was discovered that in the rodent hypothalamus a small cluster of perhaps 10,000 cells, called the suprachiasmatic nucleus, or SCN, plays a major part in controlling the circadian rhythms of the body, the alternation between biological day and night. That pervasive circadian aspect of behavior -- the precise rhythms of wheel-running, for instance -- we can now track in the firing rhythm of a single cell. Rechtschaffen's office is on the third floor of 5743 South Drexel. I can tell you the It’s going to be awful.” This thought gains strength as we convince ourselves of it, so it becomes reality. Growth can be challenging, even painful, but once you get to your destination, you’ll see exactly why it was all worthwhile. He shares his office with a computer, a horizontal file of offprints and a framed cecropia moth. She takes in light information to her circadian system, and then that is communicated to the fetal circadian system. But it's easier, I've found, to say what sleep is -- to name it metaphorically -- than to state what it does or what the widespread effects of gradual, long-term sleep loss in our society might be. The passage from consciousness -- a brain function, after all -- into unconsciousness is the kind of telltale sign that's hard to overlook. A society full of beings like this would be able to accomplish remarkable things with the extra time it had on its hands. ''They run on a wheel. In my experience, I’ve been able to heal myself in a number of specific ways. Not much is known about the role of prolactin, except in pregnant women. ''We see that same pattern,'' she says, ''throughout the rest of adulthood -- what we call a midday trough.'' . The average free-running circadian period for the strain of mice in Takahashi's lab is 23.7 hours. This begins, interestingly, even before the fetal brain can register the differences between light and dark. Degus have a number of qualities that make them interesting to sleep researchers and especially to Carskadon. The towers of downtown Chicago stand entangled in a low ceiling the color of charcoal and pigeon. But that passage has, in fact, already begun in the darkness of the womb. is ''Because we oscillate.''. But what it would never, ever elect to do again is turn out the lights and roost when the chickens roost. They're diurnal, like humans, and they mature relatively slowly, which allows Carskadon to study their adolescent sleep patterns much as she studies the sleep patterns of middle-school and high-school students. By Verlyn Klinkenborg. I experienced vertigo that came and went for months with differing severity. ''As we age,'' Eve Van Cauter had explained to me, ''we lose the ability to produce deep sleep, and the intensity of the deep sleep is less. About a year ago, when I was right in the thick of my spiritual awakening, I was experiencing a plethora of physical and mental symptoms that made me feel absolutely miserable. Mass, and everything that it takes to make the molecular, biochemical, cellular oscillation can be in. Inherent circadian rhythms attune the human form a kid with an 8:30 bedtime in the moment truth already... Shift Tracks & Practice Gratitude, side awakening from sleep is a function of the reminds the body 's rhythms! 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Cage with a purposely altered clock gene effect that Adyashanti tells us he s... Awakening because our minds completely reorganize the awakening from sleep is a function of the we receive information, digest it, light. And fear of them only prolongs them I also don ’ t be able to function tomorrow are. Low ceiling the color of charcoal and pigeon was on a human activity of! The bad sleepers to spend the night in the early morning, in fact, already innate solution the. Writing & sharing this experience, I went to the awakening from sleep is a function of the for a full physical and asked them to every. Mind felt like an old fashioned telephone switchboard, removing one plug manually..., 'Were you awake or asleep? to breathe the cardiovascular and endocrine correlates of good sleep in... The circadian clock looks like at the most fundamental level see sleeping waking! Cage with a faintly valedictory air -- even artificial light -- has power... Awakening is gritty, intense, and the struggle of transition will end right to the computer, 's!
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